Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

Good-Sized Horse Walkthrough

Good-Sized Horse walkthrough

This is a guide to the Side Quest, Good-Sized Horse, in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Here you can find the quest walkthrough, where to start Good-Sized Horse, and all quest rewards.

How to Start Good-Sized Horse

Zyle location

Good-Sized Horse Location

Quest Giver Zyle
Location Gerudo Canyon
Region Wasteland

Talk to Zyle who is stranded along the road in Gerudo Canyon to start the quest.

Good-Sized Horse Walkthrough

Guide Overview

Talk to Zyle

Objectives Guide
Talk to Zyle
Find Zyle stranded along the road in Gerudo Canyon. Talk to him to find out that he needs a horse to continue his travels.

Mount a Horse

Mount a horse
Find a wild horse and catch it or ride one of your boarded horses that you are willing to give to Zyle.

Find the horse-riding Bokoblins near Mount Hylia and use Stasis on them while they're running toward you so you can steal their horses easily.

Bring the Horse to Zyle

3 Bring the horse to Zyle Ride the horse back to where Zyle is and sell it to him for a Gold Rupee.

Good-Sized Horse Quest Rewards

Good-Sized Horse reward 1

Zyle will buy the horse you bring to him for a Gold Rupee.

Adventure Log Entries

This is a full list of the Adventure Log entries for Good-Sized Horse.

Entry Entry Text
Quest Start You ran into a traveler named Zyle on a road in the Gerudo region—he's in trouble after losing his horse on his journey.

He says he'll give you 300 rupees if you bring him a horse... but it has to be appropriately sized for Zyle's body frame.
Quest Clear Zyle lost his horse during his travels and he seems to have approved of the one that you gave him to replace it.

You gave the horse to him for 300 rupees.

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