Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

EX Treasure: Twilight Relic Walkthrough

BOTW - EX Treasure Twilight Relic Walkthrough
This is a guide to the DLC Side Quest, EX Treasure: Twilight Relic, in the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Read on to learn how to start the quest and where to find Midna's Helmet.

How to Start EX Treasure: Twilight Relic

Map Journal Location

Location and Quest Giver

Quest Giver Misko's EX Journal
Location Outpost Ruins
Region Central

To start this quest, head to the Outpost Ruins east of the Great Plateau Tower. Look for Misko's EX Journal sitting on a desk in one of the ruined buildings.

EX Treasure: Twilight Relic Walkthrough

Guide Overview

Head to the Kolmo Garrison Ruins

Objectives Guide
Head to the Sage Temple Ruins
Head to the Sage Temple Ruins near Giant's Forest and slightly northwest of Mount Daphnes.
Nearest Shrine:
Sheem Dagoze Shrine

Dig up the EX Treasure Chest

Objectives Guide
Find the EX Treasure Chest
Head to the western most ruined building. The EX Treasure Chest is half-buried in a pile of rubble near a ruined wall together with some rusty equipment.

Dig Upthe EX Treasure Chest
Use Magnesis on the chest to dig it up.

EX Treasure: Twilight Relic Quest Rewards

Open the chest to receive Midna's Helmet. Wearing this mask gives Link Guardian Resistance, which increases his resistance to attacks from Guardian attacks.

Adventure Log Entries

Entry Entry Text
Quest Start "The princess of twilight, whose stories are handed down alongside those of the Hero of Twlight...
Her helmet can be found at the temple ruins soaked in the waters of Regencia River."
Misko's EX Journal gives the location of the helmet of twilight...but where could these water-soaked ruins be?
Quest Clear "The princess of twilight, whose stories are handed down alongside those of the Hero of Twilight...
Her helmet can be found at the temple ruins soaked in the waters of Regencia River."
You found the treasure that was hidden at Saga Temple Ruins and obtained Midna's Helmet!

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