Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

The Secret Club's Secret Walkthrough

The Secret Club

This is a guide to the Side Quest, The Secret Club's Secret, in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Here you can find the quest walkthrough, where to start The Secret Club's Secret, and all quest rewards.

How to Start The Secret Club's Secret

Secret club entrance

The Secret Club's Secret Location

Quest Giver Greta
Location Gerudo Town
Region Wasteland

The side quest starts after attempting to enter the Fashion Passion in Gerudo Town.

The Secret Club's Secret Quest Requirements

There are two things you need before you can start The Secret Club's Secret side quest:

  1. Clear Divine Beast Vah Naboris quest.
  2. Activate The Thunder Helm quest.

The Secret Club's Secret Walkthrough

Guide Overview

Find the Fashion Passion

Objectives Guide
Find the secret club entrance
Go to the eastern side of Gerudo Town and interact with the door. Greta will ask for a password before letting you in, which will start the quest.

Discover the Secret Password

Go to the northern part of the town
Go inside the building on the northern part of Gerudo Town.
Eavesdrop on the women
Proceed to the window and eavesdrop on the women on the other side for the password. The password is GSC♦.

Return to Fasion Passion

4 Return to the secret club Return to the secret club and enter the password (GSC♦) to complete the side quest.

The Secret Club's Secret Quest Rewards

The Secret Club

Completing the side quest will give you access to the Secret Armor shop of Gerudo Town.

Adventure Log Entries

This is a full list of the Adventure Log entries for The Secret Club's Secret.

Entry Entry Text
Quest Start The clothes shop Fashion Passion has a secret entrance where only members can get in. To gain entrance, you need a secret password known only to members. It seems that once you give the wrong password, you won't be able to try again for an entire day.
Quest Clear You discovered the secret password.
The password is "GSC♦."
Now you can go in whenever you want.

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