Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

Leviathan Bones Walkthrough | All Leviathan Bones Locations

Breath of the Wild (BotW) Leviathan Bones Side Quest

This is a guide to the Side Quest, Leviathan Bones, in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Here you can find a quest walkthrough, where to start Leviathan Bones, and all quest rewards.

How to Start Leviathan Bones

Quest Start Leviathan - BotW

Leviathan Bones Location

Quest Giver Akrah
Location Serenne Stable
Region Woodland

The quest is pretty easy to find. You will want to look for a group of three men around the Serenne Stable, who will all have a quest marker above them. Speaking to any of them will start the quest.

Leviathan Bones Walkthrough

Guide Overview

Start the Quest at Serenne Stable

Objectives Guide
1 Quest Start Leviathan - BotW
Go to Serenne Stable
Start the quest by speaking with the three men at Serenne Stable.

Gerudo Great Skeleton Location

Go to Hawa Koth Shrine
If you have unlocked the Hawa Koth Shrine in the bottom-left corner of the map, you can teleport there to find the Skeleton easily.

Find the Gerudo Skeleton
If you haven't found the Gerudo Great Skeleton yet, you can find it by heading south-west from Gerudo Town. We recommend catching or renting a Sand Seal to get there, as it will go in a straight line even through the sandstorms.
There will be some large bones on your way there, but you need to continue all the way to the bottom corner of the desert.
Take the Picture
Once you've found the right place, take a picture from a small distance. Remember to save it and don't delete it until you have all three pictures.

Eldin Great Skeleton Location

Head to Gut Check Rock
There's no shrine super close to the Eldin Great Skeleton, so we recommend getting there from the Gorae Torr Shrine at Gut Check Rock.
Travel North and West
From Gut Check Rock, use the updraft to fly to the north-west. You'll be aiming for the area with some Igneo Pebblits and a Fire-Breath Lizalfos, all of which will show up as you get close enough.
Find the Eldin Skeleton
If you continue west after you've gotten close to the northern end of the map, you should be able to see the Skeleton in the distance, so head towards it!
Take the Picture
Once you get close enough, snap a picture of the Skeleton and save it.

Hebra Great Skeleton Location

Hebra Great Skeleton Location

Go to To Quomo Shrine
If you have activated the To Quomo Shrine, you need only teleport there to find the Skeleton, but if not you need to find the cave entrance first.

Find the Cave Entrance
To find the Hebra Skeleton, you need to head to the north-west Hebra Mountains, close to the edge of the world. Aim for the small square of water you can see on the map.
Make a Cryonis Bridge
Before you throw the snow ball down the hill, make sure to make a bridge it can pass over by using Cryonis on the small pond.

Enter the Cave
You will need to use the large snow balls at the top of the nearby slope, by rolling them down slope and breaking the door open.
Take the Photo
Once inside you should easily spot the Skeleton (and the To Quomo Shrine!), so use your camera and take the last photo.

Return to the Researchers

Head Back to Serenne Stable
Once you have all pictures, head back to Serenne Stable and show them to the researchers. This will complete the quest, earning you a Gold Rupee.

Leviathan Bones Quest Rewards

Breath of the Wild (BotW) Leviathan Bones Quest Reward
The reward for all your traveling and hardships is a Gold Rupee.

Adventure Log Entries

This is a full list of the Adventure Log entries for Leviathan Bones.

Entry Entry Text
Quest Start Akrah at the Serene Stable asked you to get a visual record of the levithian bones. The record need not have the whole skeleton in it, so as long as the skull isvisible.

Leviathan bones are apparently found in Eldin to the northeast, Hebra to the nothwest, and Gerudo to the southwest.
Quest Clear You took pictures of the leviathan bones in Eldin, Hebra, and Gerudo. As thanks for advancing the cause of paleontology, Akrah gave you 300 rupees.

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