Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity

The Battle of Hyrule Field Walkthrough: All Treasure Chests and Korok Seeds Locations

The Battle of Hyrule Field Banner.png

A walkthrough for Chapter 1: The Battle of Hyrule Field in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity for the Nintendo Switch. The Battle of Hyrule Field maps, main enemies and battlefield materials, locations of Korok seeds and treasure chests, how to unlock, as well as rewards for completing this battle can be found in this guide.

The Battle of Hyrule Field Overview

Battle Info

The Battle of Hyrule Field
Story Chapter Chapter 1
Recommended Level 1
Region Central Hyrule
Unlock Conditions Unlocks at the start of the game


First-Clear Rewards None

The Battle of Hyrule Field Battlefield Materials and Main Enemies

Battlefield Materials

Flint Icon Flint

List of Materials

The Battle of Hyrule Field Walkthrough


The Battle of Hyrule Field Map


1 Charge forward and defeat as many Bokoblins as you can while learning the combat basics.
2 Head west and take out the Moblin that just appeared.
3 Outposts.jpg
Capture the 3 outposts marked on your map.

Defeat enough enemies until a powerful enemy appears then take it out to capture an outpost.

Head to the path south of the nearest marked outpost to start a cutscene with Impa. You'll be able to control her after she reaches the center of Hyrule Field where a Fire Wizzrobe will appear.
4 Last three moblins.jpg
Defeat the 3 Moblins on the southeastern corner of the map to finish the battle.

The Battle of Hyrule Field Tips and Strategies

HW:AoC - Weak-Point Smash

When against a powerful enemy, wait until they attack and expose their weak-point gauge. Perform combos and abilities to deplete the gauge so you can perform a Weak-Point Smash that deals massive damage.

How to Perform a Weak-Point Smash

The Battle of Hyrule Field Korok Seed Locations

7 Korok Seeds Total

Map Location Directions
Find a crate northwest of the first outpost.
Find a flower just outside the second outpost.
3 Battle of Hyrule Field Korok Seeds Map
Find a flower against a wall northwest of the southern Fire Wizzrobe.
Find a tree stump south of the northern Fire Wizzrobe inside a fortress.
Find a flower on your way the easternmost outpost.
Find a balloon on the field northeast of the outpost.
Find a pinwheel on a bridge to the 3 Moblins.

All Korok Seed Locations Guide

The Battle of Hyrule Field Treasure Chest Locations

Number Location and Description Rewards

Find a metal chest east of the wall on the top of the map.
Topaz ×5

Find a wooden chest on the right before you enter the 2nd outpost.
Rupees ×100

Find a wooden chest on next to a Bokoblin and a soldier southeast of the 3rd outspost.
Traveler's Sword

Find a wooden chest behind a tree on the southeast path on the map.
Kakariko Kodachi

Find a stone chest behind the farthest house east of the map.
Soldier's Broadsword

All Treasure Chest Locations

All Story Guides

HW - Story Walkthrough

Story Walkthrough: List of Chapters

Chapter 1
The Battle of Hyrule Field Walkthrough.pngThe Battle of Hyrule Field Road to the Ancient Lab Walkthrough.pngRoad to the Ancient Lab
Chapter 2
Mipha the Zora Princess Walkthrough.pngMipha, the Zora Princess Daruk the Goron Hero Walkthrough.pngDaruk, the Goron Hero
Revali the Rito Warrior Walkthrough.pngRevali, the Rito Warrior Urbosa the Gerudo Chief Walkthrough.pngUrbosa, the Gerudo Chief
The Yiga Clan Attacks! Walkthrough.pngThe Yiga Clan Attacks!
Chapter 3
Freeing Korok Forest Walkthrough.pngFreeing Korok Forest The Road Home Besieged Walkthrough.pngThe Road Home, Besieged
Chapter 4
Akkala Tower Walkthrough.pngAkkala Tower Destroy the Yiga Clan! Walkthrough.pngDestroy the Yiga Clan!
When Courage Fails Walkthrough.pngWhen Courage Fails
Chapter 5
Calamity Strikes Walkthrough.pngCalamity Strikes
Water and Fire Walkthrough.pngWater and Fire Air and Lightning Walkthrough.pngAir and Lightning
Chapter 6
Relentless as a Waterfall Walkthrough.pngRelentless as a Waterfall Each Step Like Thunder Walkthrough.pngEach Step Like Thunder
Chapter 7
The Great Plateau Walkthrough.pngThe Great Plateau All Hyrule United Walkthrough.pngAll Hyrule, United
The Future of Hyrule Walkthrough.pngThe Future of Hyrule


1 noabout 4 years

Haha, they used the wrong treasure map.


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