Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity

Frost Talus Material Drops and Battles They Appear In

This page is about Frost Talus material drops in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity. In addition to material items dropped by Frost Talus, you can find all of the battles that they appear in. Read on to learn more!

Battles Where Frost Talus Appears

Frost Talus
Frost Talus Icon

Battles that Frost Talus Appears in

Challenge 21-30
Anti-Ice Training: II
Challenge 41-50
Winged Escort
Challenge 51-60
Reclaim the Land
Challenge 51-60
Zora Mettle

Materials Dropped by Frost Talus

Opal IconOpal Amber IconAmber Flint IconFlint Stone Talus Trophy IconStone Talus Trophy
Sapphire IconSapphire Diamond IconDiamond

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