Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

Where to Farm Bokoblin Horns: Locations and Prices

This is a guide to farming Bokoblin Horns, a material in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW). Learn where to get Bokoblin Horns, its buy and sell prices, as well as what you can do with it.

Bokoblin Horn General Info

Bokoblin Horn
Bokoblin Horn Image
Item Type Spoils
The severed horn of a Bokoblin, a creature often encountered on the plains of Hyrule. It isn't edible, but can be tossed into a stew with some critters to make an elixir.

Bokoblin Horn Buy Prices

Buy Price - / -

Where to Farm Bokoblin Horns

Bokoblin Horn Locations and Sources

Monster Drop
Dropped By
Golden Bokoblin Silver Bokoblin Stalkoblin Black Bokoblin
Blue Bokoblin Bokoblin

Bokoblin Horns can be farmed through drops from Bokoblin monsters in the overworld.

Monster Description
BokoblinBokoblins - Lowest Variant
- Red in color
- Easiest to deal with
Blue BokoblinBlue Bokoblins - 2nd Variant of Bokoblin
- Stronger and smarter than Bokoblins
- Most commonly found alongside Bokoblins in camps
Black BokoblinBlack Bokoblins - Highest Variant of Bokoblin
- Most commonly found alongside Bokoblins in camps
StalkoblinStalkoblins - Only randomly appear at night

Bokoblin Monster Locations

Bokoblin Monsters are found all around Hyrule. They are commonly found in camps, though you may also find them wandering solo or attacking nearby travelers and prey. Read on to find out where their locations are.

Great Plateau

Bokoblin Monsters Location


Bokoblin Monsters can be found alongside Guardian Stalkers so make sure to have ample preparations.

Bokoblin Monsters Location


West Necluda
Hills of Baumer
Dueling Peaks Tower
Batrea Lake
Horwell Bridge
Near Ha Dahamar Shrine
Bubinga Forest
Fort Hateno (West)
Mount Rozudo
Near Faron Tower
Near Pumaag Nitae Shrine
Ebara Forest
East Necluda
Fort Hateno (East)
Near Hateno Tower
Firly Plateau
Outside Hateno Village
Base of Mount Taran, between Koto Pond and Hanu Pond
Near Tawa Jinn Shrine
Base of Tuft Mountain
Necluda Sea


Before farming in Gerudo Desert, we recommend finishing Divine Beast Vah Naboris so that you can freely explore here without fear of being hit by its lightning when you come too close. Finishing this main quest and solving Kema Zoos Shrine and Hawa Koth Shrine will also clear up the raging sandstorms here that prevents Link to use the map on the Sheikah Slate. We also recommend using Sand Seals to make traversing the desert easier and faster. You may catch a wild one in the desert or rent one in Gerudo Town for 20 rupees or 50 rupees, if you don't have a shield.

Gerudo Desert
Near Tho Kayu Shrine
Near Hawa Koth Shrine
Gerudo Highlands
Around Gerudo Tower
Mountain around Kuh Takkar Shrine
Near Kema Kosassa Shrine
Star Icon - Bokoblin Camp
Skull Icon - Bokoblin
Shield Icon - Blue Bokoblin
Sword Icon - Black Bokoblin

What To Do With Bokoblin Horns

Sell for Rupees

Bokoblin Horn can be sold for 3 Rupees. However, we recommend looking into other uses instead.

Item Sell Price
Bokoblin Horn 3

Use It for Cooking

Bokoblin Horn can be used to whip up the following recipes and elixirs.

There are no entries for this item.

Use It for Armor Upgrades

Bokoblin Horn can be used to upgrade the following armor through Great Fairies.

Hylian Hood IconHylian Hood Hylian Trousers IconHylian Trousers Hylian Tunic IconHylian Tunic

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