Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

The Bird in the Mountains Walkthrough

This is a guide to the Shrine Quest, The Bird in the Mountains, in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Here you can find the quest walkthrough, where to start The Bird in the Mountains and all quest rewards.

How to Start The Bird in the Mountains

The Bird in the Mountains Location

Quest Giver Molli
Location Rito Village
Region Hebra

The Bird in the Mountains Walkthrough

Guide Overview

Talk to Molli

Objectives Guide
Talk to Molli
Look and talk to Molli in Rito Village. You can find her sitting on the ledge, on the stairs in between Larissa's room and the kitchen.

Head to the Cedar Tree

Head to Cedar Tree
Go to the indicated tree located at the Talonto Peak. It should take you around 10 minutes to get there.

Before you start trekking your way into the tree, prepare some food or elixirs that provides cold resistance. You can also equip the Snowquill Armor if you have it to protect yourself from the cold.
Search for the "Bird"
Look northwest from the Talonto Peak and look for a bird-looking landscape. Glide there and start searching for the Shrine.

Look for the Shrine

Look for the Shrine
You should be able to see the Shrine inside a small cave while gliding on the way to the bird-looking landscape. Activate the Shrine, and that should complete the quest.

The Bird in the Mountains Quest Rewards

Shrine Quest Reward (BotW) - The Bird in the Mountains
Clearing the quest unlocks the Mozo Shenno Shrine.

Adventure Log Entries

This is a full list of the Adventure Log entries for The Bird in the Mountains.

Entry Entry Text
Quest Start Molli in Rito Village told you a story about the lone cedar tree on the Hebra Mountains.

"Once upon a time, my grandpa stopped at a big tree while he was climbing a big mountain and looked below him to the northwest. When suddenly he saw a HUGE snow-white birdie with its wings spread wide! My grandpa took off flying after the snow-white birdie. And as he got a little closer to the white birdie, Grandpa saw something SUPER important inside its belly!"
Quest Clear When you looked out from the top of the lone cedar tree Molli told you about, you saw the shape of a large bird in the snowy cliff tops.
As you soared down to investigate, you caught a glimpse of a hidden ancient shrine!

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