Infinity Nikki

Fresh, Fresh Day! Quest Guide

★ Latest: Version 1.3, The Queen's Lament, & Bullquet Care Day
☆ New Miracle Outfit: Silvergale's Aria
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Infinity Nikki - Fresh, Fresh Day!

Fresh, Fresh Day! is a World Quest located in Wishing Woods of the Heartcraft Kingdom region in Infinity Nikki 1.0. See how to get Adoda's Gift, how to unlock this quest, its walkthrough, and all its rewards here in this guide!

Fresh, Fresh Day! Quest Location

Go to Wishing Woods

Fresh, Fresh Day! is located at Wishing Woods, in the region of Heartcraft Kingdom. Teleport to the Ruins of the Guardians Warp Spire and speak with a Faewish Sprite named Adoda right beside it to start the quest.

Wishing Woods Map Guide

How to Unlock Fresh, Fresh Day!

Complete the Prerequisites

Quest Unlock Requirements
Infinity Nikki- Fresh, Fresh Day!
Infinity Nikki - Showdown With Chigda! Showdown With Chigda!

Fresh, Fresh Day! Automatically unlocks on your map upon completing the Main Quest Showdown With Chigda!

Showdown With Chigda! Quest Guide

Fresh, Fresh Day! Walkthrough

Find Adoda's Gift Inside the Ruins of the Guardians

1 Infinity Nikki Enter the Ruins of The Guardians
Use your Shrinking ability and jump through the hole in the wall in front of the resurrection pad to enter the ruins.
The first Iron Squirrel Statue will move in a sweeping motion. To avoid being hit, hide behind one of the small debris and wait for its gaze to pass by, then quickly sprint toward the next resurrection pad.
There will be two Iron Squirrel Statues in the next area that also move in a sweeping motion. Like the first statue, hide behind the debris, wait for its gaze to move away, then sprint toward the next debris. Move up the stairs after the second statue averts its gaze to find the next resurrection pad.
In the upper floor, there will be two more Statues guarding a doorway. Bypass their gaze by hiding within their blind spots as they look away, then quickly sprint toward the corridor on the left to find another resurrection pad.
Pick up Adoda's Gift on top of the debris next to a vase, just after the resurrection pad in the corridor you entered.

Give the Gift to Adoda

Bypass the Statue in the next room by passing behind it as its gaze spins around the area., then jump from the ledge to exit the Ruins of the Guardians. Return Adoda's gift to her and agree to come to her grandmother's Fresh Freshday Party at the Grand Millewish Tree.

Go to the Grand Millewish Tree to Attend the Party

Infinity Nikki Go to the Grand Millewish Tree to Attend the Party

Teleport to the Grand Tree Residential Area and speak with Adoda's grandmother Siyabo. After a few bits of chatter, Nikki offers her a gift by playing Happy Birthday on the Violin.

Use the Violinist Outfit to Play Happy Birthday

Use your Violinist outfit and masterfully play the Happy Birthday song. Siyabo will deliver a small speech afterward, declaring Nikki and Momo's Fresh Every Moment anniversary. This concludes the quest and allows you to claim all rewards!

Optional: Eavesdrop on the Faewish Sprites' Conversation

Infinity Nikki Eavesdrop on the Other Faewish Sprites

Before playing the Violin, you may also eavesdrop on the group of Faewish Sprites next to Siyabo. This won't directly impact the quest, although you can learn what other gifts the other Sprites have readied for Siyabo.

Fresh, Fresh Day! Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

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