Wakka - Character Introduction

Final Fantasy X Wakka name

This is a page about the character Wakka from the game Final Fantasy X (FFX, FF 10). Read on to find out more information about this character.

Wakka Basic Information

Wakka Portrait

Race Human
Home Besaid
Gender Male
Age 23
Height 188cm
Weapon Blitzball
Celestial Weapon World Champion

Wakka Introduction

Wakka is yevonite and is also the captain of the Besaid Auroch, the so called worst blitzball team in history.

Despises the Al Bhed due to their unfaithfulness in Yevon and also due to the fact that his brother died while using the forbidden machinas. He travels with the party as Yuna's guardian.

Wakka Overdrive - Slots

A slot machine appears. Each reels differ depending on the chosen Overdrive. Below are all the Overdrives leanable by Wakka.

Element Reels

Elemental Reels appear. Not matching any element will make Wakka hit a random target with a non-elemental attack.

Hitting two identitcal reels will make wakka hit a random target with the reel's element type. Hitting three identical reels will make Wakka hit all enemies with the Reel's element type.

Attack Reels

Numbered Reels appear. Wakka hits a random target based on the total sum of all the reel's numbers. If all reels are equal to two, then Wakka hits random enemies 12 times.

Status Reels

Status Reels appear. Not matching any symbol will make Wakka hit a random target with a non-status attack. Hitting two identical symbol will make Wakka hit a random target and inflict the symbol's status ailment (if not immune). Hitting three identical symbol will hit all target with the symbol's status effect.

The Status effects per symbol are as follows.

  • Skull - Poison, Silence, Darkness, Sleep .
  • Down - Armor Break, Mental Break, Power Break, Magic Break.
  • Egg - Petrification, Slow, and Delay.

Auroch Reels

Randomized Reels appear with the Aurochs Symbol. Reel symbols are from the Status Reels and Elemental Reels. Hitting three identical Auroch Reels will make Wakka unleash a non-elemental attack at all the enemies that deals massive damage.

How to Get Wakka's Overdrives

Compete in Blitzball Tournaments

Wakka's Overdrives can be won during Blitzball Leagues and tournaments.

  • Attack Reels - Obtained as a tournament prize in blitzball.
  • Status Reels - Obtained as a League prize in blitzball. Requires the player to have obtained the Attack Reels.
  • Auroch Reels - Obtained as a tournament prize in blitzball. Requres the player to have obtained the Status Reels.

The Jupiter Sigil also appears as a League prize after obtaining all the Overdrives available for Wakka.

Final Fantasy X Related Link

Main Characters
Tidus Yuna
Wakka Lulu
Kimahri Auron
Rikku -
Major Antagonists
Seymour Sin
Jecht Yu Yevon


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