Yuna - Character Introduction

Final Fantasy X Yuna Character Introduction
This is a pageabout the character Yuna from the game Final Fantasy X (FFX, FF 10). Read on to find out more information about this character.

Yuna's Basic Information

Yuna Portrait

Race Human - Al Bhed Hybrid
Home Bevelle
Gender Female
Age 17
Height 161cm
Weapon Rods
Celestial Weapon Nirvana

Yuna Introduction

Yuna is the daughter of the High Summoner Braska who managed to vanquish Sin ten years ago during the events of Final Fantasy X. The young lady also aspires to be a high summoner.

She is the first person to believe about the existence of Tidus's home Zanarkand. She embarks on a pilgrimage together with her guardians to the ruined Zanarkand to obtain the final Aeon and defeat Sin once and for all.

Yuna's Overdrive - Grand Summon

Yuna's Overdrive Grand Summon allows her to call one of her Aeons with a full Overdrive Meter. The Aeon's Overdrive will return to its original value after using Yuna's bestowed Overdrive Meter.

This allows the Aeon to execute two consecutive Overdrives if its meter is already full when Grand Summon is used.

Final Fantasy X Related Links

Main Characters
Tidus Yuna
Wakka Lulu
Kimahri Auron
Rikku -
Major Antagonists
Seymour Sin
Jecht Yu Yevon


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