Auron - Character Introduction

Final Fantasy X Auron name

This is a page about the character Auron from the game Final Fantasy X (FFX, FF 10). Read on to find out more information about this character.

Auron Basic Information

Auron portrait

Race Human
Home Bevelle
Gender Male
Age 35
Height 182cm
Weapon Katana
Celestial Weapon Masamune

Auron Introduction

Auron is one of Braska's guardian together with Jecht. Once a monk, he was excommunicated after declining marriage from the head priest's daughter. Regarded as a legendary guardian, he also becomes Yuna's guardian as per her father's request.

Auron Overdrive - Bushido

Input the necessary command before the time limit ends. Inputting the commands correctly offers additional benefits and effects for his overdrive.

Dragon Fang

Damages all enemies. If button input is correct, inflicts delay on all enemies.

Shooting Star

Damages a single target. If button input is correct, ejects the enemy.

Banishing Blade

Damages a single target. If button input is correct, applies full break to the enemy.


Damages all enemies. If button input is correct, deals more damage.

Final Fantasy X Related Link

Main Characters
Tidus Yuna
Wakka Lulu
Kimahri Auron
Rikku -
Major Antagonists
Seymour Sin
Jecht Yu Yevon


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