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The Fate of the Morningstar Tall Tale Guide

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Sea of Thieves - The Fate of the Morningstar

A walkthrough guide for The Fate of the Morningstar Tall Tale in Sea of Thieves. Read on to see a complete Tall Tale walkthrough and guide for The Fate of the Morningstar, including info on how to get all its Commendations and a list of its completion rewards.

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The Art of the Trickster Revenge of the Morningstar

The Fate of the Morningstar Overview and Location

The Fate of the Morningstar
Story Arc Shores of Gold
Quest Location Next to the Ferryman at the Ferry of the Damned.
Reward 8000 Gold (High Seas)
2400 Gold (Safer Seas)
Morningstar Flag
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The Art of the Trickster Revenge of the Morningstar

Die In-Game to Get to the Ferryman

In order to reach the Ferryman, you should intentionally die in-game, then offer your soul to the Ferryman to arrive on his ship: The Ferry of the Damned. Begin the quest by voting for the Tall Tale next to the Ferryman.

Note that the quickest way to die would be to drown yourself at sea, jump from a high location, or attack explosive barrels.

The Fate of the Morningstar Walkthrough

No. The Fate of the Morningstar Objectives
1 Locate the Ferryman's Grave
2 Obtain Enchanted Lantern
3 Locate the Marooned Souls
4 Follow Footprints to Find Their Bodies
5 Return to Ferryman

Locate the Ferryman's Grave

Read the Book of the Unclaimed Dead from the quest items radial menu. The Ferryman will have mentioned which island where he perished. Locate the island on your ship's map, then sail there.

Two different locations you might be directed to are either Marauder's Arch (Q-3) or Kraken's Fall (R-12).

Obtain Enchanted Lantern

Head to the highest peak of the island, which has a dead tree on a large rock at the tip. Bring out your shovel and dig up the area under the dead tree to unearth the Ferryman's Sarcophagus.

Open it to obtain the Enchanted Lantern, which you will use to retrace the steps of dead sailors who still linger as ghosts.

Locate the Marooned Souls

Open up the quest book once more and read the section of Wild Rose and George, which mentions the location of the marooned souls on another island. Search for the island on your ship's map, then sail there.

Two different locations you might be directed to are either Kraken's Fall (R-12) or Old Faithful Isle (M-4).

Follow Footprints to Find Their Bodies

Follow Footprints
Arriving at the location indicated in the quest book, bring up the Enchanted Lantern to find a group of three ghosts at a small camp who come under attack by skeletons. The three men scatter in different directions.

Follow their footprints to find the Skeleton Chests their bodies were placed into, and the Skeleton Keys that open these chests. There are three chests and three keys to find in total.

Finding Dinger

Kraken's Fall Chest Kraken's Fall Key

From the camp, follow Dinger's footprints up the mountain until you find him shot from a cliff edge down into the water. Jump into the water and continue following his footprints underwater until you come out of the water and find his body being stuffed into a Skeleton Chest.

The footprints then branch off: Normal skeleton footprints, which lead to the Skeleton Chest buried under a large creature's skeleton, and footprints of a skeleton with a pegleg, which lead up the mountain to the top, where a cannon is.

The peglegged skeleton then loads the Skeleton Key into the cannon and launches it into the ocean. Operate the cannon yourself and make it face the exact same direction. Jump into the cannon and launch yourself into the ocean. The key should be close to where you land, on the ocean floor.

Finding Fontaine

Kraken's Fall Chest Kraken's Fall Key

From the camp, follow Fontaine's footsteps until he encounters a skeleton who shoots him. Fontaine will then leave bloodstains on the ground, which you still need to track using your lantern. Follow the bloodstains till you find his body being placed into a Skeleton Chest.

The footprints then branch off: Normal skeleton footprints, which lead to the Skeleton Chest buried in the sand next to drawings of fish, and footprints of a skeleton with a pegleg, which lead to a lever, which brings down a cage that contains the Skeleton Key.

Finding Captain Slate

Kraken's Fall Chest Kraken's Fall Key

From the camp, follow Slate's footprints around the island and up the mountain till he comes face to face with a Skeleton Lord. He is defeated and his body is placed into a Skeleton Chest.

The location of the Skeleton Chest is indicated on the ghost map on the ground. Head to the X indicated on the map to find the chest buried underground.

The Skeleton Key, held by a skeleton with a pegleg, was thrown into the water below, which you can safely jump down into. The key should be underwater, on the pond's floor.

Return to Ferryman

After finding all three Skeleton Chests and freeing their souls, you can now return to the Ferryman by dying. Speak to the Ferryman to end this quest.

The Fate of the Morningstar Commendations and Rewards

Commendation Reward How to Unlock
Deed of the Dead None Legendary Commendation: Complete the Tale 5 times.
Fate of Dinger None Free Dinger.
Fate of Eli Slate None Free Eli Slate.
Fate of Fontainte None Free Fontaine.
Ghost Stories None Discover all 5 of the Ghost Hunter's Journals.
The Fate of the Morningstar Morningstar Flag Complete 'The Fate of the Morningstar'.
The Unbroken Bond Morningstar Sails Legendary Commendation: Complete all commendations for 'The Fate of the Morningstar'.
Treasure of the Damned None Discover the Ferryman's Greatest Treasure.

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All Tall Tales

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Shores of Gold
1 The Shroudbreaker
2 The Cursed Rogue
3 The Legendary Storyteller
4 Stars of a Thief
5 Wild Rose
6 The Art of the Trickster
7 The Fate of the Morningstar
8 Revenge of the Morningstar
9 Shores of Gold
Ashen Age
1 The Seabound Soul
2 Heart of Fire
A Pirate's Life
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2 The Sunken Pearl
3 Captains of the Damned
4 Dark Brethren
5 Lords of the Sea
The Legend of Monkey Island
1 The Journey to Melee Island
2 The Quest for Guybrush
3 The Lair of LeChuck


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