
How to Beat Matilda


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MementoMori's Matilda is one of the witches players will frequently encounter across the game. Read on to learn how to make use of the game's witches and mechanics to defeat them in battle.

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How to Beat Matilda

How to Beat Matilda Overview

PvE Rank PvP Rank
MementoMori - S Icon
MementoMori - S Icon
Base Rarity Soul Type Role
SR (Limited) MementoMori - Crimson Icon Crimson MementoMori - Sorcerer Icon Sorcerer Tank/Buffer

Matilda is a strong utility unit that can affect the battlefield in a number of ways. She is an offensive buffer who can significantly enhance her carries' attacks by buffing their ATK, CRIT chance, and a chance to hit by up to a staggering 50% when she has her unique weapon. She also has the ability to survive longer than most, thanks to her ability to cut the damage she receives by up to 40%.

Her own damage output is also quite potent, with one of her skills hitting the opponent with the highest ATK for 680% of Matilda's ATK. Matilda is quite fast, ranking in the top 20 highest base SPD in the game, at the time of writing. This means that she can perform her buffs and strike the opponent's carry early into the round. Finally, she can heal her allies by a decent amount. Overall, Matilda offers a range of benefits when you field her in your team.

Matilda Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses
• Offers her team's carry powerful offensive buffs.
• Strong attack that targets the opponent's carry.
• Tanky with her damage-cutting capabilities.
• Her buffs are dispellable.
• Loses her tankiness in the later part of the battle.
• Needs high ATK to shine.

Matilda Skill Analysis

Memento Mori - Queen of Jobari Icon
Queen of Jobari

Skill Skill Effect
Memento Mori - Queen of Jobari Icon
Queen of Jobari
Level 1 (Unlocks by Default)
Increases the ATK, chance to deal a critical hit, and chance to hit of Matilda and the ally with the highest ATK by 20% for 1 turn (cannot be dispelled). These 3 effects are treated as 1 buff. Afterwards, this skill deals 1 magical attack equal to 380% of Matilda’s ATK to the enemy with the highest ATK.
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 81)
Additionally, if a target of this skill’s buff is enhanced with Royally Certified Banana’s buff, that buff is dispelled from that target, and the number of turns of this skill’s buff on them becomes 4.
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 161)
The magical attack’s damage becomes equal to 680% of her ATK.

A powerful buff and a potent attack at the same time. The buff that this skill grants is very strong, especially for DPS carries that benefit well from crits like Florence and Cordie. It also benefits the allied target's chance to hit, making it great against teams that use evasive units like Dian. Finally, when Matilda has her Unique Weapon, the buff from this skill becomes much more potent at 50% instead of 20%.

The damage from this skill is also nothing to laugh at, dealing with up to 680% of Matilda's ATK. The targeting from this skill is also very good, as it locks in on the opponent with the highest ATK.

While the buff from this skill is undoubtedly very strong, its weakness lies in its ability to be dispelled. Plenty of units can do this, which makes this skill quite easy to counter. Someone that comes to mind that hard-counters this skill is Nina, as she can take it a step further and not only dispel this buff, but steal it for herself.

Memento Mori - Soulbound by Loyalty Icon
Soulbound by Loyalty

Skill Skill Effect
Memento Mori - Soulbound by Loyalty Icon
Soulbound by Loyalty
Level 1 (Unlocks by level 61)
When Matilda is attacked, the damage is cut by 10%.
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 141)
When she is attacked, if the number of allies who are alive other than Matilda is 2 or more, the potency of damage cutting becomes 30%.
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 221)
When she is attacked, if the number of allies who are alive other than Matilda is 2 or more, the potency of damage cutting becomes 40%.

Matilda's tankiness is solely credited to this skill. As long as she has 2 other allies left standing, the damage she receives is cut by up to 40%. Because of this, she can have a lot of HP left well into the battle, especially since her Tiny Courage skill also heals her, and an ally with the highest ATK.

To counter this skill, try to use witches that can quickly take down her allies one by one or all at once, like Cordie and Florence. The faster you deal with Matilda's teammates, the faster you'll deactivate her only defensive skill.

Witches to Beat Matilda

Matilda Hard Counters

MementoMori - Nina IconNina

Nina is every buffer/debuffer's matchup nightmare as she can reflect debuffs, as well as steal her opponents' buffs. As mentioned earlier, the buffs that Matilda grants with her Queen of Jobari skill are very potent. Nina can steal this buff and reap its powerful benefits while leaving her targets empty-handed.

Once Nina dispels or steals Matilda's Accuracy buffs, she'll be much harder to kill as she can both evade at a high rate as well as cut the damage she receives. Nina's evasion is countered by Matilda's accuracy buffs, but those buffs can always be taken away.

MementoMori - Paladea IconPaladea

Paladea is a powerful counter to Matilda for two reasons. The first is that she can deal big damage to multiple enemies all at once, which means she's capable of taking out Matilda's opponents early, thus opening her up to attacks. The next is that she can dispel 2 buffs from a target at a time.

She hard-counters two of Matilda's most important tools for battle. Against Paladea, Matilda is nothing more than a mediocre damage dealer/healer.

MementoMori - Gil’uial IconGil’uial

Gil'uial is more of a situational pick that shines in some matchups but is mediocre at best in others. A matchup against Matilda is the perfect scenario for Gil'uial because the latter's kit is designed to counter strong buffs on a carry, which is Matilda's primary purpose. Additionally, one of the most sought-after buffs that Matilda offers is the increase in CRIT chance, so she's often paired with carries that benefit greatly from crits like Florence. Gil'uial is only situationally tanky, as her only defensive skill is passive resistance to critical strikes. That said, Gil'uial will often be very tough to deal with when facing crit comps that have Matilda as a buffer.

Matilda General Counters

MementoMori - Witch Illya IconWitch Illya MementoMori - Carol IconCarol MementoMori - Belle IconBelle
MementoMori - Moddey IconModdey

Matilda Sample Counter Teams

Chaos Paladea

Debuffer Buffer Attacker/
Attacker Buffer
MementoMori - Lunalynn IconLunalynn MementoMori - Kaguya IconKaguya MementoMori - Paladea IconPaladea MementoMori - Witch Illya IconWitch Illya MementoMori - Primavera IconPrimavera

This comp will take advantage of the Chaos Soul affinity and its synergy with Paladea's Supreme Commander skill. The team will receive bonuses from the Chaos Soul Affinity bonus, as well as buffs from Primavera and Kaguya. Lunalynn will silence and weaken enemies, while Paladea and Witch Illya run the show. Both Witch Illya and Paladea can dispel the powerful buffs that Matilda grants and shut her down.

If you don't have some of these witches, look to fill in this comp with other Chaos Soul units or one of Matilda's hard counters.

Witches Not To Use Against Matilda

MementoMori - Cordie IconSquishy DPS Characters

Squishy characters like Cordie will be quite bad against Matilda on their own, as Matilda will strike them hard with her Queen of Jobari skill, possibly killing them quickly or taking a big chunk of their health bar early.

Luckily, it's quite easy to counter this, as you could field in defensive buffers like Summer Nina to help your squishy DPS carry survive. When doing this, some of these carries can quickly take out Matilda's team, making her ineligible to benefit from the defensive buff that makes her so tanky.

Tips for Beating Matilda

Always Bring Someone Who Can Dispel Her Buffs

One of Matilda's biggest strengths is how powerful her buffs can be. It really is a top-tier buff, on par with some of the best in the game like Merlyn's Apprentice Wanted! skill. That said, one of the best ways to deal with a team that has Matilda on it is to dispel the buff she grants her carry and herself.

Protect Your DPS Carry, Or Use A Tanky One

Because Matilda targets the highest ATK threat on your team, you should make sure your carry can take it. Do this by either adding in defensive support like Summer Nina or fielding in a carry that can take hits like Fia.

Quickly Take Out Her Teammates

As long as 2 of her allies are alive, she'll be very hard to kill thanks to her 40% damage reduction. If you can quickly take out three of her teammates, she'll lose that damage reduction buff and be vulnerable to your attacks.

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