Infinity Nikki

Dark Bouquet Location and Boss Rewards

★ Latest: Version 1.3, The Queen's Lament, & Bullquet Care Day
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Infinity Nikki - Dark Bouquet Location and Boss Rewards

The Dark Bouquet is a boss Esseling added in Infinity Nikki's Version 1.2 update. See Dark Bouquet's location and unlock requirements, how to beat Dark Bouquet, and what its rewards are in this guide!

Dark Bouquet Location

Inside the Gloomy Cavern

Gloomy Cavern Location, mmode:show

Dark Bouquet is located inside the Gloomy Cavern on the Firework Isles. Initially, the cave is locked. Lighting three special firework tubes will open the way to the cave, and subsequently, Dark Bouquet.

Firework Isles Map and Exploration Guide

How to Unlock Dark Bouquet

Do Showdown! The Gloomy Cavern

Showdown! The Gloomy Cavern Cutscene

Dark Bouquet is unlocked during the events of the Showdown! The Gloomy Cavern Exclusive Quest, under The Wonderful Journey questline. This quest chain features the Fireworks Isles prominently.

Showdown! The Gloomy Cavern Quest Guide

How to Defeat Dark Bouquet

Dark Bouquet Boss Fight Guide

How to Purify the Dark Bouquet
As soon as the battle starts, you'll get knocked back by the Bouquet's growl. Do not move to either side, but instead continue walking forward, as this is the blindspot of the Dark Bouquet's first attack.
When the Launch Tube is within your reach, immediately activate your Fiery Glow outfit to disable the Dark Bouquet. Hit the boss enemy with an attack from your Purification outfit, afterwards.
Afterwards, the Dark Bouquet knocks you back again with a growl, and its attacks will now summon small Bouquet monsters which you must with Purify first, before using the Launch Tube.
Keep doing this attack pattern until you've depleted the Bouquet's HP to 2. By then, the Dark Bouquet will move from Launch Tube to another, while attacking you a barrage of attacks and summoning its Bouquet minions. Despite this, however, simply do the same attack pattern until the monster is defeated!

The Dark Bouquet boss fight requires you to make use of the Fiery Glow outfit to set off fireworks when the Dark Bouquet passes over them, stunning the boss on-hit and allowing Nikki to land a Purifying Orb.

Fiery Glow Outfit and Evolutions

Dark Bouquet Boss Fight Rewards

Hidden Sentiments Sketch

Hidden Sentiments Crafting

Defeating Dark Bouquet will award players with the Hidden Sentiments accessory sketch, which resembles the Dark Bouquet when held!

How to Get Hidden Sentiments

Batwing Fireworks Sketch

Batwing Firework Crafting

Players will also obtain the sketch for Batwing Fireworks, which are an item you can craft at the Fireworks Crafting Station near Miss Vita's Workshop on the Firework Isles.

You can load these fireworks into any blue firework launch tube on the Isles, and light them using the Fiery Glow outfit. This will cause the tube to set the firework off, producing various visual effects.

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