Infinity Nikki

Risk Prevention Showcase and How to Get

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Risk Prevention is one of the Face Decorations in Infinity Nikki. See a showcase of Risk Prevention, how to get Risk Prevention, its evolution variations, and its stats here!

Risk Prevention Showcase

Risk Prevention Style Cool
Labels Uniform
Outfit Fully Charged
Type Face Decorations
Quality ✦✦✦✦

"Wear these sparkproof goggles to be safe from 99% of electrical hazards. It's just science."

How to Get Risk Prevention

Craft With a Sketch

You can craft the Risk Prevention once you get its sketch.
Jump to Crafting Materials

Obtain From Power Outage Rescue Quest

Quest Power Outage Rescue

You can unlock Risk Prevention during the "Power Outage Rescue" quest.

Obtained From Heart of Infinity

The sketch for Risk Prevention can be unlocked in the Heart of Infinity. Note that you may need to unlock its prerequisite nodes before you can get it.

Heart of Infinity Guide

Risk Prevention Materials

Crafting Materials

Crafting Material Amount

Risk Prevention Variations

All Evolution Variations
Risk Prevention Risk Prevention Sweet Protection Sweet Protection

Risk Prevention Stats

Style Base Max
Elegant 9 56
Fresh 46 286
Sweet 8 50
Sexy 12 75
Cool 90 558

Infinity Nikki Related Guides

Infinity Nikki - Clothing Pieces

List of All Clothing Pieces

All Clothing Piece Types

Types of Clothing Pieces
Dresses Outerwear Tops
Bottoms Socks Shoes
Hair Accessories Headwear Earrings
Neckwear Bracelets Chokers
Gloves Face Decorations Chest Accessories
Pendants Backpieces Rings
Arm Decorations Handhelds Eureka
Momo Outfits

List of All Face Decorations

All Face Decorations
Brown Frame Brown Frame Drifting Foam Drifting Foam Glimpse of Sunset Glimpse of Sunset Infinite Hope Infinite Hope
Risk Prevention Risk Prevention Shadow Tinted Shadow Tinted Shielded Glance Shielded Glance Silvery Fantasy
Simple Lines Simple Lines Smiling Blossoms Smiling Blossoms Sweet Protection Sweet Protection Through the Mist Through the Mist
Trusted Protection Trusted Protection Verdant Reverie Verdant Reverie


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