Infinity Nikki

Anonymous or Great Adventurer? Quest Guide

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Infinity Nikki - Anonymous or Great Adventurer?

Anonymous or Great Adventurer? is the third subquest of the Left for Home, Right for Wishes Exclusive Quest in Infinity Nikki 1.0. See how to get Sheet Music Fragments through this quest, its walkthrough, and the complete rewards here in this guide!

Anonymous or Great Adventurer? Quest Location

Go to Breezy Meadow

Anonymous or Great Adventurer? is located at Breezy Meadow, in the region of Heartcraft Kingdom. Teleport to the Stoneville Entrance Warp Spire and journey northeast toward the tiny sheep farm. Talk to Akka in the field by the river to initiate the quest.

All Warp Spire Locations

How to Unlock Anonymous or Great Adventurer?

Complete the Prerequisites

Quest Unlock Requirements
Infinity Nikki- Anonymous or Great Adventurer?
Infinity Nikki - Seeds of the Past Have Sprouted Seeds of the Past Have Sprouted

Anonymous or Great Adventurer automatically unlocks in your quest log after completing its previous Sub-Quest Seeds of the Past Have Sprouted.

Seeds of the Past Have Sprouted Quest Guide

Anonymous or Great Adventurer? Walkthrough

Go to the Shepherd's Cottage in Breezy Meadow to Find Akka

Infinity Nikki Go to the Shepherd

Teleport to the nearest Warp Spire which is the Stoneville Entrance, and head over northwest to Akka's location. After reporting back to him about the Sheet Music Fragments, he reveals having found another piece and suggests enlisting the help of a master musician known as K Apila.

Go to the Nearby Hill to Find Musician K Apila

Infinity Nikki Go to the Nearby Hill to Find Musician K Apila

Walk toward the hills northwest from Akka and speak with K Apila. He recognizes the Sheet Music Fragments Nikki shows him, and reveals that Belle had brought the same fragments to his grandfather many years before. K Apila then asks Nikki to play the violin for him before he continues asking any of her inquires.

Complete K Apila's Music Test

Infinity Nikki Complete K Apila

Equip your Violinist outfit and play part of Akka's Music Sheet Fragment to K Apila. He allows Nikki to ask about its composer afterward, and regales a tale of a great musician. He stops as Nikki asks about Belle, reminding her of his one music, one question policy.

Play the Music Again

Infinity Nikki Play the Music Again

Once more with your Violinist ability, play the Violin for K Apila. Pleased with Nikki's performance, he answers her question, tells her all he knew about Belle, and implies that she and Akka both share a family name. Nikki thanks K Apila for his time and remarks about returning to Akka and sharing this new discovery.

Go to the Shepherd's Cottage to Find Akka

Infinity Nikki Go to the Shepherd

Return to Akka in his spot by the river and tell him about his familial connection to Belle and how it ties into the Sheet Music Fragments. Upon this discovery, he urges you to speak to his father near the cabin who may know more about the situation.

Talk to Old John

Infinity Nikki Talk to Old John

Walk north from Akka, toward the cabin on top of the hill, and talk to a man named Old John. He confirms Belle's relation to the Fedora family and hands over a letter from the great adventurer to Nikki.

Check Belle's Letter With Akka

Infinity Nikki Check Belle

Walk back to Akka and read Belle's letter with him. After revealing its contents, Akka points you to the Faewish Sprite Gurubo in the Wishing Woods who may know more information about Belle. The quest ends as Nikki leaves for the new location!

Anonymous or Great Adventurer? Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Special Rewards

Anonymous or Great Adventurer? Special Rewards
To the Future Icon To the Future

Completing this quest will also reward you with a bag called To the Future which is part of the School Days outfit set!

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Other Exclusive Quests in Breezy Meadow

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Anonymous or Great Adventurer? In the Depths of Night In the Lonely Song


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