Infinity Nikki

A Love Letter to Earth Quest Guide

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Infinity Nikki - A Love Letter to Earth

A Love Letter to Earth is the fourth subquest of the Left for Home, Right for Wishes quest chain in Infinity Nikki 1.0. See how to get Sheet Music Fragments through this quest, its walkthrough, and the complete rewards here in this guide!

A Love Letter to Earth Quest Location

Go to Wishing Woods

A Love Letter to Earth is located at Wishing Woods, in the region of Heartcraft Kingdom. Teleport to the Warp Spire In Front of the Wish Inspection Center, or walk over to the location upon gaining access to the Wishing Woods during the Mysterious Wishing Woods Main Quest.

Mysterious Wishing Woods Quest Guide

How to Unlock A Love Letter to Earth

Complete the Prerequisites

Quest Unlock Requirements
Infinity Nikki- A Love Letter to Earth
Infinity Nikki - Anonymous or Great Adventurer? Anonymous or Great Adventurer?

A Love Letter to Earth automatically unlocks in your quest log after completing its previous Sub-Quest Anonymous or Great Adventurer?

Anonymous or Great Adventurer? Quest Guide

A Love Letter to Earth Walkthrough

Go to the Wishing Woods and Find Gurubo

Infinity Nikki Go to the Wishing Woods and Find Gurubo

Speak with Gurubo, located west of the Wish Auditing Station. Nikki inquires about a glove Piecey in the Wishing Woods, and Gurubo directs her to a Faewish Sprite named Nolabo, who might have more information. Gurubo then requests Nikki's help in finding Nolabo.

Gather Information Near the Wish Inspection Center

Listen to the gossiping Faewish Sprites around the Wish Inspection Center and learn that Nolabo has been frequenting a tree and staring off into space recently, while another gossiping duo mention that she is being investigated by the Paladins.

Share the Information With Gurubo

Infinity Nikki Share the Information With Gurubo

Return to Gurubo and tell her about the information you have gathered. She points Nikki toward the stream near the Wish Inspection Center where the tree is located, and says to meet her there.

Investigate the Area Around the Tree

Infinity Nikki Investigate the Area Around the Tree

Head toward the tree east from the Wish Inspection Center, and investigate it. Nikki recognizes some symbols marked on the trunk and notes it down. Realizing that they are actually musical notes, her and momo figure out the correct person to ask for its transcription: Kapila.

Search for Kapila in Breezy Meadow to Restore the Sheet Music

Question Answer
Which of the Following is a bowed string instrument? Violin
Which instrument has the same color scheme as a tuxedo cat? Piano
Who's the greatest musician? K Apila

Teleport to the Stoneville Entrance Warp Spire and head north to find K Apila. After greeting him, he tests Nikki with three questions, to which the answers are Violin, Piano, and K Apila. Satisfied, Kapila transcribes the sheet music Nikki found in the Wishing Woods, confirming it as part of the Sheet Music Fragments. He also points out a poem inscribed at the bottom.

Return to the Wishing Woods and Find Gurubo

Infinity Nikki Return to the Wishing Woods and Find Gurubo

Journey back to the Wishing Woods, and find Gurubo at the tree by the stream, only to notice that it had been cut down. Gurubo explains that it was cut down by the Paladins as it had ties to Pieceys. She then expresses concern for miss Nolabo and ends the quest after agreeing to meet with Nikki at the Research Institute.

A Love Letter to Earth Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Special Rewards

A Love Letter to Earth Special Rewards
Back to School Icon Back to School

Completing this quest will also reward you with the Back to School hairstyle which is part of the School Days outfit set!

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A Love Letter to Earth At Least Plant One Flower


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