Infinity Nikki

At Least Plant One Flower Quest Guide

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Infinity Nikki - At Least Plant One Flower

At Least Plant One Flower is the fifth subquest of the Left for Home, Right for Wishes quest chain in Infinity Nikki 1.0. See how to complete this quest, its walkthrough, and the complete rewards here in this guide!

At Least Plant One Flower Quest Location

Go to Wishing Woods

At Least Plant One Flower is located at Wishing Woods, in the region of Heartcraft Kingdom. Teleport to the Warp Spire In Front of the Wish Inspection Center, and walk west toward the Resarch Institute. Speak with Gurubo there to start the quest.

All Warp Spire Locations

How to Unlock At Least Plant One Flower

Complete the Prerequisites

Quest Unlock Requirements
Infinity Nikki- At Least Plant One Flower
Infinity Nikki - A Love Letter to Earth A Love Letter to Earth

At Least Plant One Flower automatically unlocks after completing its Sub-Quest A Love Letter to Earth.

A Love Letter to Earth Quest Guide

At Least Plant One Flower Walkthrough

Talk to Gurubo Near the Resarch Institute

Infinity Nikki Talk to Gurubo Near the Research Institute

Speak with Gurubo by the Research Institute. She expresses worry for Ms. Nolabo's absence and remarks that a Paladin nearby may know some information on her whereabouts.

Talk to the Paladins

Infinity Talk to the Paladins

Speak to the Paladin who shares their theory of Nolabo's double identity and her ties to a Piecey. Afterward, Gurubo suggests that Ms. Nolabo might be found by the fallen tree.

Go to the Fallen Tree to Find Nolabo

Infinity Nikki Go to the Fallen Tree to Find Nolabo

Head over to the fallen tree by the stream behind the Wish Inspection Center to Find Ms. Nolabo and Gurubo.

Talk to Nolabo

Infinity Nikki Talk to Nolabo

Talk to the elusive Faewish Sprite Ms. Nolabo who tells you of a Piecey they have befriended named Journey, after Nikki tells her of the music sheet and poem she found underneth the fallen tree.

After she explains that Journey has already passed away, she asks Nikki to plant a flower by the waterfall up ahead in his memory.

Go to the Waterfall Ahead and Plant Flowers for Journey

Infinity Nikki Go to the Waterfall Ahead and Plant Flowers for Journey

Plant flowers in the designated spot by the waterfall to trigger Nolabo's revelation about Journey's identity.

She shares that Journey was once a Piecey named Righty, linking him to the carvings on the tree and the Sheet Music Fragments Nikki has been gathering.

Nolabo then asks Nikki to play the incomplete Sheet Music to honor Journey's memory.

Play Journey's Sheet Music

Equip your Violinist outfit and successfully perform Journey's Sheet Music Fragment. This act inspires Nolabo to wish, but as Faewish Sprites cannot make wishes, Gurubo suggests Nikki make the wish on Nolabo's behalf.

Make a Wish for Nolabo

Infinity Nikki Make a Wish for Nolabo

Talk to Nolabo again and hear her wishes. The quest will end briefly after Nikki recites Nolabo's wishes in her stead, leaving Nikki with most of the Sheet Music complete.

At Least Plant One Flower Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Special Rewards

At Least Plant One Flower Special Rewards
Unfading Bloom Icon Unfading Bloom

The Unfading Bloom hair clips, part of the School Days outfit set, are also rewarded after completing this quest!

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A Love Letter to Earth At Least Plant One Flower


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