Infinity Nikki

Risky Photography: Octopack Quest Guide

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Infinity Nikki - Risky Photography: Octopack

Risky Photography: Octopack is a Random quest under the Risky Photography Series in Infinity Nikki 1.0. See how to unlock this quest, how to take a photo of a Tough Octopack spitting out Essence Orbs, and all its rewards here in this guide!

Risky Photography: Octopack Quest Location

Go to Memorial Mountains

Risky Photography: Octopack is located at Memorial Mountains, in the region of Heartcraft Kingdom. Head south from the Old Florawish Memorial to meet with Syfdent. Note that he's a little away from the main road.

How to Unlock Risky Photography: Octopack

Complete the Prerequisites

Quest Unlock Requirements
Infinity Nikki- Risky Photography: Octopack
Infinity Nikki - Risky Photography: Jellyfish Bafflebag Risky Photography: Jellyfish Bafflebag

Risky Photography: Octopack requires the player to finish the quest, Risky Photography: Jellyfish Bafflebag first to gain access.

List of All Random Quests

Risky Photography: Octopack Walkthrough

Talk To Syfdent

Infinity Nikki - Jellyfish Bafflebag Syfdent

After spotting Syfdent, talk to him once. He'll ask you for a photo of a Tough Octopack spitting out Essence Orbs.

Take a Photo of a Tough Octopack spitting out Essence Orbs

Head to the forest nearby and you will find some Octopack. Engage in combat and take a photo before you get hit by the Essence Orbs.

If you get hit, heal and avoid their attacks!

Risky Photography: Octopack Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Infinity Nikki Related Guides

Infinity Nikki Quest Slim

List of All Random Quests

All Risky Photography Series Guides

Risky Photography Quest List
Risky Photography: Sad Sack Risky Photography: Jellyfish Bafflebag Risky Photography: Octopack
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Risky Photography: Trick-o-Bag Risky Photography: Paired Trap Sharks

Other Random Quests in Memorial Mountains

All Random Quests in Memorial Mountains
Observation: Ancient Statues Risky Photography: Octopack


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