Side Quest Cloudy Mirror / Celestial Mirror Tips and Walkthrough

Final Fantasy X Cloudy Mirror

This is the Side Quest Walkthrough for Cloudy Mirror / Celestial Mirror in Final Fantasy X (FFX, FF 10). Read on for more information, objectives, tips, and guides within this section.

Sidequest Details

Location Remiem Temple & Lake Macalania
Requirements Access to Airship
Rewards Cloudy / Celestial Mirror, and Celestial Weapon Upgrades.

Sidequest Objectives

1 Head to Remiem Temple and win the Chocobo Race to obtain the Cloudy Mirror.
2 Head to Macalania Forest entrance and talk to the wife and son.
3 Head to the area connecting Macalania to The Calm Lands then enter the Area to the left.
4 Talk to the Husband.
5 Return to the entrance of Macalania Forest
6 Follow the light path then take the first intersection you will encounter to find the son.
7 Interact with the object the kid was looking at to activate the Cloudy Mirror.
End of Sidequest

Detailed Guide

Head to Remiem Temple

ffx Entering Remiem Temple Chocobo Feather Guide
Rent a Chocobo from the Chocobo trainer. The trainer rides her chocobo near the Al Bhed shop in the center of the Calm Lands. Head to the area in the picture above and interact with the feather to make the chocobo leap.

Win the Chocobo Race

ffx Remiem Temple Chocobo Race Easy Win Cloudy Mirror
Challenge the Chocobo outside the temple. Winning the race will net you the Cloudy Mirror which is necessary to proceed with the Side Quest.

Wife and Son

FFX Macalania Wife and Son Missing Husband Celestial Mirror side Quest where is the husband
Talk to the Wife and Son near the entrace of Macalania Forest to find out that the Husband is missing.

Husband's location

Husband Returning to his family FFX Celestial Mirror Side Quest Husband location
Talk to the Husband and tell him about his family. The Husband will head to his wife and son's location. Return to the forest's entrance and talk to the reunited (?) family.

Son's Location

FINAL FANTASY X_X-2 HD Remaster_20190926103937.jpg
After finding out that this time, it's their son that's missing. Head to the light path and if you were here before. You will notice that the weary traveler is gone. Head to the path the traveler used to block to find the kid.

Upgrading Celestial Weapons

Using the Celestial Mirror FFX Walkthrough Celestial Weapons
The object the kid is looking at is the place Celestial Mirror can be used. You must offer Crests and Sigils and have the corresponding Celestial Weapon to have it upgraded. For more information about the Celestial Weapons, see the link below.

How to Obtain the Celestial Weapons

Final Fantasy X Related Links

List of Subquests
Celestial Weapons Dark Aeons and Penance
Lightning Dodger Monster Arena
Omega Ruins Optional Aeons
Chocobo Training Remiem Temple
Butterfly Hunt Cactuar Village
Al Bhed Primers Airship Codes
Jecht Spheres Chocobo Race


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