The Witcher 3

La Cage au Fou Walkthrough, and How to Lift the Curse

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Witcher 3 Quest La Cage au Fou

This is a guide to the quest titled La Cage au Fou from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Read on for information on objectives and possible rewards, as well as useful tips, strategies for completing the quest, and the solution to lifting the Spotted Wight Curse.

Previous Quest Current Quest Next Quest
Blood Run La Cage au Fou Where Children Toil, Toys Waste Away

La Cage au Fou Rewards and Basic Information

Basic Information

Quest Number 4
Region Toussaint
Quest Location Mère-Lachaiselongue Cemetery, Trastamara Estate, Tesham Mutna Ruins
Previous Quest Blood Run
Next Quest Where Children Toil, Toys Waste Away


Gold Reward None
Exp Reward 1000
Item Reward None

La Cage au Fou Main Objectives

1 Go to the Mère-Lachaiselongue Cemetery.
2 Find a way into the crypt and speak with Regis.

Spotted Wight Bestiary (Optional)

1 Read about Spotted Wights in your Bestiary.

Back to Main Path

3 Travel to the Spotted Wight's lair and investigate the interior.
4 Go downstairs, enter the dining room and look into the cauldron.
5 Look for a hiding spot to observe the cauldron and deal with the Spotted Wight.

Path 1: Attacking the Wight

6A Follow the Spotted Wight to the end of its lair.
7A Kill the Spotted Wight and loot the saliva glands.

Path 2: Lifting the Curse

NOTE: This path is not available if you were not able to investigate the two key objects in the Spotted Wight's lair. To see which two key objects to investigate, see the quest's Tips and Strategies below.

6B Converse with the Spotted Wight.

Path 2.1: (Optional)

7B Follow the scent of the Spotted Wight brew and bring Marlene to Corvo Bianco.

Both Paths

8 Go back to the Mere-Lachaiselongue Cemetery and speak with Regis.
9 Follow Regis inside Tesahm Mutna.
10 Place all 4 of the baits and tell Regis that you are ready to fight.
11 Survive the fight against multiple monsters.

How to Lift the Spotted Wight Curse

Investigate the Area

It is very important that you investigate at least these two key objects in order to have the option of lifting the curse on the Spotted Wight.

The two key objects to examine are:

  • The table on the first floor with the three skeletons.
  • The utensils that are set on the dining table near the Spotted Wight's cauldron.

Choosing to Lift the Curse

Witcher 3 Choice Spotted Wight

If you were able to investigate the two key objects needed in this situation, you will be given the additional option Try to lift the curse.

The first option will be automatically picked if you have not investigated the two key objects for this situation. This option will make Geralt attack the Spotted Wight and you will be directed to Path 1.

Witcher 3 Choice Curse

Picking the second option will make Geralt come out of the closet and try to converse with the Spotted Wight in order to lift the curse.

To lift the curse, you must pick the option Let's eat, not using the spoons. out of the three yellow options. If you have picked either of the two other options, then you will fail to lift the curse.

If you fail in lifting the curse, the Spotted Wight will go to the end of its lair and you will be able to progress to the next objective.

Lifting the Curse or not

There are no notable benefits when you lift the curse of the Spotted Wight. The difference between the two outcomes is very small and it will not affect your game in any major way.

If you were able to lift the curse, you will get an additional optional objective to follow the scent of the Wight's Brew. You will discover that Marlene was able to revert back to human form.

After finding Marlene Geralt decides to bring her to Corvo Bianco and let her stay there. Doing all this will add an extra NPC to your home at Corvo Bianco.

If you were unable to lift the curse after trying to do so, you can go back to Regis and give him the Wight's Brew or you can choose to kill the Spotted Wight before going back to Regis.

The only benefit you gain here is getting the Wight Trophy which has the same effect as other monster trophies in the game like the Chort Trophy and the Forktail Trophy. The other unique loot that you gain from the Spotted Wight like the Wight's Ear cannot be used in any alchemical formulas.

La Cage au Fou Tips and Strategies

Fake Illusionary Wall

Illusionary Wall
After dropping under the cemetary and killing the kikimore, you will have to pick between two paths. Pick the left and keep going straight until you hit a wall. This wall is an illusionary wall that can be dispelled with the Eye of Nehaleni. Behind it is a room with the sword, Casus Foederis and some other loot.

Tesham Mutna Set

Steel Sword, Armor and Trousers

Tesham Mutna steel swords armor trousers
You will find these right after entering Tusham Mutna with Detlaff. It is chest with a scroll on top, straight ahead after walking through the doorway.

Boots and Mask

Tesham Mutna Boots Mask
You can find these in the chest right after descending the spiral stairs.


Tesham Mutna Gloves
The last piece of the set is located in a small chest beside a skeleton located at the end of the jails.

Combat Strategies


  • Coat your Silver Sword with Cursed Oil to deal bonus damage to it.
  • Cast the Igni Sign to burn them and give yourself a large opening to attack.
  • Killing the main Archespore will kill off all the other smaller pods.
Archespore Weaknesses and Loot

Kikimore Worker/Kikimore Warrior

NOTE: The Kikimore Warrior will only appear if you burn all the Kikimore eggs after entering the crypt.

  • Coat your Silver Sword in Insectoid Oil to deal bonus damage to them.
  • Cast the Igni Sign to burn them and give yourself an opening to attack.
Kikimore Worker Weaknesses and Loot Kikimore Warrior Weaknesses and Loot


  • Coat your Silver Sword with Spectre Oil to deal bonus damage to them.
  • Cast the Axii Sign to stun them and give yourself a large opening to attack.
  • You can cast the Yrden Sign and fight around it to give yourself a lot of time to dodge their fast attacks.
Barghest Weaknesses and Loot

Spotted Wight

Witcher 3 Spotted Wight

  • Coat your Silver Sword in Necrophage Oil to deal bonus damage to them.
  • Cast the Igni Sign to burn it and give yourself an opening to attack. You can also cast the Yrden Sign to slow it down and give yourself an easier time fighting it.
  • When the Spotted Wight sinks down into the ground, you should move away from the disturbance on the floor or it will pull you down and attack you.
Spotted Wight Weaknesses and Loot

Tesham Mutna Battle

Witcher 3 Tesham Mutna Combat

In this battle you will be fighting against Ghouls, Rotfiends, Scurvers, a Fleder, and a Katakan. Below is a list of actions we recommend doing in order to survive this fight.

  • Coat your Silver Sword in Necrophage Oil to deal bonus damage to the Necrophages, since the majority of the enemies that you will face are Necrophages.
  • Cast Signs like Aard and Axii to stun or control them and give yourself an opening to attack. You can also cast the Yrden Sign and fight in the area surrounding it so you will not have a hard time dealing with multiple enemies.
  • Throw bombs like Samum and Northern Wind to stun or freeze multiple enemies to give yourself and opening to attack. You can also throw Grapeshot Bombs to deal with multiple enemies at once.
  • In this fight, you are not required to kill the Lesser Vampires like the Fleder and the Katakan in order to progress. We recommend killing all the Necrophages around you and continuously dodging or rolling away from the Lesser Vampires' attacks.
Ghoul Weaknesses and Loot Rotfiend Weaknesses and Loot Scurver Weaknesses and Loot
Fleder Weaknesses and Loot Katakan Weaknesses and Loot -

The Witcher 3 Related Links


All Blood and Wine Main Quests

No. Quest Title Location Sugg. Level
1 Envoys, Wineboys Stonecutters' Settlement 34
2 The Beast of Toussaint The Cockatrice Inn, Corvo Bianco, Tourney Grounds, Palace Gardens 35
3 Blood Run Palace Gardens, Beauclair 36
4 La Cage au Fou Mère-Lachaiselongue Cemetery, Trastamara Estate, Tesham Mutna Ruins 39
5 Where Children Toil, Toys Waste Away Mère-Lachaiselongue Cemetery, Beauclair Port 42
6 Wine is Sacred Beauclair Palace, Castel Ravello, Fort Astre Ruins 42
7 The Man from Cintra Beauclair 43
8 Capture the Castle Count de la Croix's Mill 47
9 The Night of Long Fangs Beauclair 47
10 Beyond Hill and Dale... Land of a Thousand Fables 47
11 Blood Simple La Compassion Orphanage 47
12 What Lies Unseen Cave southwest from Beauclair 47
13 Tesham Mutna Tesham Mutna Ruins 49
14 Pomp and Strange Circumstance Beauclair, Mère-Lachaiselongue Cemetery 49
15 Burlap is the New Stripe Beauclair 49
16 Be It Ever So Humble... Corvo Bianco 49

See The List of All Quests


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