Spider-Man 2 (PS5)

2-on-2 Prowler Stash (Greenwich) Walkthrough

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Spiderman 2 PS5 - 2-on-2 (Greenwich) Mission Walkthrough

2-on-2 (Greenwich) is one of the Prowler Stash Missions in Spider-Man 2 (PS5). Read on for a detailed walkthrough, a list of rewards for completing the mission, and tips on how to complete 2-on-2 (Greenwich)!

2-on-2 Prowler Stash (Greenwich) Overview

Mission Information

2-on-2 (Greenwich)
Mission Type
Spiderman 2 PS5 - mission icon Prowler Stash
Involved Heroes Miles Morales
Rewards XP Reward: 300
Prerequisite Mission Amends
Found Unc's tech stashes by the Cage! Would have loved to see him and Dad go 1-on-1. But a team-up would've been even better,

Starting Location

Map View In-Game View

Players can start the quest after they unlock Prowler Stashes when they complete the Amends main mission, and when they have visited the southwest corner of Greenwich.

Once you have access to the mission, you can begin by heading to the map marker, and then go on top of the rooftop of a red building with a purple glow and a white top floor.

2-on-2 Prowler Stash (Greenwich) Walkthrough

Find the Prowler Tech Stash

Spider-Man 2 - Find the Prowler Tech Stash

When you land on the rooftop, you will need to hold L2 to scan the green glowing lights in front of a grey panel box. You can find it somewhere in the middle of the rooftop.

How to Scan the Environment

Prowler Code Minigame

Spider-Man 2 - Prowler Code Minigame

Afterwards, complete the Prowler Code minigame by slightly pressing down on L2 + R2 until the green lights aligns with the light grey zone on the bars.

Pull the Grey Panel Up

Spider-Man 2 - Pull the Grey Panel Up

Next, you want to climb up the dark grey structure behind you and pull the grey panel up by pressing L1 + R1. This reveals a door inside that can only be opened once you power up the switch beside it.

Power the First Generator

Spider-Man 2 - Power the First Generator

Once you find the hidden door, turn around and look for the generator behind you on top of the structure. You can then power it up by standing next to it and pressing L1 + the Square button as shown on screen.

Power the Second Generator

Spider-Man 2 - Power the Second Generator

After that, jump across on top of the other structure where the door is and look for the generator by the edge of the building. Power it up again by following the button prompts that show up.

Power the Third Generator

Spider-Man 2 - Power the Third Generator

Following that, the third generator will be located behind the big metal box on top. Press on the button prompts that appear above it to power it up.

Power the Fourth Generator

Spider-Man 2 - Power the Fourth Generator

Finally, the last generator can be found between two exhaust vents on the lower floor by the edge of the building. Power it up one last time, then go inside the hidden door from before to obtain the stash and complete the mission.

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All Mission Walkthroughs

All Prowler Stash Missions

Side Mission Walkthroughs
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2-on-2 (Greenwich) Airwaves (Downtown Brooklyn) The Braxton Score (Midtown)
Laying Low (Little Odessa) A Room with a View (Williamsburg)


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