Spider-Man 2 (PS5)

Airwaves Prowler Stash (Downtown Brooklyn) Walkthrough

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Spiderman 2 PS5 - Airwaves (Downtown Brooklyn) Mission Walkthrough

Airwaves (Downtown Brooklyn) is one of the Prowler Stash Missions in Spider-Man 2 (PS5). Read on for a detailed walkthrough, a list of rewards for completing the mission, and tips on how to complete Airwaves (Downtown Brooklyn)!

Airwaves Prowler Stash (Downtown Brooklyn) Overview

Mission Information

Airwaves (Downtown Brooklyn)
Mission Type
Spiderman 2 PS5 - mission icon Prowler Stash
Involved Heroes Miles Morales
Rewards XP Reward: 300
Prerequisite Mission Amends
Unc stashed something on top of this old radio station... had no idea that he and Dad were so close to getting their music out there.

Starting Location

Map View In-Game View

Players can start the quest after they unlock Prowler Stashes when they complete the Amends main mission, and when they have visited the area on the map north of Downtown Brooklyn.

Once you have access to the mission, you can begin by heading to the map marker, and then go on top of the rooftop of a glass building with a radio tower and a purple glow.

Airwaves Prowler Stash (Downtown Brooklyn) Walkthrough

Find the Prowler Tech Stash

Spider-Man 2 - Find the Prowler Tech Stash

When you land on the rooftop, go to the lowest level and holding L2 to scan the glowing green lights near a horizontal pole. It will be behind one of the square structures on that floor.

How to Scan the Environment

First Prowler Code Minigame

Spider-Man 2 - First Prowler Code Minigame

Then, complete the Prowler Code minigame by slightly pressing down on L2 + R2 until the green lights aligns with the light grey zone on the bars.

Pull on the Horizontal Pole

Spider-Man 2 - Pull on the Horizontal Pole

Afterwards, climb up to the higher level of the rooftop and pull on the horizontal pole by pressing L1 + R1 when the button prompt appears. This will open up a door behind the square structure below.

Second Prowler Code Minigame

Spider-Man 2 - Second Prowler Code Minigame

Once the door opens, head back down and hold L2 to scan the glowing green lights in front of the door. Then, another prowler code minigame will appear where you have to repeat trying to align the lights.

Pull the Hidden Door Open

Spider-Man 2 - Pull the Hidden Door Open

Lastly, climb on top of the billboard behind you and pull on the hidden door by pressing L1 + R1 to open it. When it opens, you should claim the Prowler Stash on the wall and complete the mission.

Spider-Man 2 (PS5) Related Guides

Spiderman 2 PS5 - Story Walkthrough banner

All Mission Walkthroughs

All Prowler Stash Missions

Side Mission Walkthroughs
Coin-Op (Astoria) Sittin' in the Nosebleeds (Hell's Kitchen) Prowler in Training (Downtown Queens)
2-on-2 (Greenwich) Airwaves (Downtown Brooklyn) The Braxton Score (Midtown)
Laying Low (Little Odessa) A Room with a View (Williamsburg)


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