Infinity Nikki

Striped Celebration Showcase and How to Get

★ Latest: Version 1.3, The Queen's Lament, & Bullquet Care Day
☆ New Miracle Outfit: Silvergale's Aria
★ All Redeem Codes for Diamonds
☆ Raise your Mira Level with Dailies & Quests
★ Find all Whimstar, Dew, Warp Spire & Chests

Striped Celebration is one of the Tops in Infinity Nikki. See a showcase of Striped Celebration, how to get Striped Celebration, and its stats here!

Striped Celebration Showcase

Striped Celebration Style Cool
Labels Fashion
Outfit Carnival Ode
Type Tops
Quality ✦✦✦

"A grand celebration woven from stripes and colors, more than just a visual feast and a carnival of joy."

How to Get Striped Celebration

Craft With a Sketch

You can craft the Striped Celebration once you get its sketch.
Jump to Crafting Materials

Open Chest in Stoneville

Striped Celebration Chest Location
You can find the sketch for Striped Celebration by opening treasure chests on your adventures! It can be found around Stoneville.

All Treasure Chest Locations

Striped Celebration Materials

Crafting Materials

Crafting Material Amount

Striped Celebration Stats

Style Base Max
Elegant 32 199
Fresh 47 292
Sweet 29 180
Sexy 131 813
Cool 262 1625

Infinity Nikki Related Guides

Infinity Nikki - Clothing Pieces

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Dresses Outerwear Tops
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List of All Tops

All Tops
Academy Tribute Academy Tribute Azure Waters Azure Waters Beneath the Tree Beneath the Tree Blending In Blending In
Blushing Pink Blushing Pink Boundless Night Boundless Night Cat Paw Cat Paw Ceremony Guest Ceremony Guest
Chestnut Velvet Classroom Hours Classroom Hours Clean Posture Clean Posture Clear Mind Clear Mind
Cloud Picnic Cloud Picnic Clouded Tapestry Clouded Tapestry Crimson Snowstorm Crimson Snowstorm Crybaby Vest Crybaby Vest
Crystal Shards Crystal Shards Cutie Dragon Cutie Dragon Dancing Bees Dancing Bees Delayed Joy Delayed Joy
Distant Gaze Distant Gaze Dream Walker Dream Walker Dreamland Marathon Dreamland Marathon Easy Ride
Endless Power Endless Power Ethereal Lace Ethereal Lace Expedition Souvenir Expedition Souvenir Feast of Flames Feast of Flames
Flawless Code Flawless Code Fleeting Oath Fleeting Oath Floral Rhythm Floral Rhythm Freshly Crisp Freshly Crisp
Gleaming Blessings Gleaming Blessings Golden Handprint Golden Handprint Grand Entrance Grand Entrance Guest Star Guest Star
Harmony of Hues Harmony of Hues Heart Recharging Heart Recharging Heartfelt Love Heartfelt Love Hundred Daisies Hundred Daisies
Journey with Daisy Journey with Daisy Joy of Fish Joy of Fish Joyful Forever Joyful Forever Light Travel Light Travel
Majestic Stance Majestic Stance Mark of Life Mark of Life Meadow Breeze Meadow Breeze Mechanical White Mechanical White
Nocturnal Jewel Noir Creed 01 Noir Creed 01 Orange Rebel Orange Rebel Passing Seasons Passing Seasons
Past Vines Past Vines Pink Candy Pink Sailor Pink Sailor Pink Sheep Pink Sheep
Pure Determination Pure Determination Purity Guardian Purity Guardian Quick Warm-Up Quick Warm-Up Raging Bouldy Raging Bouldy
Rebellious Dream Rebellious Dream Refreshing Greenery Refreshing Greenery Ribbity-Hoppity Ribbity-Hoppity Riverside Run Riverside Run
Scalding Tears Scalding Tears Serene Nightlord Serene Nightlord Set Sail Set Sail Siesta Tunes Siesta Tunes
Splashed Ink Splashed Ink Starting Mood Starting Mood Steaming Skewers Steaming Skewers Striped Celebration Striped Celebration
Summer Blackstar Summer Blackstar Sunny Floral Blouse Sunny Floral Blouse Surf Master Surf Master Sweet Pink Sweet Pink
Time Time's Promise Twinkling Lights Twinkling Lights Unwritten Memories Unwritten Memories Verdant Freedom Verdant Freedom
Well-Organized Well-Organized Wind of Thoughts Wind of Thoughts Wisteria Wisteria's Longing


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