Infinity Nikki

In the Lonely Song Quest Guide

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Infinity Nikki - In the Lonely Song

In the Lonely Song is a limited-time Exclusive Quest part of the Song of the Lost event in Infinity Nikki 1.3. See how to unlock this quest, how to complete Queen's Palace Ruins: Inner Court dungeon, full quest walkthrough, and all its rewards here in this guide!

In the Lonely Song Quest Location

Go to Breezy Meadow

In the Lonely Song is located at Breezy Meadow, in the region of Heartcraft Kingdom. Teleport to the Warp Spire in Queen’s Palace Ruins Front Yard and head towards the west while following the objective marker.

The objective marker will appear on the map when you select the track button on the quest menu.

How to Unlock In the Lonely Song

Complete the Prerequisites

Quest Unlock Requirements
Infinity Nikki- In the Lonely Song
Infinity Nikki - In the Depths of Night In the Depths of Night
Infinity Nikki - Go to the Dream Warehouse! Go to the Dream Warehouse!

The In the Lonely Song exclusive quest can be unlocked after completing the In the Depths of Night and Go to the Dream Warehouse! quests.

In the Depths of Night Quest Guide

In the Lonely Song Walkthrough

Wait for Livie to Wake Up

Wait for Livie to Wake Up

Approach Livie in front of the sealed door and wait for her to wake up. Selecting the wait prompt while you approach her will immediately complete this objective.

Talk to Livie and Ask How to Break the Seal

Talk to Livie and Ask How to Break the Seal

Talk to Livie in front of the sealed door and she will show you how to open it. You will need to place the Ancient Badge, Ancient Locket, and Ancient Ring to open the sealed door.

The items needed for this door will be gathered while progressing through the prior exclusive quest, In the Depths of Night, so there is no need to worry.

Investigate the Inner Court of the Queen's Palace Ruins

Investigate the Inner Court of the Queen

Once the sealed door is open, follow Livie inside, and jump down the stairs to enter the inner court of the Queen's Palace Ruins. There will also be a Warp Spire inside that can be unlocked.

Complete Queen's Palace Ruins: Inner Court

Complete Queen

Complete the Queen's Place Ruins: Inner Court dungeon to confront Queen Philomia inside. You will need to go through obstacle courses while defeating enemies.

Defeating enemies inside this dungeon also cleanses toy soldiers, who unlock the doors to each room you need to go through.

Queen's Palace Ruins - Broken Hallway Walkthrough

Queen's Palace Ruins - Broken Hallway
Jump on the platforms in front of you and defeat the enemies to open the door that leads to the next room.
Walk on the rotating pillar to get to the next set of platforms while defeating all the enemies.
Jump on the crumbling platforms and defeat each enemy you can encounter.

Note that the crumbling platforms are the individual square ones that will immediately fall to the ground once you set foot on them, so you better be quick to jump off to the next.

Queen's Palace Ruins - Palace Old Courtyard Walkthrough

Queen's Palace Ruins - Palace Old Courtyard
Talk to Investigator Locke the Teddy Bear towards the northeast side of the room. The Teddy Bear will tell you a bit about Queen Philomia.

You also need to find four toy soldiers to open the door to the next room and progress through the dungeon.
The first toy soldier in the Palace Old Courtyard area is located northwest of where Investigator Locke is located, standing on the eastern wall of the room.
The second toy soldier in the Palace Old Courtyard area is located on top of a ledge on the west side of the room. You will need to climb up the broken-down pillars to reach it.
The third toy soldier in the Palace Old Courtyard area is located at the northwest corner of the room, behind some rubble.
The fourth toy soldier in the Palace Old Courtyard area is located near the door on the north side of the room.
In the second room, drop down to the lower platforms and cleanse the first toy soldier near the door.
The second toy soldier in the second room can be found in the southwest corner of the room, behind some broken walls.
In the hallway after the second room, the floor will collapse and will teleport you to the next part of the dungeon.
Jump on the glass platforms to reach the higher ground and progress through the dungeon.

Note that the glass platforms will shatter if you stay on them for too long, so don't take too much time standing on one.

Queen's Palace Ruins - Doll Gallery Walkthrough

Queen's Palace Ruins - Doll Gallery
Upon entering the Doll Gallery area, head towards the east immediately and jump on the platforms that will lead you to the first toy soldier.

Afterward, come back the way you came and head north to look for the other three toy soldiers.
The second toy soldier in the Doll Gallery area will be on the platform in the middle of the room. You can easily cleanse once you are heading toward the north side.
The third toy soldier in the Doll Gallery area is just beside the door on the north side of the room.
The fourth toy soldier in the Doll Gallery area is northwest corner of the room. Jump on the platforms to reach the fourth toy soldier's location.
Go through the door and you will see Queen Philomia inside. Once you are near the door a lengthy cutscene will occur.
After the cutscene with Queen Philomia, you will need to escape the dungeon while avoiding the falling debris.

Note that if you get hit by the falling debris you will die immediately, however, you can respawn back at the starting point.
Once you reach the end of the dungeon, a cutscene with Queen Philomia will occur again, which will eventually lead you outside.

Talk With Queen Philomia

Talk With Queen Philomia

Once you get outside of the Queen's Palace Ruins dungeon, you will get to talk to Queen Philomia and ask her about her story and how she's affiliated with Olivia and Livie.

Return to the Stylist's Guild

Return to the Stylist's Guild in Florawish and report to Dada and Hiya everything that happened in Queen's Palace Ruins.

Florawish Map and 100% Exploration Guide

In the Lonely Song Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

In the Lonely Song Information

Part of the Song of the Lost Event

Song of the Lost Event

In the Lonely Song is an event-exclusive quest tied to the Song of the Lost event, which is part of The Queen's Lament group of events during Infinity Nikki's Version 1.3 Eerie Season update.

The quest's availability will only last until the event's end on March 25, 2025 so make sure to complete the quest before it's gone!

Song of the Lost Event Guide

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