Infinity Nikki Walkthrough Comments

Ghost Train Whimstars and Dews LocationComment

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    2 Rosa3 monthsReport

    I take it back, looks like the above is already listed—hard to tell since the pics are cropped so close. There's a set behind one of the later big pop-out guys that might be the missing set, I recall having to wait til it popped down so you could get to the gap in the boxes behind it. I think you could jump out of there directly upwards so believe it's different than the one on your list with the 3 dews that mentions a pop-out guy.

    1 Rosa3 monthsReport

    I think this is the last set you're missing—it's on top of some crates in the first "section" past the initial passenger car you run through, before the big pop-out ghost swings down to block your path. Pic is facing backwards—you can see the red carpets of the entrance past the passenger car.

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