How to Obtain Caladbolg Celestial Weapon Tips and Walkthrough

Final Fantasy X Caladbolg
This is a Guide on obtaining the Celestial Weapon Caladbolg in Final Fantasy X (FF X, FF 10). Read on for more information, guides, and hidden abilities of the weapon within this section.

General Information

Sidequest Details

Requirements Celestial Mirror
Reward Caladbolg

Celestial Weapon Abilities

Equipped by Tidus
Break Damage Limit Allows max damage to exceed 9999.
Triple Overdrive Charges Overdrive at triple speed.
Evade and Counter Evade physical attack and strike back.
Magic Counter Strike back after being attacked with magic.
Hidden Ability Deals more damage the closer Tidus' current HP is to Max HP and ignores enemy Defense (not Piercing)

Obtaining and Upgrading Caladbolg

How to Obtain Caladbolg

Obtaining Caladbolg

The path to Caladbolg will be blocked by a guard. To make the guard leave his post, you must defeat the chocobo trainer in the race. Head to the hidden area then use the Celestial Mirror at the glyph.

Crest Location

Sun Crest

The Sun Crest is located in the room you fought Yunalesca in Zanarkand. It is highly advised to get it after the battle as you will be blocked by dark Bahamut. Use one of the broken stairs to port to the other stair in the same room. The treasure chest will appear after doing this step.

Sigil Location

Sun Sigil

The runner up for the most difficult to obtain Sigil in the game next to the Venus Sigil. To obtain it, you must obtain a perfect time in the chocobo catcher mini-game from Chocobo Training.

Final Fantasy X Related Links

Celestial weapons list
Caladbolg Nirvana World Champion
Onion Knight Spirit Lance Masamune
God Hand - -


2 Anonymous12 months

AGREED! Especially Tidus’ sigil

1 Anonymousabout 2 years

Hope whatever douche who created the weaponss got hit by a bus and his grave was defiled


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