How to Obtain Onion Knight Celestial Weapon Tips and Walkthrough

Final Fantasy X Onion Knight

This is a Guide on obtaining the Celestial Weapon Onion Knight in Final Fantasy X (FFX, FF 10). Read on for more information, guides, and hidden abilities of the weapon within this section.

General Information

Sidequest Details

Requirements Celestial Mirror
Reward Onion Knight

Celestial Weapon Abilities

Equipped by Lulu
Break Damage Limit Allows max damage to exceed 9999.
Triple Overdrive Charges Overdrive at triple speed.
Magic Booster Use more MP to heighten spell power.
One MP Cost Reduces MP cost of spells to 1.
Hidden Ability Deals more damage the closer Lulu's Current MP is to her Max MP. Ignores Defense (not piercing).

Obtaining and Upgrading Onion Knight

How to Obtain Onion Knight

Onion Knight is found in the rubble of Baaj Temple in the same Area you fought Geosgaeno.

Crest Location

Venus Crest

The Venus Crest is found in the Farplane in Guadosalam. It will not appear the first time and must be revisited to make the treasure chest apper.

Sigil Location

Venus Sigil

Easily wins the award for the must frustrating Sigil to obtain in the game. The Venus Sigil appears as a reward after dodging 200 lightningbolts consecutively.
For more information about tricks to lightning dodging. There is a trick to easily reach the 200 lightning dodge count.

200 Lightning Dodge Trick

For more information on how this trick works, see the link below.
Lightning Dodge trick

Final Fantasy X Related Links

Celestial weapons list
Caladbolg Nirvana World Champion
Onion Knight Spirit Lance Masamune
God Hand - -


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