How to Get Dark Matter | Dark Matter Farming Guide

Final Fantasy X Ability Use Item

This is a page containing information about the item Dark Matter from the game Final Fantasy X (FFX , FF10). Read on to know more about the item including its effect, armor customization, weapon customization, and how to obtain it.

Dark Matter Information

Basic Information

Dark Matter
Aeon Ability Weapon Ability Armor Ability
2=Full Break
60=Break Damage Limit
Deals major damage to all enemies.

How to Obtain Dark Matter

Rare Drop from Monster Arena

Dark Matter has a 1/8 chance of dropping from monster arena creations. This will likely be the first time you'll gain a Dark Matter as the latter options of getting a dark matter sports a higher difficulty (but much more efficient). This is true for all Monster Arena Monsters so get hunting and complete the monster arena enemies!

Monster Arena Guide Unlockable Monsters and Rewards

Normal Drop from Dark Aeons

All Dark Aeons has a 7/8 chance of dropping a Dark Matter (and 1/8 chance of dropping a Master Sphere). The Dark Aeons are the most difficult enemy in the game so make sure that your characters are prepared and has atleast maxed out the sphere grid or much more preferrable, maxed out their stats.
Dark Aeons and Penance Locations

Dark Matter Farming Guide

There are 2 efficient ways to farm Dark Matters which will be listed below.

Dark Yojimbo Method

Dark Yojimbo is a unique Dark Aeon in that he needs to be slain 5 times to truly defeat him. You can simply kill him 4 times to try and get 4 Dark Matters from him then exit the area and repeat. Dark Yojimbo has one of the lowest HPs out of all the Dark Aeons so defeating him should not take too much time for a prepared party. The other advantage of defeating Dark Yojimbo is getting other loots like armor and weapons from him.

How to beat Dark Yojimbo Tips and Guide

Penance Method

Penance's Arms drops Dark Matters too. This is much more slower compared to farming it from Dark Yojimbo but is the most efficient way if you have already truly slain Dark Yojimbo. Or while at it, you can also just try and defeat Penance and end the game.

How to beat Penance Tips and Guide

Dark Matter Uses

Use to Damage Enemy

Dark Matter can be used to deal damage to all enemies. This is an expensive way to deal damage but it may offer new opportunities for some challenge runs like the No Sphere Grid challenge.

Add Break Damage Limit to Weapon

As the name implies, Break Damage Limit removes the 9,999 damage cap of your characters and increases it to 99,999. This will greatly ramp your character's damage. The Celestial weapons too, have this ability together with their unique ignore enemy defense ability so do try to get a celestial weapon for your main characters instead.

How to Obtain the Celestial Weapons

Add Ribbon to Armor

Dark Matter can be used to add the Ribbon ability to your characters. Ribon is an armor ability that prevents all status ailments from affecting your character (some rare attacks pierce this immunity).

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