Bahamut Special Attack and Abilities

Final Fantasy X Bahamut Abilities

This page contains information about the Aeon Bahamut in the game Final Fantasy X (FFX , FF10). Read on to know about this specific Aeon and its abilities.

Dark Bahamut

FFX Dark Bahamut Preparation

Dark Aeons are optional bosses that are based on all the obtainable Aeons in the game. Looking for a guide to beat Dark Bahamut? Look no further than our guide below.
How to beat Dark Bahamut Tips and Guide


The Fifth Obtainable Aeon

Bahamut is a non-elemental aeon. Bahamut is the fifth and last unmissable Aeon you will obtain and can be obtained after clearing the Bevelle Cloister of Trials.

Bahamut Abilities

Bahamut Special Attack Impulse

Impulse is Bahamut's Special Attack. Impulse deals non-elemental damage to all enemies.

Bahamut Overdrive

Bahamut Overdrive Mega Flare

Mega Flare is Bahamut's Overdrive. Mega Flare deals heavy non-elemental damage to all enemies.

Bahamut Abilities

Bahamut Black Magics

Fire Thunder
Water Blizzard
Fira Thundara
Watera Blizzara
Firaga Thundaga
Waterga Blizzaga

Final Fantasy X Related Link

Story Aeons

Main Storyline Aeons
Valefor Ifrit
Ixion Shiva
Bahamut -
Optional Aeons
Anima Yojimbo
Cindy Mindy
Sandy -


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