Story Walkthrough: Djose (Chapter 6)

Final Fantasy X Djose Moonflow story walkthrough

This is the Story Walkthrough for Chapter 6 (Djose) of Final Fantasy X (FFX, FF 10). Read on for more information about objectives, and bosses within this section.

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Chapter 6 Objectives

1 Follow the path leading to Djose.
2 After the scene. Head towards the path to the right to reach Djose Temple.
3 Djose Temple Cloister of Trials
4 Once you gain control of Tidus, Head inside the temple and talk to the priestess near Yuna.
5 Follow the path to exit Djose then head to the left path. Follow the path until you reach 2 Ronso's
6 After the scene, follow the road once again.
Optional On the way, you will encounter Belgemine.Battle her to obtain a Summoner's Soul.
7 Once you reach the Moonflow, head left.
8 After witnessing the Shoopuf, head left around the area Auron is standing.
9 Prepare for a boss fight then talk to the driver.
Boss Extractor Boss Fight Djose Underwater Yuna CaptiveBoss fight Extractor
10 Once you gain control, head left until you see a collapsed Rikku. Talk to her for a scene.
11 Head upwards until you reach Guadosalam.
End of Chapter 6

Djose Temple Cloister of Trials

Djose Temple Magic Sphere Destruction Sphere

This Cloister of Trial features pairs of Spheres. Try spheres usually won't work alone in this puzzle. For info on how to clear Djose Temple Cloister of Trials, see the link below.
Djose Temple Cloister of Trial

Optional Battle Belgemine's Ixion

Bring out Ifrit and keep attacking Ixion. Use Ifrit because Ifrit has a higher HP pool which can endure Ixion's fast attack after it uses its haste. Use Overdrive after dealing enough damage to win the battle.

Chapter 6 Boss Fights

Boss Fight Extractor

Extractor Boss Fight Djose Underwater Yuna Captive
Extractor is an underwater battle so only Wakka and Tidus is in the fight. With Strong Aoe attacks that cause blindness and a battle with no healer, this battle may be hard if tackled unprepared. For info on how to beat Extractor, see the link below.
How to beat Extractor

Chapter 6 Obtainable Key Items

Al Bhed Primer Vol. XI

Al Bhed Primer XI

The Al Bhed Primer XI can be found behined the 4th rock pillar in Djose Road.

Al Bhed Primer Vol. XII

Al Bhed Primer XII

The Al Bhed Primer XII is found on the platform on the northern wharf in Moonflow.

Summoner's Soul


You can find Belgemine on your way to Moonflow. Battling with her will net you the Summoner's Soul. You will gain 2 Dragon Scales if you win while losing will net you 6 Smoke Bombs.

Chapter 6 Obtainable Items

Obtainable Items
Djose Road Items From NPCs Hi-Potion Phoenix Down X2
Bright Bangle 4000 Gil Ability Sphere X4
Remedy Ether Mega Phoenix
Switch Hitter Magic Sphere Djose Temple Items From NPCs
Lv. 1 Key Sphere x3 X-Potion Lv. 1 Key Sphere x 3
Magic Def Sphere Phoenix Down X2 5000 Gil
Ether Antidote x4 Mega-Potion

Djose Road Items From NPCs

Soft Ring Variable Steel
Ether Ether
Mega-Potion -

A list of all items obtainable from NPCs in Djose Road.


FFX Hi-Potion Mushroom Rockroad Aftermath obtainable item
A Hi-Potion can be obtained beneath the rubble in the beach.

Phoenix Down X2

Djose Road FFX Obtainable Items
A Phoenix Down can be obtained in one of the chests in Djose Road.

Bright Bangle

FFX Bright Bangle Obtainable Item Djose Road
An equipment for Lulu. The Bright bangle is found inside a treasure chest hidden by a wall on the left side of Djose Road.

4000 Gil

FFX 4000 Gil Djose Temple Obtainable Item

Ability Sphere X4

FFX Ability Sphere X 4 Djose Temple


FFX Remedy Obtainable Item Djose Temple


FFX Djose Temple Ether Obtainable Items

Mega Phoenix

FFX Mega Phoenix Obtainable Items Djose Temple

Switch Hitter

FFX Switch Hitter Obtainable Items Djose Temple

Magic Sphere

Djose Temple Magic Sphere Destruction Sphere
A Magic Sphere can be obtained by using the Destruction Sphere in the Djose Temple Cloister of Trials. For a guide on how to solve the Cloister of Trial, see the link below.
Djose Temple Cloister of Trial

Djose Temple Items From NPCs

Potion X10 Halberd Hi-Potion X2

Some people will give you items when talking to them before leaving Djose Temple.

Lv. 1 Key Sphere x3

FFX Lv.1 Key Sphere x3 Moonflow
3 Lv.1 Key Spheres can be obtained in the broken cage to the right on the path to Moonflow.


FFX X-Potion Location Moonflow
An X-Potion can be obtained in the treasure chest before turning right in the road to Moonflow.

Lv. 1 Key Sphere x 3

3 Lv. 1 Key Sphere Location Road to Moonflow
3 more Lv. 1 Key Spheres can be obtained in a treasure chest near a patch of grass on the path to Moonflow.

Magic Def Sphere

FFX Magic Def Sphere Road to Moonflow
A Magic Def Sphere can be obtained in a treasure chest inside the forest on the path to Moonflow. Look at the minimap to find the small entrance to the treasure chest.

Phoenix Down X2

Phoenix Down X2 FFX Moonflow
2 Phoenix Downs can be obtained before entering the Southern Wharf of the Moonflow.

5000 Gil

FFX 5000 Gil Moonflow
5000 Gil can be found behind Lulu when waiting to ride the Shoopuf in the Southern Wharf in Moonflow.


FFX Ether North Wharf Moonflow
An Ether can be found in a treasure chest before exiting the Northern Wharf in Moonflow.

Antidote x4

FFX Antidote x4 Moonflow
4 antidotes can be obtained in a treasure chest up north before reaching Guadosalam.


FFX Mega-Potion Road to Guadpsalam Moonflow
Located near the entrance to the city of Guadosalam.

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