List of Airship Codes and Coordinates

Final Fantasy X List of all airship passwords and coordinates

A page containing information about the Airship Codes for Final Fantasy X Remastered (FFX, FF10) for Switch, PS4, and Xbox One. Read on to know all the Airship codes and avoid the hassle of searching for the clues in the game.


Fahrenheit Airship FFX

The Airship is the party's main mode of transportation in the later stages of the game. It also however, has secrets that can be activated either by inputting passwords or checking the coordinates of the world map of Spira. Below are the lists of all coordinates and passwords for the Airship.


GODHAND- Allows the party to teleport to Mushroom Rock Road. The Godhand Celestial Weapon can be obtained in the chest.
VICTORIOUS- Allows the party to teleport to Besaid and get Rikku's Armor from the chest.
MURASAME- Allows the party to teleport to a different area in Besaid to get Auron's Weapon Murasame.


Sanubia Sands

Enter the coordinate X12,Y44. It allows you to get Tidus' weapon Ascalon.

Battle Site

Enter the coordinate X39,Y59. It allows you to get Lulu's Armor Phantom Bangle.

Mi'ihen Ruins

Enter the coordinate X33,Y55. It allows you to get Rikku's Weapon Sonar.

Besaid Falls

Enter the coordinate X29,Y74. It allows you to get Kimahri's Weapon Dragoon Lance.

Omega Ruins

Enter the coordinate X69,Y32. A post dungeon with a Super Boss inside. For more information about Omega Ruins, see the link below.

Baaj Temple

Enter the coordinate X11,Y57. The Temple where Anima can be obtained. For more information about Anima, see the link below.
How to Obtain Anima Tips and Walkthrough

Final Fantasy X Related Links

List of Subquests
Celestial Weapons Dark Aeons and Penance
Lightning Dodger Monster Arena
Omega Ruins Optional Aeons
Chocobo Training Remiem Temple
Butterfly Hunt Cactuar Village
Al Bhed Primers Airship Codes
Jecht Spheres Chocobo Race


4 Anonymousalmost 2 years

I found the Baaj Temple at X13.605 Y57.874 and the Omega ruins at X71.151 Y33.396 !!!!

1 Anonymousabout 2 years

I found Baaj temple at X13.605 Y57.874 and Omega ruins was also slightly off to the south a degree or two


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