Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2

Heldrake Enemy Guide and How to Beat

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - Heldrake Enemy Guide and How to Beat
The Heldrake is one of the enemies you face in Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 and belongs to the Chaos faction. Check out this guide for more tactics and information on how to beat it!

Heldrake Enemy Information


Faction Chaos
Threat Level Terminus
Durability Heavily Armored

The Heldrake is a Daemon Engine of Chaos and is a Terminus enemy that you fight only in Operations, specifically in Operation 04: Reliquary.

Attacks and Abilities

The Heldrake is a unique boss in that instead of having multiple abilities, it stays in place and regularly spews fire that can only be avoided if you are behind cover. The Heldrake is invulnerable and can only be damaged if you successfully find the corresponding seals.

Enemy Reinforcements

The fight intended for there to be a continous stream of enemy back up that suddenly warp in at intervals. They serve as part of the challenge in this boss fight and will try to prevent you and your squad from quickly reaching the necessary seals.

How to Beat Heldrake

Immune While Covered With Wings

You cannot blitz this fight. The Heldrake's health bar is locked behind a puzzle in the form of 'purification seals'. If you want to damage the Heldrake, then you must select and reach the corresponding seals.

Invoke the Correct Seals Upon the Altar

Space Marine 2 - Invoke the Correct Seals Upon the Altar
Each purification process involves finding and selecting a set of three seals. There are glyphs to the left and right of the Heldrake that will be lit. Find and interact with the consoles that have the matching seals. During this time, the Heldrake will regularly call in reinforcements to try and stop you.

Divide and Conquer

Do not focus on taking out the enemy reinforcements that warp in. Instead, prioritize reaching the various seals.

One of you can draw enemy fire, while the other 2 members can simultaneously rush the needed seals.

Hide Behind Pillars During Fire Breath

Space Marine 2 - Heldrake Pillars
You will only have a brief window to react when the Heldrake breathes fire. If you do engage enemies, stick near available cover, the best ones being the broken pillars that are scattered in the arena.

If you do get caught off-guard, use the slight invincibility frames from dodge rolls to mitigate the tick damage from the burning ground.

Aim for the Head

Space Marine 2 - Defeat Heldrake

Once the Heldrake is vulnerable, immediately offload everything you have into its head. This does the most damage before it recovers and becomes invulnerable again.

There is a given opportunity window to significantly chunk the Heldrake's health during each succesful seal interval. In any case, you will likely have to do more than 1 set of the seal puzzle.

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