Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2

Best Weapons Tier List

Space Marine 2 - Weapons Tier List

This is a tier list for the best weapons in Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2. See our tier list ranking for the best primary, secondary, and melee weapons, as well as our criteria and explanations for their ranking.

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Best Weapons Tier List

See all of our tier lists below for Primary Weapons, Secondary Weapons, and Melee Weapons:

Primary Weapons Tier List

S Rank Icon Space Marine 2 - Plasma IncineratorPlasma Incinerator Space Marine 2 - Stalker Bolt RifleStalker Bolt Rifle
Space Marine 2 - Las FusilLas Fusil Space Marine 2 - Multi-MeltaMulti-Melta
Space Marine 2 - Melta RifleMelta Rifle
A Rank Icon Space Marine 2 - Bolt RifleBolt Rifle Space Marine 2 - Heavy Bolt RifleHeavy Bolt Rifle
Space Marine 2 - Instigator Bolt CarbineInstigator Bolt Carbine
B Rank Icon Space Marine 2 - Auto Bolt RifleAuto Bolt Rifle Space Marine 2 - Bolt Sniper RifleBolt Sniper Rifle
Space Marine 2 - Bolt CarbineBolt Carbine Space Marine 2 - Heavy BolterHeavy Bolter
C Rank Icon Space Marine 2 - Occulus Bolt CarbineOcculus Bolt Carbine Space Marine 2 - Heavy Plasma IncineratorHeavy Plasma Incinerator

Secondary Weapons Tier List

S Rank Icon Space Marine 2 - Plasma PistolPlasma Pistol
A Rank Icon Space Marine 2 - Heavy Bolt PistolHeavy Bolt Pistol
B Rank Icon Space Marine 2 - Bolt PistolBolt Pistol

Melee Weapons Tier List

S Rank Icon Space Marine 2 - Thunder HammerThunder Hammer
A Rank Icon Space Marine 2 - Power FistPower Fist Space Marine 2 - Power SwordPower Sword
B Rank Icon Space Marine 2 - ChainswordChainsword Space Marine 2 - Combat KnifeCombat Knife

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Weapons Tier List Explanations

S Tier Weapons

Weapon Explanation
Space Marine 2 - Plasma IncineratorPlasma Incinerator Type: Primary
Its ability to rapid-fire as well as charge up a shot makes this a very powerful, high-damage and versatile weapon that can adapt to and excel in any close-to-mid-range fight.
Space Marine 2 - Stalker Bolt RifleStalker Bolt Rifle Type: Primary
The Stalker Bolt Rifle, although low in ammo capacity, can tear through elite enemies in a couple shots. It is a powerful mid-to-long-range weapon that functions like a semi-auto rifle and is able to get more fragile classes like the Sniper out of a bind.
Space Marine 2 - Las FusilLas Fusil Type: Primary
The Las Fusil is an extremely powerful sniper that, when aiming a fully-charged shot at an elite's head, can incapacitate or kill them in one hit. In the hands of a capable Sniper, this weapon can clear the field of the toughest enemies, making life easier for your squadmates on the frontlines.
Space Marine 2 - Multi-MeltaMulti-Melta Type: Primary
The Multi-Melta is a powerful flame-slinging gun that functions like a shotgun and is a stronger version of the Melta Rifle. It has low ammo but a bit more than the Melta. The Multi-Melta can absolutely decimate mobs and deal tremendous damage to elites and larger enemies
Space Marine 2 - Plasma PistolPlasma Pistol Type: Secondary
The Plasma Pistol is the best secondary weapon, as it hits harder than the Bolt Pistol and can be charged up for a powerful hit, making it a capable elite-destroyer in a pinch.
Space Marine 2 - Thunder HammerThunder Hammer Type: Melee
The Thunder Hammer is the best melee weapon in the game, since it hits hard, has high AoE range, can clear mobs very quickly, and is a tremendous damage-dealer and mobility option when used with the Assault's Jetpack to Ground Pound.
Space Marine 2 - Melta RifleMelta Rifle Type: Primary
The Melta Rifle is a powerful flame-slinging gun that functions like a shotgun. It has extremely low ammo but can absolutely decimate mobs and deal tremendous damage to elites and larger enemies. It is a great weapon of choice for the Tactical and Vanguard classes.

A Tier Weapons

Weapon Explanation
Space Marine 2 - Bolt RifleBolt Rifle Type: Primary
Sitting in between the Stalker Bolt Rifle and the Auto Bolt Rifle, the Bolt Rifle is a solid close-to-mid-range weapon that outperforms most rifles and provides a reliable, consistent stream of damage coupled with a good amount of ammo reserve.
Space Marine 2 - Heavy Bolt RifleHeavy Bolt Rifle Type: Primary
The Heavy Bolt Rifle is a good substitute for the Bolt Rifle, if you fancy something with a higher rate of fire, larger ammo reserve but slightly lower damage output. This weapon tears into mobs but needs a bit more effort taking down stronger enemies.
Space Marine 2 - Instigator Bolt CarbineInstigator Bolt Carbine Type: Primary
The Instigator Bolt Carbine fires in three-round bursts. It is a solid gun choice that deals decent damage, while boasting a high rate of fire and ammo reserve, it can provide a constant stream of damage anywhre from close to medium to long range.
Space Marine 2 - Heavy Bolt PistolHeavy Bolt Pistol Type: Secondary
The Heavy Bolt Pistol hits harder than the Bolt Pistol, making it more effective at clearing mobs as well as going toe to toe with elite enemies in a pinch.
Space Marine 2 - Power FistPower Fist Type: Melee
The Power Fist boasts decent damage as well as good AoE and mob-clearing potential. Excellent for easily taking out hordes as well as getting yourself out of an ambush.
Space Marine 2 - Power SwordPower Sword Type: Melee
The Power Sword gains an advantage over the Chainsword due to its versatility. It can quickly cut through elites in its normal state or can gain a buff to AoE capabilities when charged up, allowing it to tear through hordes as well.

B Tier Weapons

Weapon Explanation
Space Marine 2 - Auto Bolt RifleAuto Bolt Rifle Type: Primary
The Auto Bolt Rifle trades firepower for a huge reserve of ammo. It certainly hits weaker than its rifle cousins and has a bit of trouble taking down elites but it can tear through mobs with ease.
Space Marine 2 - Bolt Sniper RifleBolt Sniper Rifle Type: Primary
Dealing incredible long range damage, this is solid choice for the good old fashioned Sniper. It may be outshined by the Las Fusil in terms of elite stopping power, however, not needing to charge up for a shot makes this certainly more reliable as a medium-to-long-range weapon.
Space Marine 2 - Bolt CarbineBolt Carbine Type: Primary
Functionally a submachine gun, the Bolt Carbine has the lowest damage output but one of the highest ammo reserves. Its low accuracy makes it a less compelling option for longer range firefights but it has some upgrades that increases its accuracy, putting it over the Occulus Bolt Carbine.
Space Marine 2 - Heavy BolterHeavy Bolter Type: Primary
The Heavy Bolter is functionally an LMG, and is more powerful than the Bolt Carbine but is hampered by its terrible accuracy, especially when holding fire for a while to unleash its full rate of fire. However, its extremely high ammo reserves make it a decent horde clearer, if anything.
Space Marine 2 - Bolt PistolBolt Pistol Type: Secondary
The Bolt Pistol is the standard secondary for all classes. It has middling firepower but is good enough at keeping hordes in check. You may need to use more ammo than necessary to deal some damage but it is still reliable, especially for performing Gun Strikes.
Space Marine 2 - ChainswordChainsword Type: Melee
The Chainsword is a powerful melee weapon and can go head to head with elites, but its ability to crowd control is surpassed by other melee weapons. Still this is a very solid, albeit quite boring, choice and will not let you down.
Space Marine 2 - Combat KnifeCombat Knife Type: Melee
The Combat Knife is the weakest among the melee weapons but remains a viable option. It has low cleaving potential and multi-target capabilities but using it as a Fencing weapon for perfect parries helps improve its usability.

C Tier Weapons

Weapon Explanation
Space Marine 2 - Occulus Bolt CarbineOcculus Bolt Carbine Type: Primary
The Occulus Bolt Carbine is difficult to recommend due to its lower accuracy and less compelling upgrades compared to the Bolt Carbine.
Space Marine 2 - Heavy Plasma IncineratorHeavy Plasma Incinerator Type: Primary
The Heavy Plasma Incinerator is the toughest to use among the Heavy's arsenal, as it has very low ammo reserves and eats up too much ammo when charging up shots. Likely only good to use on elites when they're surrounded by mobs.

Weapons Tier List Criteria

Can Decimate Hordes of Enemies

Operations are mostly going to revolve around managing multiple waves of enemies that may overwhelm even the most decorated of soldiers. A good weapon can hold its own when faced with a large number of enemies.

Capable of Defeating Elite Enemies

A good weapon can quickly shred elite enemies, which are the toughest enemies to defeat, and the ones your team needs to neutralize first to turn the tides of battle.

Good Compromise Between Firepower, Accuracy, and Ammo

Some weapons come with either high damage, high accuracy or high ammo reserves. You can't have them all, but a good weapon should find the perfect balance between all of these and still be a reliable weapon that does what it does best: defeat enemies quickly without spending too much resources.

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