Super Mario Wonder

All Wonder Seed Locations

Super Mario Bros Wonder - All Wonder Seed Locations

Wonder Seeds are collected after finishing the corresponding Wonder Effect and by clearing the course in Super Mario Bros Wonder. Read on and learn the locations of all Wonder Seeds found in each world!

How to Use Wonder Seeds

Tied to Progression

Majority of the levels in Super Mario Bros. Wonder are unlocked by collecting a required amount of wonder seeds.

Get a Green Checkmark

Getting all wonder seeds in a course is required to get a Green Checkmark among other things, which indicated that you've cleared 100% of the course.

How to Get a Green Checkmark on Each Level

Get a Medal for Getting All Wonder Seeds

Your effort in getting all wonder seeds across all courses in every world is rewarded with a Medal, in honor of your dedication and hard work.

All Pipe-Rock Plateau (W1) Wonder Seed Locations

Welcome to the Flower Kingdom Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
Welcome to the Flower Kingdom Piranha Plants on Parade Scram, Skedaddlers
Bulrush Coming Through! Here Come the Hoppos Rolla Koopa Derby
Swamp Pipe Crawl Angry Spikes and Sinkin' Pipes Sproings in the Twilight Forest
Cosmic Hoppos Pipe-Rock Plateau Palace Bulrush Express
Parachute Cap 1 Wall-Climb Jump 1 Jet Run 1
Wiggler Race Mountaineering!
Welcome to the Flower Kingdom Wonder Seeds

1. Obtained After Clearing the Wonder Flower

Super Mario Wonder - Wonder Seed

The first Wonder Seed can be obtained after you clear the mysterious space after taking the Wonder Flower. The Wonder Seed can be found above a fountain, just right after the series of extending and retracting pipes.

2. Obtained by Clearing the Stage

Super Mario Wonder - Wonder Seed 2

The second Wonder Seed can be obtained automatically after you clear World 1-1.

Welcome to the Flower Kingdom Guide

Piranha Plants on Parade Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
Welcome to the Flower Kingdom Piranha Plants on Parade Scram, Skedaddlers
Bulrush Coming Through! Here Come the Hoppos Rolla Koopa Derby
Swamp Pipe Crawl Angry Spikes and Sinkin' Pipes Sproings in the Twilight Forest
Cosmic Hoppos Pipe-Rock Plateau Palace Bulrush Express
Parachute Cap 1 Wall-Climb Jump 1 Jet Run 1
Wiggler Race Mountaineering!
Piranha Plants on Parade Wonder Seeds

1. Obtained From the Moving Wonder Flower

Super Mario Wonder - 1-2 Wonder Seed 1

After the flag in the middle of the course, head past the pipe with a Piranha Plant coming out of it to see the Moving Wonder Flower.

Taking the Wonder Flower activates the Wonder Effect causing the Piranha Plant to sing, and forcibly causing the stage to move to the right. Make it to the end of the Wonder Effect to collect the Wonder Seed.

2. Obtained by Clearing the Course

Super Mario Wonder - 1-2 Wonder Seed 2

The second Wonder Seed can be obtained automatically after you clear the course.

3. Finish the Course through the Hidden Exit

Mario Wonder - Piranha Plant Parade Hidden Exit Goal

Finish the course through the hidden exit to get the last Wonder Seed. You can get there by going up on the platform above the three pipes, and you can find those pipes at the end of the Wonder Flower Sequence.

Follow the path until you reach the exit!

Piranha Plants on Parade Guide

Scram, Skedaddlers Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
Welcome to the Flower Kingdom Piranha Plants on Parade Scram, Skedaddlers
Bulrush Coming Through! Here Come the Hoppos Rolla Koopa Derby
Swamp Pipe Crawl Angry Spikes and Sinkin' Pipes Sproings in the Twilight Forest
Cosmic Hoppos Pipe-Rock Plateau Palace Bulrush Express
Parachute Cap 1 Wall-Climb Jump 1 Jet Run 1
Wiggler Race Mountaineering!
Scram, Skedaddlers Wonder Seeds

1. Obtainable From Wonder Flower Effect

Super Mario Wonder - 1-3 Wonder Seed 1

After touching the Wonder Flower, the Wonder Effect will cause stars to fall from the sky. After a 10 Second Timer, you must acquire another star to extend the timer by an additional 10 seconds.

Chase down the Skedaddler holding the Wonder Seed and knock it out to obtain the first seed.

2. Obtained by Clearing the Course

Super Mario Wonder - 1-3 Wonder Seed 2

The second Wonder Seed can be obtained automatically after you clear the course.

Scram, Skedaddlers Guide

Bulrush Coming Through! Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
Welcome to the Flower Kingdom Piranha Plants on Parade Scram, Skedaddlers
Bulrush Coming Through! Here Come the Hoppos Rolla Koopa Derby
Swamp Pipe Crawl Angry Spikes and Sinkin' Pipes Sproings in the Twilight Forest
Cosmic Hoppos Pipe-Rock Plateau Palace Bulrush Express
Parachute Cap 1 Wall-Climb Jump 1 Jet Run 1
Wiggler Race Mountaineering!
Bulrush Coming Through! Wonder Seeds

1. Get the Wonder Flower and Grab the Wonder Seed at the End

Super Mario Wonder - Wonder Flower and Wonder Seed

Obtain the Wonder Flower hiding behind the 2x2 block in the air and ride the bulls to get the Wonder Seed. You should be able to obtain it at the end, near the goal in the clouds!

2. Clear the Course Through the Normal Goal

Super Mario Wonder - Bulrush Ground Goal

You can end this course normally if you follow the path without taking the Wonder Flower. You can also use the bull near the goal to boost yourself and reach the top!

3. Clear the Course Through the Cloud Goal

Super Mario Wonder - Cloud Goal

You can get to the cloud goal by using the Wonder Flower and riding the bulls until you pass through the first Wonder Seed. Be careful not to fall or you'll have to climb back again!

Bulrush Coming Through! Guide

Here Come the Hoppos Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
Welcome to the Flower Kingdom Piranha Plants on Parade Scram, Skedaddlers
Bulrush Coming Through! Here Come the Hoppos Rolla Koopa Derby
Swamp Pipe Crawl Angry Spikes and Sinkin' Pipes Sproings in the Twilight Forest
Cosmic Hoppos Pipe-Rock Plateau Palace Bulrush Express
Parachute Cap 1 Wall-Climb Jump 1 Jet Run 1
Wiggler Race Mountaineering!
Here Come the Hoppos Wonder Seeds

1. Top of the Large Hoppo During Wonder Flower

Super Mario Wonder - 1st Wonder Seed

The first Wonder Flower You can activate the Wonder Flower by touching the two blue flowers connected to it. After that, get on top of the larger Hoppo using the smaller Hoppos to get the Wonder Seed at the top.

2. Reward for Completing the Course

Super Mario Wonder - 2nd Wonder Seed

You will be awarded with a Wonder Seed for completing the course. You will get it immediately after crossing the goal!

Here Come the Hoppos Guide

Rolla Koopa Derby Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
Welcome to the Flower Kingdom Piranha Plants on Parade Scram, Skedaddlers
Bulrush Coming Through! Here Come the Hoppos Rolla Koopa Derby
Swamp Pipe Crawl Angry Spikes and Sinkin' Pipes Sproings in the Twilight Forest
Cosmic Hoppos Pipe-Rock Plateau Palace Bulrush Express
Parachute Cap 1 Wall-Climb Jump 1 Jet Run 1
Wiggler Race Mountaineering!
Rolla Koopa Derby Wonder Seeds

1. Obtained as a Wonder Flower Reward

How to Get Wonder Seed

Pull the string on the wall.

Collect the 5 Flower Medals.

The first Wonder Seed can be obtained by completing the Wonder Effect caused by the Wonder Flower. The Wonder Seed will appear on the top after you have collected 5 Flower Medals.

To make the Wonder Flower appear, just grab and pull the string on the wall.

2. Obtained by Clearing the Course

Super Mario Wonder - Course Clear

The second Wonder Seed can be obtained automatically after you clear the course.

Rolla Koopa Derby Guide

Swamp Pipe Crawl Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
Welcome to the Flower Kingdom Piranha Plants on Parade Scram, Skedaddlers
Bulrush Coming Through! Here Come the Hoppos Rolla Koopa Derby
Swamp Pipe Crawl Angry Spikes and Sinkin' Pipes Sproings in the Twilight Forest
Cosmic Hoppos Pipe-Rock Plateau Palace Bulrush Express
Parachute Cap 1 Wall-Climb Jump 1 Jet Run 1
Wiggler Race Mountaineering!
Swamp Pipe Crawl Wonder Seeds

1. Obtained as a Wonder Flower Reward

Super Mario Wonder - Push the Pipe
The first Wonder Seed can be obtained by clearing the Wonder Effect after taking the Wonder Flower. The Wonder Flower will appear when you push the pipe to the right place.

2. Obtained by Clearing the Course

Super Mario Wonder - Course Clear
The second Wonder Seed can be obtained automatically after you clear the course.

Swamp Pipe Crawl Guide

Angry Spikes and Sinkin' Pipes Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
Welcome to the Flower Kingdom Piranha Plants on Parade Scram, Skedaddlers
Bulrush Coming Through! Here Come the Hoppos Rolla Koopa Derby
Swamp Pipe Crawl Angry Spikes and Sinkin' Pipes Sproings in the Twilight Forest
Cosmic Hoppos Pipe-Rock Plateau Palace Bulrush Express
Parachute Cap 1 Wall-Climb Jump 1 Jet Run 1
Wiggler Race Mountaineering!
Angry Spikes and Sinkin' Pipes Wonder Seeds

1. Touch the Blue Bud Then Ride the Pipe

After touching the blue buds along the way, get on top of the pipe shown in the video above. If you stand on the pipe, you will move to the underground stage which holds the first Wonder Seed.

2. Clear the Course

Super Mario Wonder - Second Wonder Seed.png
You will be awarded with one Wonder Seed after completing the course, regardless of whether you collect or unlock all the secrets in the area.

Angry Spikes and Sinkin' Pipes Guide

Sproings in the Twilight Forest Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
Welcome to the Flower Kingdom Piranha Plants on Parade Scram, Skedaddlers
Bulrush Coming Through! Here Come the Hoppos Rolla Koopa Derby
Swamp Pipe Crawl Angry Spikes and Sinkin' Pipes Sproings in the Twilight Forest
Cosmic Hoppos Pipe-Rock Plateau Palace Bulrush Express
Parachute Cap 1 Wall-Climb Jump 1 Jet Run 1
Wiggler Race Mountaineering!
Swamp Pipe Crawl Wonder Seeds

1. Crouch in Front of the Trees During Wonder Effect

Super Mario Wonder - Sproings in the Twilight Forest Wonder Seed 1

The first Wonder Seed can be obtained after getting the Wonder Flower by defeating the glowing Sproings. During the Wonder Effect, crouch in front of the trees to make the Wonder Seed appear and grab it.

2. Obtained by Clearing the Course

Super Mario Wonder - Sproings in the Twilight Forest Wonder Seed 2

The second Wonder Seed can be obtained automatically after you clear the course.

Sproings in the Twilight Forest Guide

Cosmic Hoppos Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
Welcome to the Flower Kingdom Piranha Plants on Parade Scram, Skedaddlers
Bulrush Coming Through! Here Come the Hoppos Rolla Koopa Derby
Swamp Pipe Crawl Angry Spikes and Sinkin' Pipes Sproings in the Twilight Forest
Cosmic Hoppos Pipe-Rock Plateau Palace Bulrush Express
Parachute Cap 1 Wall-Climb Jump 1 Jet Run 1
Wiggler Race Mountaineering!
Cosmic Hoppos Wonder Seeds

1. Get the Wonder Flower and Grab the Wonder Seed at the Top

In front of the goal, boost yourself out of the map to the top to reach a secret area. Hit the glowing wall to the left to get the Wonder Flower once you get there. It will lead you to outer space where you can jump on the Hoppos and reach the Wonder Seed at the top.

2. Clear the Course

Super Mario Wonder - Second Wonder Seed

You will earn one Wonder Seed for clearing the course. There is only one goal this time, meaning you can only get one from clearing the course!

Cosmic Hoppos Guide

Pipe-Rock Plateau Palace Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
Welcome to the Flower Kingdom Piranha Plants on Parade Scram, Skedaddlers
Bulrush Coming Through! Here Come the Hoppos Rolla Koopa Derby
Swamp Pipe Crawl Angry Spikes and Sinkin' Pipes Sproings in the Twilight Forest
Cosmic Hoppos Pipe-Rock Plateau Palace Bulrush Express
Parachute Cap 1 Wall-Climb Jump 1 Jet Run 1
Wiggler Race Mountaineering!
Pipe-Rock Plateau Palace Wonder Seeds

1. Wonder Flower Reward

Super Mario Wonder - Enter Pipe

A Wonder Seed can be obtained as a Wonder Flower reward. When you pick up this Wonder Flower, the surrounding pipes will start to fall, so be careful not to get crushed.

2. Complete the Course

Super Mario Wonder - Complete Course

The second Wonder Seed can be obtained automatically after you clear the course.

Pipe-Rock Plateau Palace Guide

Bulrush Express Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
Welcome to the Flower Kingdom Piranha Plants on Parade Scram, Skedaddlers
Bulrush Coming Through! Here Come the Hoppos Rolla Koopa Derby
Swamp Pipe Crawl Angry Spikes and Sinkin' Pipes Sproings in the Twilight Forest
Cosmic Hoppos Pipe-Rock Plateau Palace Bulrush Express
Parachute Cap 1 Wall-Climb Jump 1 Jet Run 1
Wiggler Race Mountaineering!
Bulrush Express Wonder Seeds

1. At the End of the Wonder Flower Sequence

Mario Wonder - 3rd Wonder Seed
You can get the first Wonder Seed once the Wonder Flower Sequence ends. You can start it at the beginning of the course, after going down the pipe.

2. Clear the Course Through the Normal Goal

Mario Wonder - Normal Route
Go up the Red Pipe after the Wonder Flower Sequence ends to get the normal route. Head right and touch the pole after that to finish the course.

3. Clear the Course Through the Golden Pipe Goal

Mario Wonder - Golden Pipe Exit
You can access the other exit by bulldozing your way to the golden pipe after the Wonder Flower Sequence. You can do that by transforming into an Elephant and using the trunk to remove the blocks blocking the way.

Go up the golden pipe then head right to see the flag and finish the course!

Bulrush Express Guide

Parachute Cap 1 Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
Welcome to the Flower Kingdom Piranha Plants on Parade Scram, Skedaddlers
Bulrush Coming Through! Here Come the Hoppos Rolla Koopa Derby
Swamp Pipe Crawl Angry Spikes and Sinkin' Pipes Sproings in the Twilight Forest
Cosmic Hoppos Pipe-Rock Plateau Palace Bulrush Express
Parachute Cap 1 Wall-Climb Jump 1 Jet Run 1
Wiggler Race Mountaineering!
Parachute Cap 1 Wonder Seeds

1. Reward for Clearing the Course

Super Mario Wonder - Parachute Cap Wonder Seed.png

The first and only Wonder Seed can be obtained automatically after you clear the course.

Parachute Cap 1 Badge Challenge Guide

Wall-Climb Jump 1 Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
Welcome to the Flower Kingdom Piranha Plants on Parade Scram, Skedaddlers
Bulrush Coming Through! Here Come the Hoppos Rolla Koopa Derby
Swamp Pipe Crawl Angry Spikes and Sinkin' Pipes Sproings in the Twilight Forest
Cosmic Hoppos Pipe-Rock Plateau Palace Bulrush Express
Parachute Cap 1 Wall-Climb Jump 1 Jet Run 1
Wiggler Race Mountaineering!
Wall-Climb Jump 1 Wonder Seeds

1. Reward for Clearing the Course

Super Mario Wonder - Reward Wonder Seed

You can get one Wonder Seed for clearing this challenge and course. You are guaranteed to get it regardless of whether you get all the coins or secrets in this course!

Wall-Climb Jump 1 Badge Challenge Guide

Jet Run 1 Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
Welcome to the Flower Kingdom Piranha Plants on Parade Scram, Skedaddlers
Bulrush Coming Through! Here Come the Hoppos Rolla Koopa Derby
Swamp Pipe Crawl Angry Spikes and Sinkin' Pipes Sproings in the Twilight Forest
Cosmic Hoppos Pipe-Rock Plateau Palace Bulrush Express
Parachute Cap 1 Wall-Climb Jump 1 Jet Run 1
Wiggler Race Mountaineering!
Jet Run 1 Wonder Seeds

1. Reward for Clearing the Course

Super Mario Wonder - Wonder Seed Reward.png

You will get one Wonder Seed for completing this challenge and course. You only need to touch the goal to clear it, even if you didn't collect all the items on this challenge!

Jet Run 1 Badge Challenge Guide

Wiggler Race Mountaineering! Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
Welcome to the Flower Kingdom Piranha Plants on Parade Scram, Skedaddlers
Bulrush Coming Through! Here Come the Hoppos Rolla Koopa Derby
Swamp Pipe Crawl Angry Spikes and Sinkin' Pipes Sproings in the Twilight Forest
Cosmic Hoppos Pipe-Rock Plateau Palace Bulrush Express
Parachute Cap 1 Wall-Climb Jump 1 Jet Run 1
Wiggler Race Mountaineering!
Wiggler Race Mountaineering! Wonder Seeds

1. Defeat the Wiggler in the Race

Super Mario Wonder - Wiggler Race Wonder Seed

The Wonder Seed in this course can be obtained by beating the Wiggler in the Race.

Wiggler Race Mountaineering! Guide

All Fluff-Puff Peaks (W2) Wonder Seed Locations

Fluff-Puff Peaks Cabin Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
Fluff-Puff Peaks Cabin Outmaway Valley Condarts Away!
Pokipede Pass Pole Block Passage Jump! Jump! Jump!
Fluff-Puff Peaks Flying Battleship Countdown to Drop Down Cruising with Linking Lifts
Zip-Go-Round Fluff-Puff Peaks Palace Up 'n' Down with Puffy Lifts
Floating High Jump 1 Spring Feet 1 Wall-Climb Jump 2
Puzzling Park Fluff-Puff Kerfuff Kick It, Outmaway
Cloud Cover
Fluff-Puff Peaks Cabin

1. Receive a Wonder Seed From the Poplin

Wonder Seed Chest

When you first enter Fluff-Puff Peaks Cabin, the Poplin there will tell you about the situation of the world, and hand you a Wonder Seed from a chest to aid you and the Prince on your journey.

Fluff-Puff Peaks Cabin Guide

Outmaway Valley Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
Fluff-Puff Peaks Cabin Outmaway Valley Condarts Away!
Pokipede Pass Pole Block Passage Jump! Jump! Jump!
Fluff-Puff Peaks Flying Battleship Countdown to Drop Down Cruising with Linking Lifts
Zip-Go-Round Fluff-Puff Peaks Palace Up 'n' Down with Puffy Lifts
Floating High Jump 1 Spring Feet 1 Wall-Climb Jump 2
Puzzling Park Fluff-Puff Kerfuff Kick It, Outmaway
Cloud Cover
Outmaway Valley Wonder Seeds

1. Get the Wonder Flower and Grab the Wonder Seed at the End

Mario Wonder - Wonder Flower Spot
You can find and get the first Wonder Seed by touching the Wonder Flower hidden in a block of ice near diagonally placed pipes. Drop hit the ice to break it and do another one on the glowing light to reveal the Wonder Flower!

2. Normal Goal Clear

You can end this course normally if you follow the path without taking the Wonder Flower. You can ride the big block of ice at the end to reach the top of the goal!

3. Wonder Flower Goal Clear

You will end up in a different goal after the Wonder Flower effect. Passing through this goal will get you a separate Wonder Seed!

Outmaway Valley Guide

Condarts Away! Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
Fluff-Puff Peaks Cabin Outmaway Valley Condarts Away!
Pokipede Pass Pole Block Passage Jump! Jump! Jump!
Fluff-Puff Peaks Flying Battleship Countdown to Drop Down Cruising with Linking Lifts
Zip-Go-Round Fluff-Puff Peaks Palace Up 'n' Down with Puffy Lifts
Floating High Jump 1 Spring Feet 1 Wall-Climb Jump 2
Puzzling Park Fluff-Puff Kerfuff Kick It, Outmaway
Cloud Cover
Condarts Away! Wonder Seeds

1. Wonder Flower Reward

Condarts Away! Wonder Seed 1 Steps
Proceed through the course until you see 5 Condarts.
You will see a Wonder Flower on top of them. Use Wall-Climb Jump on the wall to get to the flower.
Upon activating the Wonder Effect, your perspective will change to top-down. Proceed through the Wonder Effect but be careful of Condarts and moving bouncy blocks.
Upon reaching the end of the Wonder Effect, you will see the Wonder Seed surrounded by bricks and a Condor on the ceiling. Bait the Condor into charging towards the bricks so that you can get the Wonder Seed.

The Wonder Flower is located near the area where there are 5 Condarts. Upon getting the flower and entering the Wonder Effect though, your perspective will change into top-down and that you only have 120 seconds before the effect disappears.

This is a lot of time but don't waste your time dilly-dallying to get the Wonder Seed.

2. Complete the Course

Super Mario Wonder - Clear Course

The second Wonder Seed is automatically obtained by clearing the course.

Condarts Away! Guide

Pokipede Pass Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
Fluff-Puff Peaks Cabin Outmaway Valley Condarts Away!
Pokipede Pass Pole Block Passage Jump! Jump! Jump!
Fluff-Puff Peaks Flying Battleship Countdown to Drop Down Cruising with Linking Lifts
Zip-Go-Round Fluff-Puff Peaks Palace Up 'n' Down with Puffy Lifts
Floating High Jump 1 Spring Feet 1 Wall-Climb Jump 2
Puzzling Park Fluff-Puff Kerfuff Kick It, Outmaway
Cloud Cover
Pokipede Pass Wonder Seeds

1. At the End of the Wonder Flower Sequence

Mario Wonder - Pokipede Pass Wonder Seed 1

After the halfway point, you'll find a Wonder Flower behind a wall. Let the Pokipede destroy the wall to get the Wonder Flower.

Climb up the area with a lot of floating platforms, then jump on the snow platforms that accumulate to reach the Wonder Seed.

2. Clear the Course

Mario Wonder - Pokipede Pass Wonder Seed 2

You can get 1 Wonder Seed for clearing the course. Just touch the goal at the end to receive it!

Pokipede Pass Guide

Pole Block Passage Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
Fluff-Puff Peaks Cabin Outmaway Valley Condarts Away!
Pokipede Pass Pole Block Passage Jump! Jump! Jump!
Fluff-Puff Peaks Flying Battleship Countdown to Drop Down Cruising with Linking Lifts
Zip-Go-Round Fluff-Puff Peaks Palace Up 'n' Down with Puffy Lifts
Floating High Jump 1 Spring Feet 1 Wall-Climb Jump 2
Puzzling Park Fluff-Puff Kerfuff Kick It, Outmaway
Cloud Cover
Pole Block Passage Wonder Seeds

1. Top of the Wonder Flower Sequence After Collecting All Flower Pieces

For this level, the Wonder Flower will split up, and you'll have to collect all five Flower Pieces scattered across the poles that appear. The Wonder Seed will appear at the top of the sequence once you collected all five.

The Wonder Flower is located at the top path near the end of the level; hit the floating block beside the talking flower that says 'This block looks... different.'

2. Clear the Course

Mario Wonder - Pole Block Passage Wonder Seed 2

You can get 1 Wonder Seed for clearing the course. Just touch the goal at the end to receive it!

Pole Block Passage Guide

Jump! Jump! Jump! Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
Fluff-Puff Peaks Cabin Outmaway Valley Condarts Away!
Pokipede Pass Pole Block Passage Jump! Jump! Jump!
Fluff-Puff Peaks Flying Battleship Countdown to Drop Down Cruising with Linking Lifts
Zip-Go-Round Fluff-Puff Peaks Palace Up 'n' Down with Puffy Lifts
Floating High Jump 1 Spring Feet 1 Wall-Climb Jump 2
Puzzling Park Fluff-Puff Kerfuff Kick It, Outmaway
Cloud Cover
Jump! Jump! Jump! Wonder Seeds

1. Get At the End of the Music Platform Sequence

Mario Wonder - Jump Jump Jump Wonder Seed 1

In this level, after you get the Wonder Flower, you'll need to constantly jump on platforms in rhythm with the music; if you're too early the platform won't be there yet, and if you take too long from jumping from a platform, it will disappear.

At the end of this sequence, you'll find the Wonder Seed; don't worry, it's on solid ground that won't disappear.

2. Clear the Course

Mario Wonder - Jump Jump Jump Wonder Seed 2

You can get 1 Wonder Seed for clearing the course. Just touch the goal at the end to receive it!

Jump! Jump! Jump! Guide

Fluff-Puff Peaks Flying Battleship Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
Fluff-Puff Peaks Cabin Outmaway Valley Condarts Away!
Pokipede Pass Pole Block Passage Jump! Jump! Jump!
Fluff-Puff Peaks Flying Battleship Countdown to Drop Down Cruising with Linking Lifts
Zip-Go-Round Fluff-Puff Peaks Palace Up 'n' Down with Puffy Lifts
Floating High Jump 1 Spring Feet 1 Wall-Climb Jump 2
Puzzling Park Fluff-Puff Kerfuff Kick It, Outmaway
Cloud Cover
Fluff-Puff Peaks Flying Battleship Wonder Seeds

1. At the End of the Wonder Flower Sequence

You can get the one and only Wonder Seed on this course at the end of the Wonder Flower Sequence. Let the bowser bot put its aim on the bricks hiding the Wonder Seed to make way and grab it!

Fluff-Puff Peaks Flying Battleship Guide

Countdown to Drop Down Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
Fluff-Puff Peaks Cabin Outmaway Valley Condarts Away!
Pokipede Pass Pole Block Passage Jump! Jump! Jump!
Fluff-Puff Peaks Flying Battleship Countdown to Drop Down Cruising with Linking Lifts
Zip-Go-Round Fluff-Puff Peaks Palace Up 'n' Down with Puffy Lifts
Floating High Jump 1 Spring Feet 1 Wall-Climb Jump 2
Puzzling Park Fluff-Puff Kerfuff Kick It, Outmaway
Cloud Cover
Countdown to Drop Down Wonder Seeds

1. Skydive Towards it after Getting the Wonder Flower

Halfway through the level, you should spot the Wonder Flower beneath some pipes; you'll need to ride the cloud to get to it.

You'll then get into a skydiving sequence; just keep going down until you find the Wonder Seed.

2. Clear the Course

Mario Wonder - Countdown to Drop Down Wonder Flower 2
You can get 1 Wonder Seed for clearing the course. Just touch the goal at the end to receive it!

Countdown to Drop Down Guide

Cruising with Linking Lifts Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
Fluff-Puff Peaks Cabin Outmaway Valley Condarts Away!
Pokipede Pass Pole Block Passage Jump! Jump! Jump!
Fluff-Puff Peaks Flying Battleship Countdown to Drop Down Cruising with Linking Lifts
Zip-Go-Round Fluff-Puff Peaks Palace Up 'n' Down with Puffy Lifts
Floating High Jump 1 Spring Feet 1 Wall-Climb Jump 2
Puzzling Park Fluff-Puff Kerfuff Kick It, Outmaway
Cloud Cover
Cruising with Linking Lifts Wonder Seeds

1. At the End of the Wonder Flower Sequence

Mario Wonder - Wonder Flower

You can get the first Wonder Seed at the end of the Wonder Flower Sequence. You can get the Wonder Flower by touching the blue flower right after the checkpoint.

2. Finish the Course

Mario Wonder - Clear Course

You will receive 1 Wonder Seed for finishing the course. You only need to touch the goal to get it!

Cruising with Linking Lifts Guide

Zip-Go-Round Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
Fluff-Puff Peaks Cabin Outmaway Valley Condarts Away!
Pokipede Pass Pole Block Passage Jump! Jump! Jump!
Fluff-Puff Peaks Flying Battleship Countdown to Drop Down Cruising with Linking Lifts
Zip-Go-Round Fluff-Puff Peaks Palace Up 'n' Down with Puffy Lifts
Floating High Jump 1 Spring Feet 1 Wall-Climb Jump 2
Puzzling Park Fluff-Puff Kerfuff Kick It, Outmaway
Cloud Cover
Zip-Go-Round Wonder Seeds

Collect All Five Wonder Pieces

Mario Wonder - Zip-Go-Round Wonder Seed

To get the one Wonder Seed in this level, you need to collect all five Wonder Pieces quickly orbiting the middle of the screen. This is a tiny enclosed area and it's impossible to fail; just master your timing in jumping from the zip-go-round to the Wonder Pieces.

After you get all the pieces, the Wonder Seed will appear, floating at the middle for you to collect.

Zip-Go-Round Guide

Fluff-Puff Peaks Palace Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
Fluff-Puff Peaks Cabin Outmaway Valley Condarts Away!
Pokipede Pass Pole Block Passage Jump! Jump! Jump!
Fluff-Puff Peaks Flying Battleship Countdown to Drop Down Cruising with Linking Lifts
Zip-Go-Round Fluff-Puff Peaks Palace Up 'n' Down with Puffy Lifts
Floating High Jump 1 Spring Feet 1 Wall-Climb Jump 2
Puzzling Park Fluff-Puff Kerfuff Kick It, Outmaway
Cloud Cover
Fluff-Puff Peaks Palace Wonder Seeds

Raise the Wonder Flower By Stepping on the Third Pipe

The one Wonder Seed in this level can be found at the end of the Wonder Flower sequence. To get the Wonder Flower, progress through the game until you find the floating blue flower.

Hit it to spawn the Wonder Flower, which you won't be able to reach yet. To get it, step on the pipe that raises the pipe below the flower; this is the third one from the left pipes nearby.

When you get the Wonder Flower, you'll get into a shadow sequence with your body stretched out. Get to the end of this sequence to find the Wonder Seed.

Fluff-Puff Peaks Palace Guide

Up 'n' Down with Puffy Lifts Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
Fluff-Puff Peaks Cabin Outmaway Valley Condarts Away!
Pokipede Pass Pole Block Passage Jump! Jump! Jump!
Fluff-Puff Peaks Flying Battleship Countdown to Drop Down Cruising with Linking Lifts
Zip-Go-Round Fluff-Puff Peaks Palace Up 'n' Down with Puffy Lifts
Floating High Jump 1 Spring Feet 1 Wall-Climb Jump 2
Puzzling Park Fluff-Puff Kerfuff Kick It, Outmaway
Cloud Cover
Up 'n' Down with Puffy Lifts Wonder Seeds

1. Obtained as a Wonder Flower Reward

Super Mario Wonder - Wonder Flower

You can obtain a Wonder Seed by getting the Wonder Flower within the course. You will then activate the Wonder Effect once you get the Wonder Flower and must clear it to obtain the Wonder Seed.

2. Obtained by Clearing the Course

Super Mario Wonder - Course Clear

You will automatically obtain a Wonder Seed upon completing the course.

Up 'n' Down with Puffy Lifts Guide

Floating High Jump 1 Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
Fluff-Puff Peaks Cabin Outmaway Valley Condarts Away!
Pokipede Pass Pole Block Passage Jump! Jump! Jump!
Fluff-Puff Peaks Flying Battleship Countdown to Drop Down Cruising with Linking Lifts
Zip-Go-Round Fluff-Puff Peaks Palace Up 'n' Down with Puffy Lifts
Floating High Jump 1 Spring Feet 1 Wall-Climb Jump 2
Puzzling Park Fluff-Puff Kerfuff Kick It, Outmaway
Cloud Cover
Floating High Jump 1 Wonder Seeds

Clear the Course

Mario Wonder - Floating High Jump 1 Wonder Seed

You can get the one Wonder Seed in this course by clearing it. Just touch the goal at the end to receive it!

Floating High Jump 1 Badge Challenge Guide

Spring Feet 1 Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
Fluff-Puff Peaks Cabin Outmaway Valley Condarts Away!
Pokipede Pass Pole Block Passage Jump! Jump! Jump!
Fluff-Puff Peaks Flying Battleship Countdown to Drop Down Cruising with Linking Lifts
Zip-Go-Round Fluff-Puff Peaks Palace Up 'n' Down with Puffy Lifts
Floating High Jump 1 Spring Feet 1 Wall-Climb Jump 2
Puzzling Park Fluff-Puff Kerfuff Kick It, Outmaway
Cloud Cover
Floating High Jump 1 Wonder Seeds

Clear the Course

Mario Wonder - Spring Feet 1 Wonder Seed

You can get the one Wonder Seed in this course by clearing it. Just touch the goal at the end to receive it!

Spring Feet 1 Badge Challenge Guide

Wall-Climb Jump 2 Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
Fluff-Puff Peaks Cabin Outmaway Valley Condarts Away!
Pokipede Pass Pole Block Passage Jump! Jump! Jump!
Fluff-Puff Peaks Flying Battleship Countdown to Drop Down Cruising with Linking Lifts
Zip-Go-Round Fluff-Puff Peaks Palace Up 'n' Down with Puffy Lifts
Floating High Jump 1 Spring Feet 1 Wall-Climb Jump 2
Puzzling Park Fluff-Puff Kerfuff Kick It, Outmaway
Cloud Cover
Wall-Climb Jump 2 Wonder Seeds

1. Obtained by Clearing Course

Super Mario Wonder - Course Clear

The Wonder Seed is automatically obtained upon clearing the course.

Wall-Climb Jump 2 Badge Challenge Guide

Puzzling Park Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
Fluff-Puff Peaks Cabin Outmaway Valley Condarts Away!
Pokipede Pass Pole Block Passage Jump! Jump! Jump!
Fluff-Puff Peaks Flying Battleship Countdown to Drop Down Cruising with Linking Lifts
Zip-Go-Round Fluff-Puff Peaks Palace Up 'n' Down with Puffy Lifts
Floating High Jump 1 Spring Feet 1 Wall-Climb Jump 2
Puzzling Park Fluff-Puff Kerfuff Kick It, Outmaway
Cloud Cover
Puzzling Park Wonder Seeds

Collect all the Wonder Tokens to Reveal the Wonder Seed

Blue Flower Above Hidden Character Blocks
Hidden Yellow Toad Block Below
Through the Golden Pipe
Underground Area
In the Air to the Right

Getting all five Wonder Tokens will reveal the Wonder Seed at the end.

Search Party - Puzzling Park Guide

Fluff-Puff Kerfuff Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
Fluff-Puff Peaks Cabin Outmaway Valley Condarts Away!
Pokipede Pass Pole Block Passage Jump! Jump! Jump!
Fluff-Puff Peaks Flying Battleship Countdown to Drop Down Cruising with Linking Lifts
Zip-Go-Round Fluff-Puff Peaks Palace Up 'n' Down with Puffy Lifts
Floating High Jump 1 Spring Feet 1 Wall-Climb Jump 2
Puzzling Park Fluff-Puff Kerfuff Kick It, Outmaway
Cloud Cover
Fluff-Puff Kerfuff Wonder Seeds

Clear the Stage

Mario Wonder - Fluff-Puff Kerfuff Wonder Seed

You can get the one Wonder Seed in this course by clearing it. Just touch the treasure chest at the end room to receive it!

Fluff-Puff Kerfuff Guide

Kick It, Outmaway Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
Fluff-Puff Peaks Cabin Outmaway Valley Condarts Away!
Pokipede Pass Pole Block Passage Jump! Jump! Jump!
Fluff-Puff Peaks Flying Battleship Countdown to Drop Down Cruising with Linking Lifts
Zip-Go-Round Fluff-Puff Peaks Palace Up 'n' Down with Puffy Lifts
Floating High Jump 1 Spring Feet 1 Wall-Climb Jump 2
Puzzling Park Fluff-Puff Kerfuff Kick It, Outmaway
Cloud Cover
Kick It, Outmaway Wonder Seeds

Evade All of Outmaway's Attacks

To clear this course, you'll need to evade all of the ice blocks that Outmaway launches at you. Once you survive its last attack, the Wonder Seed will appear in the middle of the stage.

The Floating High Jump Badge is great for this course if you start out small. Otherwise, you can simply break the ice blocks with your attacks when powered up by a Fire Flower or Elephant Fruit.

Kick It, Outmaway Guide

Cloud Cover Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
Fluff-Puff Peaks Cabin Outmaway Valley Condarts Away!
Pokipede Pass Pole Block Passage Jump! Jump! Jump!
Fluff-Puff Peaks Flying Battleship Countdown to Drop Down Cruising with Linking Lifts
Zip-Go-Round Fluff-Puff Peaks Palace Up 'n' Down with Puffy Lifts
Floating High Jump 1 Spring Feet 1 Wall-Climb Jump 2
Puzzling Park Fluff-Puff Kerfuff Kick It, Outmaway
Cloud Cover
Kick It, Outmaway Wonder Seeds

Collect All 5 Wonder Tokens

Super Mario Bros Wonder - Collect All 5 Wonder Tokens

There is only one Wonder Seed for this level; to get it, you need to collect all 5 Wonder Tokens located up in the clouds within the course. To reach them, hit the striped block to extend a pole upwards to reach them.

Once you collect all 5 Wonder Tokens, head back down and grab the Wonder Seed to complete the course!

Cloud Cover Guide

All Shining Falls (World 3) Wonder Seed Locations

The Hoppycat Trial: Hop, Hop, and Awaaay Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
The Hoppycat Trial: Hop, Hop, and Awaaay The Anglefish Trial: Ready, Aim, Fly! The Midway Trial: Hop to It
The Sugarstar Trial: Across the Night Sky The Sharp Trial: Launch to Victory The Final Trial: Zip Track Dash
Crouching High Jump 1 An Empty Park? Unreachable Treasure
Timer-Switch Climb Timer-Switch Dash Watery Wonder Tokens
Poplin Shop Royal Seed Mansion
The Hoppycat Trial: Hop, Hop, and Awaaay Wonder Seeds

1. Obtained From the Giant Hoppycat Wonder Effect

Super Mario Wonder - Giant Hoppycat

After getting the Wonder Flower, continously jump up and make the Giant Hoppycat copy you, which will open up new paths. Once you reach the top, make the Hoppycat jump up again, then quickly grab the Wonder Seed!

2. Obtained by Clearing the Course

Super Mario Wonder - Hoppycat Trial End Stage

The second Wonder Seed can be obtained automatically after you clear the course.

The Hoppycat Trial: Hop, Hop, and Awaaay Guide

The Anglefish Trial: Ready, Aim, Fly! Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
The Hoppycat Trial: Hop, Hop, and Awaaay The Anglefish Trial: Ready, Aim, Fly! The Midway Trial: Hop to It
The Sugarstar Trial: Across the Night Sky The Sharp Trial: Launch to Victory The Final Trial: Zip Track Dash
Crouching High Jump 1 An Empty Park? Unreachable Treasure
Timer-Switch Climb Timer-Switch Dash Watery Wonder Tokens
Poplin Shop Royal Seed Mansion
The Anglefish Trial: Ready, Aim, Fly! Wonder Seeds

1. Obtained During Anglefish Wonder Effect

Super Mario Wonder - Anglefish Wonder Effect.png

After you grab the Wonder Flower, jump on top of the Anglefish and use them as stepping-stones to jump upward.

The Wonder Seed can be found at the top of the course during the Wonder Effect, just follow the trail of Flower Coins!

2. Obtained by Clearing the Course

Super Mario Wonder - Anglefish Trial End Screen.png

The second Wonder Seed can be obtained automatically after you clear the course.

The Anglefish Trial: Ready, Aim, Fly! Guide

The Midway Trial: Hop to It Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
The Hoppycat Trial: Hop, Hop, and Awaaay The Anglefish Trial: Ready, Aim, Fly! The Midway Trial: Hop to It
The Sugarstar Trial: Across the Night Sky The Sharp Trial: Launch to Victory The Final Trial: Zip Track Dash
Crouching High Jump 1 An Empty Park? Unreachable Treasure
Timer-Switch Climb Timer-Switch Dash Watery Wonder Tokens
Poplin Shop Royal Seed Mansion
The Midway Trial: Hop to It Wonder Seeds

1. Knock Out the Glowing Hoppycat to Reveal the Wonder Flower

Once you reach the Checkpoint Flag, knock out and throw a Bamboo Enemy towards the Hoppycat to knock it out. Keep in mind that you can only knock out the Hoppycat by bumping a block it is standing on, so don't waste your time trying to chase after it.

2. Obtained by Clearing the Course

Super Mario Wonder - Midway Trial Clear Screen.png

The second Wonder Seed can be obtained automatically after you clear the course.

The Midway Trial: Hop to It Guide

The Sugarstar Trial: Across the Night Sky Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
The Hoppycat Trial: Hop, Hop, and Awaaay The Anglefish Trial: Ready, Aim, Fly! The Midway Trial: Hop to It
The Sugarstar Trial: Across the Night Sky The Sharp Trial: Launch to Victory The Final Trial: Zip Track Dash
Crouching High Jump 1 An Empty Park? Unreachable Treasure
Timer-Switch Climb Timer-Switch Dash Watery Wonder Tokens
Poplin Shop Royal Seed Mansion
The Sugarstar Trial: Across the Night Sky Wonder Seeds

1. Obtained During Falling Star Wonder Effect

Super Mario Wonder - Sugarstar Trial Wonder Seed.png

The Wonder Seed can be obtained at the end of the Wonder Effect where falling Super Star Power-ups fall from the sky.

A timer will appear at the top of your screen, signaling the end of the Wonder Effect, which can be extended by grabbing another star.

2. Obtained by Clearing the Course

Super Mario Wonder - Sugarstar Trial Clear Screen.png

The second Wonder Seed can be obtained automatically after you clear the course.

The Sugarstar Trial: Across the Night Sky Guide

The Sharp Trial: Launch to Victory Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
The Hoppycat Trial: Hop, Hop, and Awaaay The Anglefish Trial: Ready, Aim, Fly! The Midway Trial: Hop to It
The Sugarstar Trial: Across the Night Sky The Sharp Trial: Launch to Victory The Final Trial: Zip Track Dash
Crouching High Jump 1 An Empty Park? Unreachable Treasure
Timer-Switch Climb Timer-Switch Dash Watery Wonder Tokens
Poplin Shop Royal Seed Mansion
The Sharp Trial: Launch to Victory Wonder Seeds

1. Obtained During the Hoppycat Transformation Wonder Effect

The Wonder Flower in this course is hidden in a ? Block, but it lacks the usual glow effect that indicates it contains the Flower. Break the block by launching the Hoppycat once you are on the same level as the block.

Once the Wonder Flower transforms you into a Hoppycat, jump upwards and beat the timer to grab the Wonder Seed!

2. Obtained by Clearing the Course

Super Mario Wonder - Sharp Trial Clear Screen.png

The second Wonder Seed can be obtained automatically after you clear the course.

The Sharp Trial: Launch to Victory Guide

The Final Trial: Zip Track Dash Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
The Hoppycat Trial: Hop, Hop, and Awaaay The Anglefish Trial: Ready, Aim, Fly! The Midway Trial: Hop to It
The Sugarstar Trial: Across the Night Sky The Sharp Trial: Launch to Victory The Final Trial: Zip Track Dash
Crouching High Jump 1 An Empty Park? Unreachable Treasure
Timer-Switch Climb Timer-Switch Dash Watery Wonder Tokens
Poplin Shop Royal Seed Mansion
The Final Trial: Zip Track Dash Wonder Seeds

1. Obtained From the Hoppycat Transformation Wonder Effect

Grab the Wonder Flower from the raised Zip Track shortly after the first Flower Coin. Since the platform rises abruptly, equipping a badge like the Floating High Jump will make the Wonder Flower easier to grab.

Taking the Wonder Flower causes the Zip Track to change directions, directing you towards the Wonder Seed, and Poplin House Exit. Unfortunately, the second and third Purple 10 Coins are on the False Goal track, so you must complete this level at least two times to collect both Wonder Seeds, and all Three Wonder Coins.

2. Obtained From Poplin House Exit

Super Mario Wonder - Final Trial True Goal.png

The course has two goal posts, one from taking the Wonder Flower, and the other from taking the Zip Track under the flower. The Wonder Seed will be given to you by the Poplin if you take the Wonder Flower Route.

The alternate goal post however, does not have a Poplin House, so reaching that Goal Post counts as clearing the course, but unfortunately does not grant any rewards.

The Final Trial: Zip Track Dash Guide

Crouching High Jump 1 Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
The Hoppycat Trial: Hop, Hop, and Awaaay The Anglefish Trial: Ready, Aim, Fly! The Midway Trial: Hop to It
The Sugarstar Trial: Across the Night Sky The Sharp Trial: Launch to Victory The Final Trial: Zip Track Dash
Crouching High Jump 1 An Empty Park? Unreachable Treasure
Timer-Switch Climb Timer-Switch Dash Watery Wonder Tokens
Poplin Shop Royal Seed Mansion
Crouching High Jump 1 Wonder Seeds

1. Reward for Clearing the Course

Super Mario Wonder - Crouching High Jump Wonder Seed.png

The Wonder Seed for this course can be obtained automatically after clearing the stage.

Crouching High Jump 1 Badge Challenge Guide

An Empty Park? Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
The Hoppycat Trial: Hop, Hop, and Awaaay The Anglefish Trial: Ready, Aim, Fly! The Midway Trial: Hop to It
The Sugarstar Trial: Across the Night Sky The Sharp Trial: Launch to Victory The Final Trial: Zip Track Dash
Crouching High Jump 1 An Empty Park? Unreachable Treasure
Timer-Switch Climb Timer-Switch Dash Watery Wonder Tokens
Poplin Shop Royal Seed Mansion
An Empty Park Wonder Seed

1. Get all the Wonder Tokens

Collect All 5 Wonder Tokens hidden across this level in order to unlock the Wonder Seed.

An Empty Park? Guide

Unreachable Treasure Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
The Hoppycat Trial: Hop, Hop, and Awaaay The Anglefish Trial: Ready, Aim, Fly! The Midway Trial: Hop to It
The Sugarstar Trial: Across the Night Sky The Sharp Trial: Launch to Victory The Final Trial: Zip Track Dash
Crouching High Jump 1 An Empty Park? Unreachable Treasure
Timer-Switch Climb Timer-Switch Dash Watery Wonder Tokens
Poplin Shop Royal Seed Mansion
Unreachable Treasure Wonder Seeds

1. Hit the Hidden Block and Use it as a Foothold

Super Mario Wonder - Unreachable Treasure Hidden Block.png
To reach the Wonder Seed on the other side of the pipe, jump up the topmost row of blocks, then jump up while standing on the middle block to reveal the hidden block above you.

Jump on the hidden block, and simply dash jump to the other side, grab the coins along the way, then grab the Wonder Seed!

Unreachable Treasure Guide

Timer-Switch Climb Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
The Hoppycat Trial: Hop, Hop, and Awaaay The Anglefish Trial: Ready, Aim, Fly! The Midway Trial: Hop to It
The Sugarstar Trial: Across the Night Sky The Sharp Trial: Launch to Victory The Final Trial: Zip Track Dash
Crouching High Jump 1 An Empty Park? Unreachable Treasure
Timer-Switch Climb Timer-Switch Dash Watery Wonder Tokens
Poplin Shop Royal Seed Mansion
Timer-Switch Climb Wonder Seeds

1. At the Top of the Purple Blocks

Super Mario Wonder - Timer-Switch Climb Wonder Seed.png

The Wonder Seed for this course can be found above all the Purple Dotted-line Timer Blocks. You can step on these blocks after hitting the Timer Block, but only for a short amount of time.

Hit the first Timer Block, then make your way up, while remembering to hit the other Timer Blocks to extend the duration of the Purple Blocks. Once you reach the top, Dash Jump to get the Wonder Seed!

Timer-Switch Climb Guide

Timer-Switch Dash Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
The Hoppycat Trial: Hop, Hop, and Awaaay The Anglefish Trial: Ready, Aim, Fly! The Midway Trial: Hop to It
The Sugarstar Trial: Across the Night Sky The Sharp Trial: Launch to Victory The Final Trial: Zip Track Dash
Crouching High Jump 1 An Empty Park? Unreachable Treasure
Timer-Switch Climb Timer-Switch Dash Watery Wonder Tokens
Poplin Shop Royal Seed Mansion
Timer-Switch Dash Wonder Seeds

1. Obtained at the End of the Course

Super Mario Wonder - Timer Switch Dash Wonder Seed.png

The Wonder Seed can be found at the end of the course. Purple Dotted-Line Blocks that you can step on after hitting the Timer Block will serve as your foothold, but only for a short amount of time.

Hit the first Timer Block, then make your way through the course, while remembering to hit the other Timer Blocks to extend the duration of the Purple Blocks.

Timer-Switch Dash Guide

Watery Wonder Tokens Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
The Hoppycat Trial: Hop, Hop, and Awaaay The Anglefish Trial: Ready, Aim, Fly! The Midway Trial: Hop to It
The Sugarstar Trial: Across the Night Sky The Sharp Trial: Launch to Victory The Final Trial: Zip Track Dash
Crouching High Jump 1 An Empty Park? Unreachable Treasure
Timer-Switch Climb Timer-Switch Dash Watery Wonder Tokens
Poplin Shop Royal Seed Mansion
Watery Wonder Tokens Wonder Seeds

1. Obtained by Clearing the Course

Super Mario Wonder - Watery Wonder Tokens Wonder Seed.png

The Wonder Seed can be obtained automatically after obtaining all Wonder Tokens

Watery Wonder Tokens Guide

Poplin Shop Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
The Hoppycat Trial: Hop, Hop, and Awaaay The Anglefish Trial: Ready, Aim, Fly! The Midway Trial: Hop to It
The Sugarstar Trial: Across the Night Sky The Sharp Trial: Launch to Victory The Final Trial: Zip Track Dash
Crouching High Jump 1 An Empty Park? Unreachable Treasure
Timer-Switch Climb Timer-Switch Dash Watery Wonder Tokens
Poplin Shop Royal Seed Mansion
Poplin Shop Wonder Seed

1. Buy Wonder Seed to Unlock Areas

Super Mario Wonder - Poplin Shop Wonder Seed
Buying the Wonder Seed in the shop will help you beat the third world of the game quickly, as it will allow you to unlock different courses and levels until you reach the last stage!

Poplin Shop Items

Royal Seed Mansion Wonder Seeds

Jump to a Section!
The Hoppycat Trial: Hop, Hop, and Awaaay The Anglefish Trial: Ready, Aim, Fly! The Midway Trial: Hop to It
The Sugarstar Trial: Across the Night Sky The Sharp Trial: Launch to Victory The Final Trial: Zip Track Dash
Crouching High Jump 1 An Empty Park? Unreachable Treasure
Timer-Switch Climb Timer-Switch Dash Watery Wonder Tokens
Poplin Shop Royal Seed Mansion
Royal Seed Mansion Wonder Seeds

1. Receive a Royal Seed From the Master Poplin

Obtained Royal Seed.png

After completing all of the Master Poplin's Trials, he will hand you the Royal Seed from a chest to aid you and the Prince on your journey.

Royal Seed Mansion Guide

Super Mario Wonder Related Guides

Super Mario Wonder - Collectibles.png

All Collectibles Complete Guide


Super Mario Wonder - 1-Up Mushroom1-Up

Super Mario Wonder - Flower CoinFlower

Super Mario Wonder - Purple 10 CoinPurple

10 Coin
Super Mario Wonder - Wonder SeedWonder

Super Mario Wonder - Wonder TokenWonder


Purple 10 Coin Locations

Purple 10 Coin Locations
All World 1 Purple 10 Coin Locations All World 2 Purple 10 Coin Locations
All World 3 Purple 10 Coin Locations All World 4 Purple 10 Coins Locations
All World 5 Purple 10 Coin Locations All World 6 Purple 10 Coin Locations
All Petal Isles Purple 10 Coin Locations All Special World Purple 10 Coin Locations

All Purple 10 Coin Locations

Wonder Seed Locations

Wonder Seed Locations
All World 1 Wonder Seed Locations All World 2 Wonder Seed Locations
All World 3 Wonder Seed Locations All World 4 Wonder Seed Locations
All World 5 Wonder Seed Locations All World 6 Wonder Seed Locations
All Petal Isles Wonder Seed Locations All Special World Wonder Seed Locations

All Wonder Seed Locations


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