Super Mario Wonder

Deep Magma Bog Search Party: Item Park Wonder Token Locations

Super Mario Wonder - Item Park.png

Item Park is the Search Party Course in Deep Magma Bog (World 6) in Super Mario Bros Wonder. Read more to find out where the Search Party course is, as well as where the Wonder Tokens are in this course.

5Fungi Mines
6Deep Magma Bog
Petal IslesPetal Isles
Where the Rrrumbas Rule image6-1 Raarghs in the Ruins image6-2 Pull, Turn, Burn image6-3 Hot-Hot Hot! image6-4 Wavy Ride Through the Magma Tube image6-5 Dragon Boneyard image6-6 Floating High Jump 2 image6-7 Boosting Spin Jump 2 image6-8
Grappling Vine 2 image6-9 Jet Run 2 image6-10 Invisibility 2 image6-11 Spring Feet 2 image6-12 Deep Magma Bog Flying Battleship image6-13 Deep Magma Bog Palace image6-14 Magma Flare-Up image6-15 Item Park image6-16
Hot-Hot Rocks image6-17 Deep Magma Bog Observatory #1 image6-18 Deep Magma Bog Observatory #2 image6-19 Deep Magma Bog Observatory #3 image6-20 Deep Magma Bog Observatory #4 image6-21 Poplin Shop image6-22

Deep Magma Bog Search Party: Item Park World and Difficulty

Deep Magma Bog Search Party Course Location

The Search Party Course in Deep Magma Bog can be found just past the Play Online Satellite. If you will play with friends, establish a connection first before heading to the Search Party course!

World and Difficulty

World 6 (Deep Magma Bog)
Difficulty ★☆☆☆☆
Wonder Seeds 1

All Badges Effects and How to Get

Best Power-Up for Item Park

Super Mario Wonder - Elephant FruitElephant Fruit

All Power-Ups

List of Items in this Course

Super Mario Wonder - Elephant FruitElephant Fruit Super Mario Wonder - Bubble FlowerBubble Flower Super Mario Wonder - Drill MushroomDrill Mushroom

Free Elephant, Bubble, and Drill Power-ups

Super Mario Wonder - Item Park Powerups.png

At the start of the course, there are three pipes that dispense Elephant Fruits, Bubble Flowers, and Drill Mushrooms, respectively.

You can enter the course and take a power-up, then leave through the entrance to keep the power-up in your inventory!

Best Character for Item Park

Play as Yoshi or Nabbid for Easy Mode (Great for Kids)

Super Mario Wonder -  Yoshi
Super Mario Wonder -  Nabbit

Yoshi and Nabbit take no damage from enemies making them great choices for children and beginners! Be careful of cliffs though, as they will still lose a life if they fall out of bounds!

Best Badge for Item Park

Any Badge is fine!

Item Park Wonder Token Locations

1. Use the Elephant Power-Up to Roll the Rock

Use the Elephant Power-up and attack the Ball to break the walls surrounding the Wonder Token.

2. Hit the Hidden Block to Reveal the Ivy

Using any power-up or by ground pounding, break the Toad Block to reveal the ivy you can climb to reach the Wonder Token above.

3. Use the Drill to Reach the Token on the Upper Left Corner

On the stack of ? Blocks above the first Wonder Token, jump up to reveal the hidden block, and jump up from it to reach the ceiling. Once inside, jump down to grab the coin.

4. Use the Bubble Flower to Knock Out the Smackerel

Using the Bubble Power-up, throw Bubbles at the Smackerel to capture and defeat them. Once all three are defeated, the Wonder Token will appear.

5. Go to the Secret Pocket Using the Drill

Equip the Drill Powerup, then jump to the second moving platform. Once the platform reaches the wall, crouch to enter the ground, then move right until you reach the hidden pocket.

All Wonder Seed Locations

Item Park Video Guide

Super Mario Wonder Related Guides

Super Mario Bros - Deep Magma Bog

Deep Magma Bog (World 6): All Levels and Courses

Regular Courses

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Badge Challenges

World 6 Badge Challenges
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Grappling Vine 2Grappling Vine 2 Jet Run 2Jet Run 2
Invisibility 2Invisibility 2 Spring Feet 2Spring Feet 2

Mini Stages and Shops

World 6 Mini Stages and Shops
Magma Flare-UpMagma Flare-Up Hot Hot RocksHot-Hot Rocks
Item ParkItem Park Super Mario Wonder - Deep Magma Bog Observatory 1Deep Magma Bog Observatory #1
Super Mario Wonder - Deep Magma Bog Observatory 2Deep Magma Bog Observatory #2 Super Mario Wonder - Deep Magma Bog Observatory 3Deep Magma Bog Observatory #3
Super Mario Wonder - Deep Magma Bog Observatory 4Deep Magma Bog Observatory #4 Mario Wonder - Poplin Shop Deep Magma Bog (World 6)Poplin Shop


1 Anonymousover 1 year

Those aren't smackerals mate


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