Super Mario Wonder

All World 6 Purple 10 Coins Locations

These are the locations of all Purple 10 Coins in Deep Magma Bog (World 6) in Super Mario Bros Wonder. See all the locations and how to get each Purple 10 Coin in Deep Magma Bog!

All Deep Magma Bog (W6) Purple 10 Coins Locations

Where the Rrrumbas Rule Purple 10 Coins

Jump to a Section!
Where the Rrrumbas Rule Raarghs in the Ruins Pull, Turn, Burn
Hot-Hot Hot! Wavy Ride Through the Magma Tube Dragon Boneyard
Floating High Jump 2 Boosting Spin Jump 2 Grappling Vine 2
Jet Run 2 Invisibility 2 Spring Feet 2
Deep Magma Bog Flying Battleship Deep Magma Bog Palace Magma Flare-Up
Search Party: Item Park Hot-Hot Rocks Observatory #1
Observatory #2 Observatory #3 Observatory #4
Poplin Shop
Where the Rrrumbas Rule Purple 10 Coins

1. Next to Blocks

Where the Rrrumbas Rule Purple 10 Coin

You can spot your first purple 10 coin by just proceeding normally through the course. It is next to breakable blocks so either bait the nearby Rrruma into hitting the blocks or get the coin by using the Drill.

2. Use the Drill to Reach Purple 10 Coin

Where the Rrrumbas Rule Second Purple 10 Coin Steps
Knock down the yellow stick to get to the top platform.
Get the purple flower on top.
Follow the coin trail at the ceiling by using the Drill.
Get the coin.

Proceed normally throught the course and you'll encounter a ramp with a long stick on top of it near spiny enemies.

Knock down this long stick to get to the platform with the purple flower on top and it'll make a trail on the ceiling. Follow this trail by using your Drill powerup until it leads to the purple 10 coin!

3. Use the Rrrumba to Destroy Blocks

Where the Rrrumbas Rule Third Purple 10 Coin Steps
Go to the right side of the Rrrumba and bait it to roll on the blocks.
Enter the pipe to get to the coin.
Third purple 10 coin location.

After the checkppoint, you will see an area with four long sticks and blocks blocking the entrance to a pipe. There's also a Rrrumba on top of the platform.

Immediately go to the right side of the Rrrumba in order to bait it into going right so that it'll roll towards the blocks and the long sticks.

Enter the pipe and you will see the purple 10 coin.

Where the Rrrumbas Rule Guide

Raarghs in the Ruins Purple 10 Coins

Jump to a Section!
Where the Rrrumbas Rule Raarghs in the Ruins Pull, Turn, Burn
Hot-Hot Hot! Wavy Ride Through the Magma Tube Dragon Boneyard
Floating High Jump 2 Boosting Spin Jump 2 Grappling Vine 2
Jet Run 2 Invisibility 2 Spring Feet 2
Deep Magma Bog Flying Battleship Deep Magma Bog Palace Magma Flare-Up
Search Party: Item Park Hot-Hot Rocks Observatory #1
Observatory #2 Observatory #3 Observatory #4
Poplin Shop
Raarghs in the Ruins Purple 10 Coins

1. Avoid the Enemy from the Ceiling

Go through the curse until you see a Raargh from the ceiling. Once it falls to the ground, it'll reveal the first purple 10 coin.

2. Touch the Purple Flower While on Rotating Platform

Go past the first checkpoint and you will see a purple flower that will make the nearby platform rotate. Ride the rotating platform until you see a purple flower on sky. Touch this flower to make the coin appear.

3. Above the Second Checkpoint

There is a purple 10 coin just above the second checkpoint. Use the Drill Mushroom that you can get from the nearby question block and dig your way through the ceiling then land on the moving tiles.

From the moving tiles, go to the top and you will see the third purple 10 coin near a Raargh.

Raarghs in the Ruins Guide

Pull, Turn, Burn Purple 10 Coins

Jump to a Section!
Where the Rrrumbas Rule Raarghs in the Ruins Pull, Turn, Burn
Hot-Hot Hot! Wavy Ride Through the Magma Tube Dragon Boneyard
Floating High Jump 2 Boosting Spin Jump 2 Grappling Vine 2
Jet Run 2 Invisibility 2 Spring Feet 2
Deep Magma Bog Flying Battleship Deep Magma Bog Palace Magma Flare-Up
Search Party: Item Park Hot-Hot Rocks Observatory #1
Observatory #2 Observatory #3 Observatory #4
Poplin Shop
Pull, Turn, Burn Purple 10 Coins

1. Under the Platform Near the Start

The first purple 10 coin can be easily spotted under a platform. There's also a Buzzy Beetle that will fall into the lava.

Jump on its shell to get the coin under the platform and also use it to return to the platform.

2. Near the Three Flaming Wheels

Pull, Turn, Burn - Purple 10 Coin 2

Just ahead the first purple 10 coin are three flaming wheels. Pull the chain near them to raise the flaming wheels and then use the platform to jump up on where the second purple 10 coin is.

3. Just Ahead of the First Checkpoint

From the first checkpoint, just move forward until you see a chain and two flaming wheels.

Pull the chain and the wheels will move away temporarily. Use this chance to get to the coin!

Pull, Turn, Burn Guide

Hot-Hot Hot! Purple 10 Coins

Jump to a Section!
Where the Rrrumbas Rule Raarghs in the Ruins Pull, Turn, Burn
Hot-Hot Hot! Wavy Ride Through the Magma Tube Dragon Boneyard
Floating High Jump 2 Boosting Spin Jump 2 Grappling Vine 2
Jet Run 2 Invisibility 2 Spring Feet 2
Deep Magma Bog Flying Battleship Deep Magma Bog Palace Magma Flare-Up
Search Party: Item Park Hot-Hot Rocks Observatory #1
Observatory #2 Observatory #3 Observatory #4
Poplin Shop
Hot-Hot Hot! Purple 10 Coins

1. Between Molten Blocks

Super Mario Bros Wonder - Between Molten Blocks

The first Purple 10 Coin is located between two molten blocks. You can either wait for the molten blocks to cool down, or throw a water pot to cool the blocks and safely grab the coin.

2. Break the Blocks with Elephant Power-Up

The second Purple 10 Coin is located in a green pipe behind a block wall. Use an Elephant Fruit power-up and destroy the blocks to enter the pipe.

Once inside the secret area, water the flower seed to receive a Super Star and quickly dash to the right and up the platforms to reach the Purple 10 Coin.

3. Wall-Jump and Pull the Lever

The last Purple 10 Coin is located between two parallel molten blocks. Wait for the blocks to cool down, then quickly wall-jump and pull the lever near the top to receive the coin.

Hot-Hot Hot! Guide

Wavy Ride Through the Magma Tube Purple 10 Coins

Jump to a Section!
Where the Rrrumbas Rule Raarghs in the Ruins Pull, Turn, Burn
Hot-Hot Hot! Wavy Ride Through the Magma Tube Dragon Boneyard
Floating High Jump 2 Boosting Spin Jump 2 Grappling Vine 2
Jet Run 2 Invisibility 2 Spring Feet 2
Deep Magma Bog Flying Battleship Deep Magma Bog Palace Magma Flare-Up
Search Party: Item Park Hot-Hot Rocks Observatory #1
Observatory #2 Observatory #3 Observatory #4
Poplin Shop
Wavy Ride Through the Magma Tube Purple 10 Coins

1. On a Small Rocky Platform

Super Mario Bros Wonder - On a Small Rocky Platform

You can find the first Purple 10 Coin on a small rocky platform in the middle of course. Stay at the front of the moving platform so you have time to jump back up once you grab the Purple 10 Coin!

2. Above the Lava Near the Moving Platforms

The second Purple 10 Coin is located floating above a stretch of lava just before the platform where a Red Spike is located. We highly recommend equipping the Boosting Spin Jump Badge so you can easily get this coin.

There's a shell right before this area that you can throw at the lava to use as a makeshift platform to reach the coin. Make sure to throw the shell slightly beyond the coin since it will start moving backwards, and then quickly jump back up the moving platforms once you grab the coin.

3. Near the End of the Moving Platforms

The last Purple 10 Coin is located in a small alcove near the end of the moving platforms section. You'll need to use another shell to serve as a makeshift platform, then wait until the platform is close to sinking in the lava.

Once the shell lands on the lava, quickly jump on top of it so that so that you bounce towards the alcove to reach the Purple 10 Coin.

Wavy Ride Through the Magma Tube Guide

Dragon Boneyard Purple 10 Coin Locations

Jump to a Section!
Where the Rrrumbas Rule Raarghs in the Ruins Pull, Turn, Burn
Hot-Hot Hot! Wavy Ride Through the Magma Tube Dragon Boneyard
Floating High Jump 2 Boosting Spin Jump 2 Grappling Vine 2
Jet Run 2 Invisibility 2 Spring Feet 2
Deep Magma Bog Flying Battleship Deep Magma Bog Palace Magma Flare-Up
Search Party: Item Park Hot-Hot Rocks Observatory #1
Observatory #2 Observatory #3 Observatory #4
Poplin Shop
Dragon Boneyard Purple 10 Coins

1. Within the Rotating Skeleton

Super Mario Bros Wonder - Within the Rotating Skeleton

The first Purple 10 Coin is located in a small platform within a rotating skeleton. Stand on the skeleton and drop downt he gap to collect the coin.

2. Accessed Through the Purple Pipe

Dragon Boneyard Purple 10 Coin 2 Steps
The second Purple 10 Coin is located in an area accessed through a Purple Pipe. Past the purple pipe, drop down the gap between the rotating skeleton to collect the coin.
To access the purple pipe, you'll need to jump on top of a purple bird to reach the top of a wall and run to the right to access the hidden area where the purple pipe is located.

3. On a Rotating Skeleton

Super Mario Bros Wonder - On a Rotating Skeleton

The last Purple 10 Coin is located on the back of a rotating skeleton. If you miss grabbing the Purple 10 Coin, simply wait for the skeleton to rotate again to collect the coin.

Dragon Boneyard Guide

Floating High Jump 2 Purple 10 Coins

Jump to a Section!
Where the Rrrumbas Rule Raarghs in the Ruins Pull, Turn, Burn
Hot-Hot Hot! Wavy Ride Through the Magma Tube Dragon Boneyard
Floating High Jump 2 Boosting Spin Jump 2 Grappling Vine 2
Jet Run 2 Invisibility 2 Spring Feet 2
Deep Magma Bog Flying Battleship Deep Magma Bog Palace Magma Flare-Up
Search Party: Item Park Hot-Hot Rocks Observatory #1
Observatory #2 Observatory #3 Observatory #4
Poplin Shop
Floating High Jump 2 Purple 10 Coins

1. Wall Kick Just Before Second Checkpoint

The first purple 10 coin can be spotted just by proceeding normally through the course. It is located just before the second checkpoint and a bit further from the first checkpoint.

Use wall kick so that you can get the first purple 10 coin.

2. Obtain While Riding Lift

The second purple 10 coin can be obtained by riding the moving lift on the middle of the course and touching the purple flower. The coin will appear midair, so jump to get it.

3. Obtain at the End of Moving Lift

The final purple 10 coin is located at the end of the moving lift section.

Just ride the lift until it falls in the end then jump back up to the top!

Floating High Jump 2 Badge Challenge Guide

Boosting Spin Jump 2 Purple 10 Coins

Jump to a Section!
Where the Rrrumbas Rule Raarghs in the Ruins Pull, Turn, Burn
Hot-Hot Hot! Wavy Ride Through the Magma Tube Dragon Boneyard
Floating High Jump 2 Boosting Spin Jump 2 Grappling Vine 2
Jet Run 2 Invisibility 2 Spring Feet 2
Deep Magma Bog Flying Battleship Deep Magma Bog Palace Magma Flare-Up
Search Party: Item Park Hot-Hot Rocks Observatory #1
Observatory #2 Observatory #3 Observatory #4
Poplin Shop
Boosting Spin Jump 2 Purple 10 Coins

1. On Midair Before First Checkpoint

The first purple 10 coin can be spotted just before the first checkpoint. It is on top of the rotating gear.

Just bounce off of the rotating gear and use Boosting Spin Jump to get the coin.

To do a Boosting Spin Jump, just keep pressing the R button midair and use the L stick to control where you're going.
Boosting Spin Jump Badge Effect and How to Get

2. Before the Second Checkpoint

The second purple 10 coin can be obtained just before the second checkpoint. Just simply jump and get the coin and then do a Boosting Spin Jump to get to where the checkpoint is.

3. After the Second Checkpoint

The third purple 10 coin can be obtained just after the second checkpoint. It is right before you reach the goal of the course.

Simply use the rotating gears to bounce and then use Boosting Spin Jump to get the purple 10 coin.

Boosting Spin Jump 2 Badge Challenge Guide

Grappling Vine 2 Purple 10 Coins

Jump to a Section!
Where the Rrrumbas Rule Raarghs in the Ruins Pull, Turn, Burn
Hot-Hot Hot! Wavy Ride Through the Magma Tube Dragon Boneyard
Floating High Jump 2 Boosting Spin Jump 2 Grappling Vine 2
Jet Run 2 Invisibility 2 Spring Feet 2
Deep Magma Bog Flying Battleship Deep Magma Bog Palace Magma Flare-Up
Search Party: Item Park Hot-Hot Rocks Observatory #1
Observatory #2 Observatory #3 Observatory #4
Poplin Shop
Grappling Vine 2 Purple 10 Coins

1. Use the Grappling Vine on the Dash Rail Near the Beginning

The first purple 10 coin is near a dash rail that goes upwards just right at the beginning of the course. Just simply use the Grappling Vine on the dash rail to stick to it and then jump to get the coin!

Grappling Vine Badge Effect and How to Get

2. Right Before the Checkpoint

The second purple 10 coin can be obtained just right before the checkpoint.

Just jump towards the coin and then use Grappling Vine to attach yourself to the dash rail that goes directly to the checkpoint.

3. Near the Dash Rail Near the Goal

The final purple 10 coin can be spotted beside the dash rail just right before where the goal is located.

Ride the dash rail on the ceiling then fall down directly. Immediately use Grappling Vine on the dash rail to get to where the goal is.

Grappling Vine 2 Badge Challenge Guide

Jet Run 2 Purple 10 Coins

Jump to a Section!
Where the Rrrumbas Rule Raarghs in the Ruins Pull, Turn, Burn
Hot-Hot Hot! Wavy Ride Through the Magma Tube Dragon Boneyard
Floating High Jump 2 Boosting Spin Jump 2 Grappling Vine 2
Jet Run 2 Invisibility 2 Spring Feet 2
Deep Magma Bog Flying Battleship Deep Magma Bog Palace Magma Flare-Up
Search Party: Item Park Hot-Hot Rocks Observatory #1
Observatory #2 Observatory #3 Observatory #4
Poplin Shop
Jet Run 2 Purple 10 Coins

1. Obtain During the Dash Route

Super Mario Bros Wonder - Jet Run 2 10 Coin 1

The first Purple 10 Coin is found on the dash route. Jump on the dotted line and grab it.

2. Obtain by Using Jet Run

Super Mario Bros Wonder - Jet Run 2 10 Coin 2

The second Purple 10 Coin is just above large diagonal block. To get the 10 Coin, it is recommended to get some distance with the Jet Run, then jump to get the 10 Coin.

3. Obtain by Entering the Pipe

Super Mario Bros Wonder - Jet Run 2 10 Coin 3

You can get the third Purple 10 Coin by entering the pipe found at the top of the area where there is lava approaching from below. Be careful as the lava will not dissipate it if it gets to the pipe in the middle.

Jet Run 2 Badge Challenge Guide

Invisibility 2 Purple 10 Coin Locations

Jump to a Section!
Where the Rrrumbas Rule Raarghs in the Ruins Pull, Turn, Burn
Hot-Hot Hot! Wavy Ride Through the Magma Tube Dragon Boneyard
Floating High Jump 2 Boosting Spin Jump 2 Grappling Vine 2
Jet Run 2 Invisibility 2 Spring Feet 2
Deep Magma Bog Flying Battleship Deep Magma Bog Palace Magma Flare-Up
Search Party: Item Park Hot-Hot Rocks Observatory #1
Observatory #2 Observatory #3 Observatory #4
Poplin Shop
Invisibility 2 Purple 10 Coins

1. Obtain by Jumping on the Bottom Trampoline

The first Purple 10 Coin is located just before the checkpoint. During the course of Invisibility 2, Mario will become invisible. Being invisible makes it hard to time your positioning and jumps.

To work around this, use the "Gestures" function that can be performed by pressing the "X" button. Doing gestures will make spotting your position easier because of the effects it produces. Since your fingers will be busy, it is recommended to press the "X" several times while falling from a jump.

2. Obtain by Jumping During the Uphill Slope

The second Purple 10 Coin can be found during the long-traveling lift after the checkpoint, specifically the middle part of the section . You will not be able to reach the Purple 10 Coin unless you make a big jump, so use gestures to find where you are then do a big jump with the trampoline.

3. Obtain by Defeating the Lakitus and Riding the Cloud

The third Purple 10 Coin is high up in front of the goal. It is in a position that you cannot reach through normal jumping. To reach and get the Purple 10 Coin, you will need to defeat the Lakitus that appears before it and ride the cloud it leaves behind afterwards.

If you touch the bud under the Lakitus, a trampoline will appear, so use gestures as usual to figure out your location.

Invisibility 2 Badge Challenge Guide

Spring Feet 2 Purple 10 Coin Locations

Jump to a Section!
Where the Rrrumbas Rule Raarghs in the Ruins Pull, Turn, Burn
Hot-Hot Hot! Wavy Ride Through the Magma Tube Dragon Boneyard
Floating High Jump 2 Boosting Spin Jump 2 Grappling Vine 2
Jet Run 2 Invisibility 2 Spring Feet 2
Deep Magma Bog Flying Battleship Deep Magma Bog Palace Magma Flare-Up
Search Party: Item Park Hot-Hot Rocks Observatory #1
Observatory #2 Observatory #3 Observatory #4
Poplin Shop
Spring Feet 2 Purple 10 Coins

1. Obtain by Dash Jumping From the Start

Super Mario Bros Wonder - Spring Feet 2 10 Coin 1

The first Purple 10 Coin can be found almost at the start of the course. It is between the third platform and the checkpoint. A tip to easily get the Purple 10 Coin is by pressing "Up Forward Directional Input +Jump + Dash" right after the course starts.

2. Obtain by Jumping off the Pillar

Super Mario Bros Wonder - Spring Feet 2 10 Coin 2

The second Purple 10 Coin is located after doing a big jump from the third pillar found at the top of the stairs.

Immediately after starting the game, again, input "Up Forward Directional Input +Jump + Dash". Afterwards, if you set the stick to neutral from the moment you jump over the first step, you can get Purple 10 Coin by jumping continuously.

3. Obtain by Observing the Ceiling

Super Mario Bros Wonder - Spring Feet 2 10 Coin 3

The third Purple 10 Coin can be found sticking close to the ceiling during the second half of the course. After reaching a pillar, do a big jump then take the Purple 10 Coin.

Spring Feet 2 Badge Challenge Guide

Deep Magma Bog Flying Battleship Purple 10 Coin Locations

Jump to a Section!
Where the Rrrumbas Rule Raarghs in the Ruins Pull, Turn, Burn
Hot-Hot Hot! Wavy Ride Through the Magma Tube Dragon Boneyard
Floating High Jump 2 Boosting Spin Jump 2 Grappling Vine 2
Jet Run 2 Invisibility 2 Spring Feet 2
Deep Magma Bog Flying Battleship Deep Magma Bog Palace Magma Flare-Up
Search Party: Item Park Hot-Hot Rocks Observatory #1
Observatory #2 Observatory #3 Observatory #4
Poplin Shop
Deep Magma Bog Flying Battleship Purple 10 Coins

1. Slide Down the Wall

Get the first purple 10 coin by climbing down the pole and then slowly sliding down the wall.

2. Throw the Enemy to the Purple 10 Coin

You'll encounter the second purple 10 coin along the way which is near Mechakoopas. Step on one of the Mechakoopas then throw it towards the coin to get it.

3. Wall Kick the Yellow Wall

Proceed through the course while under Wonder Effect until you see the third purple 10 coin and a yellow wall with a switch beside it.

Use the yellow wall to get to the purple 10 coin by using wall kicking it. Be careful not to press the button as it'll make the yellow wall disappear.

Deep Magma Bog Flying Battleship Guide

Deep Magma Bog Palace Purple 10 Coins

Jump to a Section!
Where the Rrrumbas Rule Raarghs in the Ruins Pull, Turn, Burn
Hot-Hot Hot! Wavy Ride Through the Magma Tube Dragon Boneyard
Floating High Jump 2 Boosting Spin Jump 2 Grappling Vine 2
Jet Run 2 Invisibility 2 Spring Feet 2
Deep Magma Bog Flying Battleship Deep Magma Bog Palace Magma Flare-Up
Search Party: Item Park Hot-Hot Rocks Observatory #1
Observatory #2 Observatory #3 Observatory #4
Poplin Shop
Deep Magma Bog Palace Purple 10 Coins

1. Near the Palace Entrance

The first Purple 10 Coin is located under the platform near the entrance of the palace. You'll need to carefully ride the rotating skeletons, then quickly jump back on the platform once you get the coin.

2. Hidden By Rotating Skeletons

Dragon Boneyard Purple 10 Coin 2 Steps
The second Purple 10 Coin is located initially on the ceiling that will get pushed by a rotating skeleton. You'll need to quickly jump on one of the Dry Bones to reach the coin before it gets pushed by the skeleton. If you missed grabbing the coin when the skeleton first appears, it will reappear again on the ceiling in front of the skull of the rotating skeleton.

Be careful when using the Boosting Spin Jump as you might end up jumping too high and hitting the toxic ceiling!

3. Near the End of the Course

The last Purple 10 Coin is located near the end of the course during the Wonder Flower sequence. Once transformed as a blob, ride the rotating skeleton and stay on its front side to get the coin floating above the toxic floor.

Deep Magma Bog Palace Guide

Magma Flare-Up Purple 10 Coin Locations

Jump to a Section!
Where the Rrrumbas Rule Raarghs in the Ruins Pull, Turn, Burn
Hot-Hot Hot! Wavy Ride Through the Magma Tube Dragon Boneyard
Floating High Jump 2 Boosting Spin Jump 2 Grappling Vine 2
Jet Run 2 Invisibility 2 Spring Feet 2
Deep Magma Bog Flying Battleship Deep Magma Bog Palace Magma Flare-Up
Search Party: Item Park Hot-Hot Rocks Observatory #1
Observatory #2 Observatory #3 Observatory #4
Poplin Shop
Magma Flare-Up Purple 10 Coins

Complete the Course in 100 Seconds or Less

How to Get Magma Flare-Up All Purple 10 Coins
Purple 10 Coin x 1 Purple 10 Coin x 2 Purple 10 Coin x 3
Within 200 Seconds Within 150 Seconds Within 100 Seconds

To get purple 10 coins, you must complete this course within time.

You will only get 1 purple 10 coin if you complete the course by 200 seconds or less, 2 for 150 seconds or less and finally, all 3 purple 10 coins for 100 seconds or less!

Search Party: Item Park Purple 10 Coin Locations

Jump to a Section!
Where the Rrrumbas Rule Raarghs in the Ruins Pull, Turn, Burn
Hot-Hot Hot! Wavy Ride Through the Magma Tube Dragon Boneyard
Floating High Jump 2 Boosting Spin Jump 2 Grappling Vine 2
Jet Run 2 Invisibility 2 Spring Feet 2
Deep Magma Bog Flying Battleship Deep Magma Bog Palace Magma Flare-Up
Search Party: Item Park Hot-Hot Rocks Observatory #1
Observatory #2 Observatory #3 Observatory #4
Poplin Shop
There are no Purple 10 Coins in this course!

Deep Magma Bog Search Party Guide

Hot-Hot Rocks Purple 10 Coin Locations

Jump to a Section!
Where the Rrrumbas Rule Raarghs in the Ruins Pull, Turn, Burn
Hot-Hot Hot! Wavy Ride Through the Magma Tube Dragon Boneyard
Floating High Jump 2 Boosting Spin Jump 2 Grappling Vine 2
Jet Run 2 Invisibility 2 Spring Feet 2
Deep Magma Bog Flying Battleship Deep Magma Bog Palace Magma Flare-Up
Search Party: Item Park Hot-Hot Rocks Observatory #1
Observatory #2 Observatory #3 Observatory #4
Poplin Shop
There are no Purple 10 Coins in this course!

Hot-Hot Rocks Guide

Observatory #1 Purple 10 Coin Locations

Jump to a Section!
Where the Rrrumbas Rule Raarghs in the Ruins Pull, Turn, Burn
Hot-Hot Hot! Wavy Ride Through the Magma Tube Dragon Boneyard
Floating High Jump 2 Boosting Spin Jump 2 Grappling Vine 2
Jet Run 2 Invisibility 2 Spring Feet 2
Deep Magma Bog Flying Battleship Deep Magma Bog Palace Magma Flare-Up
Search Party: Item Park Hot-Hot Rocks Observatory #1
Observatory #2 Observatory #3 Observatory #4
Poplin Shop
There are no Purple 10 Coins in this course!

Deep Magma Bog Observatory #1 Guide

Observatory #2 Purple 10 Coin Locations

Jump to a Section!
Where the Rrrumbas Rule Raarghs in the Ruins Pull, Turn, Burn
Hot-Hot Hot! Wavy Ride Through the Magma Tube Dragon Boneyard
Floating High Jump 2 Boosting Spin Jump 2 Grappling Vine 2
Jet Run 2 Invisibility 2 Spring Feet 2
Deep Magma Bog Flying Battleship Deep Magma Bog Palace Magma Flare-Up
Search Party: Item Park Hot-Hot Rocks Observatory #1
Observatory #2 Observatory #3 Observatory #4
Poplin Shop
There are no Purple 10 Coins in this course!

Deep Magma Bog Observatory #2 Guide

Observatory #3 Purple 10 Coin Locations

Jump to a Section!
Where the Rrrumbas Rule Raarghs in the Ruins Pull, Turn, Burn
Hot-Hot Hot! Wavy Ride Through the Magma Tube Dragon Boneyard
Floating High Jump 2 Boosting Spin Jump 2 Grappling Vine 2
Jet Run 2 Invisibility 2 Spring Feet 2
Deep Magma Bog Flying Battleship Deep Magma Bog Palace Magma Flare-Up
Search Party: Item Park Hot-Hot Rocks Observatory #1
Observatory #2 Observatory #3 Observatory #4
Poplin Shop
There are no Purple 10 Coins in this course!

Deep Magma Bog Observatory #3 Guide

Observatory #4 Purple 10 Coin Locations

Jump to a Section!
Where the Rrrumbas Rule Raarghs in the Ruins Pull, Turn, Burn
Hot-Hot Hot! Wavy Ride Through the Magma Tube Dragon Boneyard
Floating High Jump 2 Boosting Spin Jump 2 Grappling Vine 2
Jet Run 2 Invisibility 2 Spring Feet 2
Deep Magma Bog Flying Battleship Deep Magma Bog Palace Magma Flare-Up
Search Party: Item Park Hot-Hot Rocks Observatory #1
Observatory #2 Observatory #3 Observatory #4
Poplin Shop
There are no Purple 10 Coins in this course!

Deep Magma Bog Observatory #4 Guide

Poplin Shop Purple 10 Coin Locations

Jump to a Section!
Where the Rrrumbas Rule Raarghs in the Ruins Pull, Turn, Burn
Hot-Hot Hot! Wavy Ride Through the Magma Tube Dragon Boneyard
Floating High Jump 2 Boosting Spin Jump 2 Grappling Vine 2
Jet Run 2 Invisibility 2 Spring Feet 2
Deep Magma Bog Flying Battleship Deep Magma Bog Palace Magma Flare-Up
Search Party: Item Park Hot-Hot Rocks Observatory #1
Observatory #2 Observatory #3 Observatory #4
Poplin Shop
There are no Purple 10 Coins in this course!

Poplin Shop Deep Magma Bog (World 6) Items

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All World 5 Wonder Seed Locations All World 6 Wonder Seed Locations
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