Super Mario Wonder

All World 3 Purple 10 Coins Locations

These are the locations of all Purple 10 Coins in Shining Falls (World 3) in Super Mario Bros Wonder. See all the locations and how to get each Purple 10 Coin in Shining Falls!

All Shining Falls (World 3) Purple 10 Coins Locations

The Hoppycat Trial: Hop, Hop, and Awaaay Purple 10 Coins

Jump to a Section!
The Hoppycat Trial: Hop, Hop, and Awaaay The Anglefish Trial: Ready, Aim, Fly! The Midway Trial: Hop to It
The Sugarstar Trial: Across the Night Sky The Sharp Trial: Launch to Victory The Final Trial: Zip Track Dash
Crouching High Jump 1 An Empty Park? Unreachable Treasure
Timer-Switch Climb Timer-Switch Dash Watery Wonder Tokens
Poplin Shop Royal Seed Mansion
The Hoppycat Trial: Hop, Hop, and Awaaay Purple 10 Coins

1. Use the Hoppycat to Break the Blocks

Super Mario Wonder - 10 Coin Hoppycat Block

The first Purple 10 Coin is hidden away behind some blocks. Jump near the blocks to make a Hoppycat jump up and destroy the blocks.

Once the blocks are out of the way, grab the 10 Coin while being cautious of the Hoppycats!

2. On the Vertically Moving Platform

Super Mario Wonder - 10 Coin Moving Platform

The second Purple 10 Coin is on the vertically moving platform that is moving downward. Time your jump and land on the platform with the 10 Coin to grab it.

If you miss the platform with the 10 Coin, move left until the platforms are out of view, and then return to the area to reset the platforms.

3. In a Pocket Near the Goal

Super Mario Wonder - 10 Coin Giant Hoppycat.jpg

The last Purple 10 Coin is tucked away at the bottom right part of the course leading to the Goal post. In front of the 10 Coin is a Giant Hoppycat, so time your jump, and then move under it to grab the coin!

The Hoppycat Trial: Hop, Hop, and Awaaay Guide

The Anglefish Trial: Ready, Aim, Fly! Purple 10 Coins

Jump to a Section!
The Hoppycat Trial: Hop, Hop, and Awaaay The Anglefish Trial: Ready, Aim, Fly! The Midway Trial: Hop to It
The Sugarstar Trial: Across the Night Sky The Sharp Trial: Launch to Victory The Final Trial: Zip Track Dash
Crouching High Jump 1 An Empty Park? Unreachable Treasure
Timer-Switch Climb Timer-Switch Dash Watery Wonder Tokens
Poplin Shop Royal Seed Mansion
The Anglefish Trial: Ready, Aim, Fly! Purple 10 Coins

1. Water the Dried Flower

Super Mario Wonder - Anglefish Trial 10 Coin 1.png

The first Purple 10 Coin can be found just above the screen after the pipe with water. While in your Elephant Form, water the dried flower to have it grow an ivy that you can climb to reach the 10 Coin.

2. Pull the Rope Underwater

Super Mario Wonder - Anglefish Trial Blocked Pipe.png

The second Purple 10 Coin can be found by breaking the blocks on top of the pipe extending downward using a Snail Shell.

Super Mario Wonder - Anglefish Trial 10 Coin 2.png

Once you enter the pipe, you will find yourself in a small room with water and a Rope Handle. Swim up to it and hold your Y Button, and pull the rope until it breaks, freeing the 10 Coin in the process.

3. Use the Giant Snail Shell

Super Mario Wonder - Anglefish Trial Giant Snail Shell.png

To reach the third Purple 10 Coin, grab the Giant Snail Shell from the previous platform, and throw it upward to break the blocks on the pipe.

Super Mario Wonder - Anglefish Trial 10 Coin 3.png

Enter the pipe overhead to reach the hidden area, and throw the Giant Snail Shell there to reach the flowers and the 10 Coin above!

The Anglefish Trial: Ready, Aim, Fly! Guide

The Midway Trial: Hop to It Purple 10 Coins

Jump to a Section!
The Hoppycat Trial: Hop, Hop, and Awaaay The Anglefish Trial: Ready, Aim, Fly! The Midway Trial: Hop to It
The Sugarstar Trial: Across the Night Sky The Sharp Trial: Launch to Victory The Final Trial: Zip Track Dash
Crouching High Jump 1 An Empty Park? Unreachable Treasure
Timer-Switch Climb Timer-Switch Dash Watery Wonder Tokens
Poplin Shop Royal Seed Mansion
The Midway Trial: Hop to It Purple 10 Coins

1. To the Left Corner of the Platforms

Super Mario Wonder - Midway Trial 10 Coin 1.png

Shortly after starting the course, make your way up the platforms, and grab the Purple 10 Coin on the upper left corner. Keep in mind that once you land on the platform above the 10 Coin, you cannot go back down.

2. Inside the Pipe to the Left of the Checkpoint Flag

Once you reach the Checkpoint Flag, head left and into the pipe to find yourself in a hidden room. Jump up once the Hoppycat is aligned with the red switch, to activate the blocks.

Make your way past the Hoppycats and grab the 10 Coin by making them jump.

3. Near the Pipe After the Wonder Effect

The third Purple 10 Coin can be found shortly after the pipes that you enter through after the Wonder Effect.

The blocks that you will walk through have Hoppycats beneath them, so avoid unnecessary jumping!

The Midway Trial: Hop to It Guide

The Sugarstar Trial: Across the Night Sky Purple 10 Coins

Jump to a Section!
The Hoppycat Trial: Hop, Hop, and Awaaay The Anglefish Trial: Ready, Aim, Fly! The Midway Trial: Hop to It
The Sugarstar Trial: Across the Night Sky The Sharp Trial: Launch to Victory The Final Trial: Zip Track Dash
Crouching High Jump 1 An Empty Park? Unreachable Treasure
Timer-Switch Climb Timer-Switch Dash Watery Wonder Tokens
Poplin Shop Royal Seed Mansion
The Sugarstar Trial: Across the Night Sky Purple 10 Coins

1. At the Start of the Wonder Effect

The first Purple 10 Coin can be found at the start of the Wonder Effect, moving and following a curved pattern. The Coin will not move too fast, so it should be easy to spot.

2. On the Lower Cloud Blocks

As you continue progressing the Wonder Effect, you will eventually come across Cloud Blocks that are lower than the initial platforms. The Purple 10 Coin can be seen there, following a curved pattern similar to the first 10 Coin.

3. On the Vertically Moving Platforms

Towards the end of the course, you will find several vertically moving platforms. The last Purple 10 Coin can be found on a downward moving platform. Grab the coin before jumping towards the next platform!

The Sugarstar Trial: Across the Night Sky Guide

The Sharp Trial: Launch to Victory Purple 10 Coins

Jump to a Section!
The Hoppycat Trial: Hop, Hop, and Awaaay The Anglefish Trial: Ready, Aim, Fly! The Midway Trial: Hop to It
The Sugarstar Trial: Across the Night Sky The Sharp Trial: Launch to Victory The Final Trial: Zip Track Dash
Crouching High Jump 1 An Empty Park? Unreachable Treasure
Timer-Switch Climb Timer-Switch Dash Watery Wonder Tokens
Poplin Shop Royal Seed Mansion
The Sharp Trial: Launch to Victory Purple 10 Coins

1. Knock Out the Tall Mushroom

While on the Blowpipe platform, you will eventually come across the first Purple 10 Coin, covered by spikes on all sides. To grab the coin from a safe distance, launch the Hoppycat by jumping to knock out the Tall Mushroom and make it fall towards the coin.

2. Knock Out the Second Tall Mushroom

Shortly after the first 10 Coin, the second Purple 10 Coin should also come into view. Like the first coin, knock out the Tall Mushroom using the Hoppycat and make it fall towards the coin.

3. Use the Hoppycat to Activate the ? Block

Once you reach the end of the blowpipe platform's course, launch the Hoppycat several times to break the blocks, and eventually break the ? Block at the end. The ? Block will shoot upwards once activated, grabbing the coin for you on its way up!

The Sharp Trial: Launch to Victory Guide

The Final Trial: Zip Track Dash Purple 10 Coins

Jump to a Section!
The Hoppycat Trial: Hop, Hop, and Awaaay The Anglefish Trial: Ready, Aim, Fly! The Midway Trial: Hop to It
The Sugarstar Trial: Across the Night Sky The Sharp Trial: Launch to Victory The Final Trial: Zip Track Dash
Crouching High Jump 1 An Empty Park? Unreachable Treasure
Timer-Switch Climb Timer-Switch Dash Watery Wonder Tokens
Poplin Shop Royal Seed Mansion
The Final Trial: Zip Track Dash Purple 10 Coins

1. Dismount from the Top Zip Track

The first Purple 10 Coin can be found near the start of the course. Dismount from the top Zip Track to fall and grab the coin before jumping again to avoid the Hoppycats and reach the next track.

2. Take the False Goal Route

If you did not take the Wonder Flower, the Zip Tracks should lead you straight towards the Smogrins and vertical tracks. Grab on to the left vertical track to reach the 10 Coin.

3. At the End of the Partially Rotating Track

Shortly after the Checkpoint flag, the tracks will start rotating partially either upwards or downwards. On the track that rotates clockwise downwards, wait until the very end to jump to grab the coin.

The Final Trial: Zip Track Dash Guide

Crouching High Jump 1 Purple 10 Coins

Jump to a Section!
The Hoppycat Trial: Hop, Hop, and Awaaay The Anglefish Trial: Ready, Aim, Fly! The Midway Trial: Hop to It
The Sugarstar Trial: Across the Night Sky The Sharp Trial: Launch to Victory The Final Trial: Zip Track Dash
Crouching High Jump 1 An Empty Park? Unreachable Treasure
Timer-Switch Climb Timer-Switch Dash Watery Wonder Tokens
Poplin Shop Royal Seed Mansion
Crouching High Jump 1 Purple 10 Coins

1. Crouch Jump to Step on the Tall Mushroom

Super Mario Wonder - Crouching High Jump 10 Coin 1.png

The first Purple 10 Coin can be found above the Tall Mushroom. Crouch jump to get above the Tall Mushroom, and grab the 10 Coin.

2. Crouch Jump to Grab the Rotating Coin

Super Mario Wonder - Crouching High Jump 10 Coin 2.png

To get the second Purple 10 Coin, position yourself below the rotating coin, then crouch jump to grab it. Make sure to also grab the coins on your way up!

3. Crouch Jump to Step on the Tall Mushroom Before the Goal Post

The third Purple 10 Coin can be found just slightly above the goal post. Crouch Jump and land on the tall mushroom's head to give you extra height, and grab the coin before reaching the top of the goal!

Crouching High Jump 1 Badge Challenge Guide

An Empty Park? Purple 10 Coins

Jump to a Section!
The Hoppycat Trial: Hop, Hop, and Awaaay The Anglefish Trial: Ready, Aim, Fly! The Midway Trial: Hop to It
The Sugarstar Trial: Across the Night Sky The Sharp Trial: Launch to Victory The Final Trial: Zip Track Dash
Crouching High Jump 1 An Empty Park? Unreachable Treasure
Timer-Switch Climb Timer-Switch Dash Watery Wonder Tokens
Poplin Shop Royal Seed Mansion
There are no Purple 10 Coins in this course!

An Empty Park? Guide

Unreachable Treasure Purple 10 Coins

Jump to a Section!
The Hoppycat Trial: Hop, Hop, and Awaaay The Anglefish Trial: Ready, Aim, Fly! The Midway Trial: Hop to It
The Sugarstar Trial: Across the Night Sky The Sharp Trial: Launch to Victory The Final Trial: Zip Track Dash
Crouching High Jump 1 An Empty Park? Unreachable Treasure
Timer-Switch Climb Timer-Switch Dash Watery Wonder Tokens
Poplin Shop Royal Seed Mansion
There are no Purple 10 Coins in this course!

Unreachable Treasure Guide

Timer-Switch Climb Purple 10 Coins

Jump to a Section!
The Hoppycat Trial: Hop, Hop, and Awaaay The Anglefish Trial: Ready, Aim, Fly! The Midway Trial: Hop to It
The Sugarstar Trial: Across the Night Sky The Sharp Trial: Launch to Victory The Final Trial: Zip Track Dash
Crouching High Jump 1 An Empty Park? Unreachable Treasure
Timer-Switch Climb Timer-Switch Dash Watery Wonder Tokens
Poplin Shop Royal Seed Mansion
There are no Purple 10 Coins in this course!

Timer-Switch Climb Guide

Timer-Switch Dash Purple 10 Coins

Jump to a Section!
The Hoppycat Trial: Hop, Hop, and Awaaay The Anglefish Trial: Ready, Aim, Fly! The Midway Trial: Hop to It
The Sugarstar Trial: Across the Night Sky The Sharp Trial: Launch to Victory The Final Trial: Zip Track Dash
Crouching High Jump 1 An Empty Park? Unreachable Treasure
Timer-Switch Climb Timer-Switch Dash Watery Wonder Tokens
Poplin Shop Royal Seed Mansion
There are no Purple 10 Coins in this course!

Timer-Switch Dash Guide

Watery Wonder Tokens Purple 10 Coins

Jump to a Section!
The Hoppycat Trial: Hop, Hop, and Awaaay The Anglefish Trial: Ready, Aim, Fly! The Midway Trial: Hop to It
The Sugarstar Trial: Across the Night Sky The Sharp Trial: Launch to Victory The Final Trial: Zip Track Dash
Crouching High Jump 1 An Empty Park? Unreachable Treasure
Timer-Switch Climb Timer-Switch Dash Watery Wonder Tokens
Poplin Shop Royal Seed Mansion
There are no Purple 10 Coins in this course!

Watery Wonder Tokens Guide

Poplin Shop Purple 10 Coins

Jump to a Section!
The Hoppycat Trial: Hop, Hop, and Awaaay The Anglefish Trial: Ready, Aim, Fly! The Midway Trial: Hop to It
The Sugarstar Trial: Across the Night Sky The Sharp Trial: Launch to Victory The Final Trial: Zip Track Dash
Crouching High Jump 1 An Empty Park? Unreachable Treasure
Timer-Switch Climb Timer-Switch Dash Watery Wonder Tokens
Poplin Shop Royal Seed Mansion
There are no Purple 10 Coins in this course!

Poplin Shop Items

Royal Seed Mansion Purple 10 Coins

Jump to a Section!
The Hoppycat Trial: Hop, Hop, and Awaaay The Anglefish Trial: Ready, Aim, Fly! The Midway Trial: Hop to It
The Sugarstar Trial: Across the Night Sky The Sharp Trial: Launch to Victory The Final Trial: Zip Track Dash
Crouching High Jump 1 An Empty Park? Unreachable Treasure
Timer-Switch Climb Timer-Switch Dash Watery Wonder Tokens
Poplin Shop Royal Seed Mansion
There are no Purple 10 Coins in this course!

Royal Seed Mansion Guide

Super Mario Wonder Related Guides

Super Mario Wonder - Collectibles.png

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Super Mario Wonder - Purple 10 CoinPurple

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Super Mario Wonder - Wonder TokenWonder


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All World 3 Wonder Seed Locations All World 4 Wonder Seed Locations
All World 5 Wonder Seed Locations All World 6 Wonder Seed Locations
All Petal Isles Wonder Seed Locations All Special World Wonder Seed Locations

All Wonder Seed Locations


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