Super Mario Wonder

Magma Flare-Up Wonder Seed Guide

Magma Flare-Up
Magma Flare-Up is a KO Arena that you can explore in World 6 in Super Mario Bros Wonder. Read more to find out where the Wonder Seeds are, as well as where to collect all three Purple 10 Coins (Flower/Wonder Coins) in this course.

5Fungi Mines
6Deep Magma Bog
Petal IslesPetal Isles
Where the Rrrumbas Rule image6-1 Raarghs in the Ruins image6-2 Pull, Turn, Burn image6-3 Hot-Hot Hot! image6-4 Wavy Ride Through the Magma Tube image6-5 Dragon Boneyard image6-6 Floating High Jump 2 image6-7 Boosting Spin Jump 2 image6-8
Grappling Vine 2 image6-9 Jet Run 2 image6-10 Invisibility 2 image6-11 Spring Feet 2 image6-12 Deep Magma Bog Flying Battleship image6-13 Deep Magma Bog Palace image6-14 Magma Flare-Up image6-15 Item Park image6-16
Hot-Hot Rocks image6-17 Deep Magma Bog Observatory #1 image6-18 Deep Magma Bog Observatory #2 image6-19 Deep Magma Bog Observatory #3 image6-20 Deep Magma Bog Observatory #4 image6-21 Poplin Shop image6-22

Magma Flare-Up World and Difficulty

World and Difficulty

World 6 (Deep Magma Bog)
Difficulty ★☆☆☆☆
Wonder Seeds 1

Best Badge for Magma Flare-Up

Any Badge is fine!

List of All Badges, Effects and How to Get

Best Power-Up for Magma Flare-Up

Super Mario Wonder - Bubble FlowerBubble Flower

All Power-Ups

List of Items in this Course

Super Mario Wonder - Fire FlowerFire Flower Super Mario Wonder - Elephant FruitElephant Fruit Super Mario Wonder - Bubble FlowerBubble Flower Super Mario Wonder - Drill MushroomDrill Mushroom

Magma Flare-Up Wonder Seed Locations

Complete the Course

Magma Flare-Up Wonder Seed
You can get the Wonder Seed automatically by completing this course regardless of your time performance!
All Wonder Seed Locations

Magma Flare-Up Purple 10 Coin Locations

1-3 Complete the Course in 100 Seconds or Less

How to Get Magma Flare-Up All Purple 10 Coins
Purple 10 Coin x 1 Purple 10 Coin x 2 Purple 10 Coin x 3
Within 200 Seconds Within 150 Seconds Within 100 Seconds

To get purple 10 coins, you must complete this course within time.

You will only get 1 purple 10 coin if you complete the course by 200 seconds or less, 2 for 150 seconds or less and finally, all 3 purple 10 coins for 100 seconds or less!

All Purple 10 Coins Locations

How to Beat Magma Flare-Up

First Area - Spam the Bubbles on the Enemy

Get the Bubble Flower power-up at the start of the course and just start spamming the bubble attack on the enemies in the first area. You should aim to finish the first area within 10 seconds.
Bubble Flower Effect

Second Area - Aim the Bubble on the Coins

Enemies will gather around the coins in the area, so make sure to shoot bubbles in advance to where the coins are. Just shoot bubbles and step on the enemies if necessary!

Third Area - Use the Fireworks Enemies to Deal Damage

There will be Piranha Plants on top of the stage. To deal with them, make sure to step on the Fireworks enemies, grab them and then shoot them upwards towards the plants. Just rinse and repeat until you defeat all of them!

Fourth Area - Defeat the Enemies While Avoiding Fireballs

Defeat Enemies as You Proceed

After getting to the fourth area, immediately dash and jump to the block to defeat the enemy on top. Do this again on the second enemy before reaching the lift.

Ride and turn on the lift by hitting the button and then defeat the surrounding enemies as the lift goes up!

Use Ground Pound on the Last Two Enemies

For the two enemies on your right from the top of the lift, use a ground pound to defeat them in one go!

Magma Flare-Up Video Guide

Magma Flare-Up Walkthrough

Super Mario Wonder Related Guides

Super Mario Bros - Deep Magma Bog

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Badge Challenges

World 6 Badge Challenges
Floating High Jump 2Floating High Jump 2 Boosting Spin Jump 2Boosting Spin Jump 2
Grappling Vine 2Grappling Vine 2 Jet Run 2Jet Run 2
Invisibility 2Invisibility 2 Spring Feet 2Spring Feet 2

Mini Stages and Shops

World 6 Mini Stages and Shops
Magma Flare-UpMagma Flare-Up Hot Hot RocksHot-Hot Rocks
Item ParkItem Park Super Mario Wonder - Deep Magma Bog Observatory 1Deep Magma Bog Observatory #1
Super Mario Wonder - Deep Magma Bog Observatory 2Deep Magma Bog Observatory #2 Super Mario Wonder - Deep Magma Bog Observatory 3Deep Magma Bog Observatory #3
Super Mario Wonder - Deep Magma Bog Observatory 4Deep Magma Bog Observatory #4 Mario Wonder - Poplin Shop Deep Magma Bog (World 6)Poplin Shop


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