Super Mario Wonder

An Uncharted Area: Wubba Ruins Guide: All Wonder Seed and 10 Coin Locations

Mario Wonder - An Uncharted Area Wubba Ruins
An Uncharted Area: Wubba Ruins is one of the levels that you can explore in World 5 in Super Mario Bros Wonder. Read more to find out what world to access this course from, as well as where the Wonder Seeds are, and where to collect all three Purple 10 Coins (Flower/Wonder Coins).

4Sunbaked Desert
5Fungi Mines
6Deep Magma Bog
Upshroom Downshroom image5-1 Taily5-2 Light-Switch Mansion image5-3 Beware of the Rifts image5-4 An Uncharted Area: Wubba Ruins image5-5 Another Uncharted Area: Swaying Ruins image5-6 A Final Uncharted Area: Poison Ruins image5-7 Grappling Vine 1 image5-8
Fungi Funk image5-9 Tumble House image5-10 Trottin5-11 Loyal Poplin5-12 Operation Poplin Rescue image5-13 Poplin Shop image5-14

An Uncharted Area: Wubba Ruins World and Difficulty

World and Difficulty

World 5 (Fungi Mines)
Difficulty ★★☆☆☆
Wonder Seeds 2
Required Seeds 6

Best Badge for An Uncharted Area: Wubba Ruins

Any Badge is fine!

All Badges Effects and How to Get

Best Power-Up for An Uncharted Area: Wubba Ruins

Super Mario Wonder - Fire FlowerFire Flower

All Power-Ups

List of Items in this Course

Super Mario Wonder - Fire FlowerFire Flower

An Uncharted Area: Wubba Ruins Wonder Seed Locations

1. Clear the Slime Wonder Flower Sequence

The Wonder Flower is located not far to the right of the checkpoint. When you encounter the box enemies that go up, lure the one near the ? block into hitting it, revealing the flower.

Get through the Wonder Flower sequence where you turn into a slime to get the Wonder Seed.

2. Clear the Course

Mario Wonder - An Uncharted Area Wubba Ruins Wonder Seed 2
You can get 1 Wonder Seed for clearing the course. Just touch the goal at the end to receive it!

All Wonder Seed Locations

An Uncharted Area: Wubba Ruins Purple 10 Coin Locations

1. Below a Konk at Rightmost Part of Second Area

Mario Wonder - An Uncharted Area Wubba Ruins Purple Coin 1
In the rightmost part of the second area, you should easily find the first Purple 10 coin below a Konk enemy (the box enemies that try to crush you when you go under/over them).

Go below the Konk, then dodge as it goes down so you don't get hit. After the bricks got crushed, go down to collect the coin.

2. Defeat All Slimes in Red Pipe Area

Going up from the first coin, you'll find a horizontal red pipe under some slime. Enter it to find an area with a bunch of Wubbas. Defeat all of them (you'll see how much you still need to defeat at the top of the screen) to make the coin appear.

3. Stick to the Ceilings During the Wonder Flower Sequence

After turning into a slime because of the Wonder Flower, just go through the sequence. It's hard to miss the coin; just make sure to stick to the ceilings as you progress.

All Purple 10 Coins Locations

How to Reach the Top of the Goal

Swim to the Top of the Slime

Mario Wonder - An Uncharted Area Wubba Ruins Goal
To the left of the goal, you'll find a couple of slime clumps floating. Swim to the top of the second one, then jump from there to reach the top of the goal.

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