Super Mario Wonder

Invisibility 2 Badge Challenge Guide and All Purple 10 Coin Locations

Invisibility 2
Invisibility 2 is a Badge Challenge in Super Mario Bros Wonder. Read on for the challenge's difficulty and rewards, and learn the locations of the Wonder Seeds and Coins with our guide!

5Fungi Mines
6Deep Magma Bog
Petal IslesPetal Isles
Where the Rrrumbas Rule image6-1 Raarghs in the Ruins image6-2 Pull, Turn, Burn image6-3 Hot-Hot Hot! image6-4 Wavy Ride Through the Magma Tube image6-5 Dragon Boneyard image6-6 Floating High Jump 2 image6-7 Boosting Spin Jump 2 image6-8
Grappling Vine 2 image6-9 Jet Run 2 image6-10 Invisibility 2 image6-11 Spring Feet 2 image6-12 Deep Magma Bog Flying Battleship image6-13 Deep Magma Bog Palace image6-14 Magma Flare-Up image6-15 Item Park image6-16
Hot-Hot Rocks image6-17 Deep Magma Bog Observatory #1 image6-18 Deep Magma Bog Observatory #2 image6-19 Deep Magma Bog Observatory #3 image6-20 Deep Magma Bog Observatory #4 image6-21 Poplin Shop image6-22

Invisibility 2 Badge Challenge World and Difficulty

Equipped Badge Effect

Super Mario Wonder - Invisibility Invisibility Become transparent so your character cannot be seen on the screen by the player or enemies

World and Difficulty

World 6 (Deep Magma Bog)
Difficulty ★★★☆
Wonder Seeds 1

All Badges Effects and How to Get

Best Power-Up for Invisibility 2

Any power-up is good for this course.

All Power-Ups

List of Items in this Course

Super Mario Wonder - Super MushroomSuper Mushroom

Invisibility 2 Wonder Seed Location

Reward for Clearing the Course

Super Mario Bros Wonder - Invisibility 2 Wonder Seed
The Wonder Seed for this course can be obtained automatically after clearing the stage.

All Wonder Seed Locations

Invisibility 2 Purple 10 Coin Locations

1. Obtain by Jumping on the Bottom Trampoline

The first Purple 10 Coin is located just before the checkpoint. During the course of Invisibility 2, Mario will become invisible. Being invisible makes it hard to time your positioning and jumps.

To work around this, use the "Gestures" function that can be performed by pressing the "X" button. Doing gestures will make spotting your position easier because of the effects it produces. Since your fingers will be busy, it is recommended to press the "X" several times while falling from a jump.

2. Obtain by Jumping During the Uphill Slope

The second Purple 10 Coin can be found during the long-traveling lift after the checkpoint, specifically the middle part of the section . You will not be able to reach the Purple 10 Coin unless you make a big jump, so use gestures to find where you are then do a big jump with the trampoline.

3. Obtain by Defeating the Lakitus and Riding the Cloud

The third Purple 10 Coin is high up in front of the goal. It is in a position that you cannot reach through normal jumping. To reach and get the Purple 10 Coin, you will need to defeat the Lakitus that appears before it and ride the cloud it leaves behind afterwards.

If you touch the bud under the Lakitus, a trampoline will appear, so use gestures as usual to figure out your location.

All Purple 10 Coin Locations

How to Reach the Top of the Goal

Since there are no blocks or platforms in front of the goal, you have no choice but to use the Lakitus cloud used during the retrieval of the third Purple 10 Coin. Once you get the Coin, make sure to use the cloud to navigate towards the Goal as well.

Invisibility 2 Badge Challenge Video Guide

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