Super Mario Wonder

Pull, Turn, Burn Guide: All Wonder Seed and 10 Coin Locations

Pull, Turn, Burn
Pull, Turn, Burn is one of the levels that you can explore in World 6 in Super Mario Bros Wonder. Read more to find out where the Wonder Seeds are, as well as where to collect all three Purple 10 Coins (Flower/Wonder Coins) in this course.

5Fungi Mines
6Deep Magma Bog
Petal IslesPetal Isles
Where the Rrrumbas Rule image6-1 Raarghs in the Ruins image6-2 Pull, Turn, Burn image6-3 Hot-Hot Hot! image6-4 Wavy Ride Through the Magma Tube image6-5 Dragon Boneyard image6-6 Floating High Jump 2 image6-7 Boosting Spin Jump 2 image6-8
Grappling Vine 2 image6-9 Jet Run 2 image6-10 Invisibility 2 image6-11 Spring Feet 2 image6-12 Deep Magma Bog Flying Battleship image6-13 Deep Magma Bog Palace image6-14 Magma Flare-Up image6-15 Item Park image6-16
Hot-Hot Rocks image6-17 Deep Magma Bog Observatory #1 image6-18 Deep Magma Bog Observatory #2 image6-19 Deep Magma Bog Observatory #3 image6-20 Deep Magma Bog Observatory #4 image6-21 Poplin Shop image6-22

Pull, Turn, Burn World and Difficulty

World and Difficulty

World 6 (Deep Magma Bog)
Difficulty ★★★★☆
Wonder Seeds 2

Best Badge for Pull, Turn, Burn

Super Mario Wonder -  All Bubble Power
All Bubble Power

List of All Badges, Effects and How to Get

Best Power-Up for Pull, Turn, Burn

Super Mario Wonder - Bubble FlowerBubble Flower

All Power-Ups

List of Items in this Course

Super Mario Wonder - Super MushroomSuper Mushroom Super Mario Wonder - Bubble FlowerBubble Flower

Pull, Turn, Burn Wonder Seed Locations

1. Obtained as Wonder Flower Reward

Pull, Turn, Burn - Wonder Seed 1
The first Wonder Seed can be obtained by xompleting the Wonder Effect from the Wonder Flower. The Wonder Flower will appear if you keep pulling the chain of the Goomba statue.

The Wonder Effect will make a bubble protecting you from the lava so you can swim through them. Collect all 5 Wonder Tokens to get the Wonder Seed!

2. Complete the Course

Pull, Turn, Burn - Clear Course
The second Wonder Seed location can be obtained by completing the course.
All Wonder Seed Locations

Pull, Turn, Burn Purple 10 Coin Locations

1. Under the Platform Near the Start

The first purple 10 coin can be easily spotted under a platform. There's also a Buzzy Beetle that will fall into the lava.

Jump on its shell to get the coin under the platform and also use it to return to the platform.

2. Near the Three Flaming Wheels

Pull, Turn, Burn - Purple 10 Coin 2
Just ahead the first purple 10 coin are three flaming wheels. Pull the chain near them to raise the flaming wheels and then use the platform to jump up on where the second purple 10 coin is.

3. Just Ahead of the First Checkpoint

From the first checkpoint, just move forward until you see a chain and two flaming wheels.

Pull the chain and the wheels will move away temporarily. Use this chance to get to the coin!

All Purple 10 Coins Locations

How to Reach the Top of the Goal

Pull the Chain to Move the Circle Platform then Jump

There will be another chain and a circle platform that you can use to get to the top of the goal. Just simply pull the chain until the circle platform comes near you, ride the platform then dash jump at the right time to get to the top of the goal.

Pull, Turn, Burn Video Guide

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Mini Stages and Shops

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Item ParkItem Park Super Mario Wonder - Deep Magma Bog Observatory 1Deep Magma Bog Observatory #1
Super Mario Wonder - Deep Magma Bog Observatory 2Deep Magma Bog Observatory #2 Super Mario Wonder - Deep Magma Bog Observatory 3Deep Magma Bog Observatory #3
Super Mario Wonder - Deep Magma Bog Observatory 4Deep Magma Bog Observatory #4 Mario Wonder - Poplin Shop Deep Magma Bog (World 6)Poplin Shop


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