Super Mario Wonder

A Final Uncharted Area: Poison Ruins Guide: All Wonder Seed and 10 Coin Locations

Super Mario Wonder Notes - A Final Uncharted Area Poison Ruins
A Final Uncharted Area: Poison Ruins is one of the levels that you can explore in World 5 in Super Mario Bros Wonder. Read more to find out what world to access this course from, as well as where the Wonder Seeds are, and where to collect all three Purple 10 Coins (Flower/Wonder Coins).

4Sunbaked Desert
5Fungi Mines
6Deep Magma Bog
Upshroom Downshroom image5-1 Taily5-2 Light-Switch Mansion image5-3 Beware of the Rifts image5-4 An Uncharted Area: Wubba Ruins image5-5 Another Uncharted Area: Swaying Ruins image5-6 A Final Uncharted Area: Poison Ruins image5-7 Grappling Vine 1 image5-8
Fungi Funk image5-9 Tumble House image5-10 Trottin5-11 Loyal Poplin5-12 Operation Poplin Rescue image5-13 Poplin Shop image5-14

Hidden Secrets

Activate Wonder Flower by Ground Pounding the Green Jelly Before the Goal

Wonder Flower Location
The Wonder Flower will appear if you ground pound the green jelly in the middle of two blocks. This is right near the goal of the course.

A Final Uncharted Area: Poison Ruins World and Difficulty

World and Difficulty

World 5 (Fungi Mines)
Difficulty ★★★★☆
Wonder Seeds 2
Required Seeds 11

Best Badge for A Final Uncharted Area: Poison Ruins

Super Mario Wonder -  Safety Bounce
Safety Bounce

List of All Badges, Effects and How to Get

Best Power-Up for A Final Uncharted Area: Poison Ruins

Super Mario Wonder - Bubble FlowerBubble Flower

All Power-Ups

List of Items in this Course

Super Mario Wonder - Bubble FlowerBubble Flower

A Final Uncharted Area: Poison Ruins Wonder Seed Locations

1. Obtained as Wonder Flower Reward

Wonder Seed Location
To get the first Wonder Seed, activate the Wonder Flower to activate Wonder Effect and you'll be transformed into a slime. You'll see a flagpole on the way but avoid this and just attach yourself to the ceiling and continue.

By the end, you'll see a green flower attached to a circle. Touch the green flower and the circles will start to rotate. Many more green flowers will appear on the other circles and you should touch all of them to get the Wonder Seed.

2. Complete the Course

Course Clear
You can obtain the second Wonder Seed by completing the course.

All Wonder Seed Locations

A Final Uncharted Area: Poison Ruins Purple 10 Coin Locations

1. Touch the Moving Green Flower in the Ceiling

Touch the green flower that keeps moving in the ceiling and the huge block will fall allowing you to get the coin.

2. Beside the Two Flying Koopas

Purple 10 Coin 2
You will see the second purple 10 coin as you proceed normally through the level. Step on the near Koopa Paratroopas to get to the coin.

3. Near the Five Green Flowers

Purple 10 Coin 3
You can only get the third purple 10 coin when you've activated the Wonder Effect. Simple proceed through the course and ignore the flagpole.

On the way, you'll see five blocks above and 5 green flowers. The last purple 10 coin is located underneath the middle platform where one of the green flowers is located. Simply get to the coin by crawling under the middle platform using your slime form in Wonder Effect.

All Purple 10 Coins Locations

How to Reach the Top of the Goal

Dash Jump on the Two Blocks Before the Goal

Make sure to time your jump on the two blocks near the goal. Do a dash jump on the blocks to gain momentum!

Be careful though as stepping on these blocks will cause them to fall so there is no room for mistakes!

How to Dash

A Final Uncharted Area: Poison Ruins Video Guide

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