Madden NFL 25

Singleback Formation and When to Use

Singleback is an Offensive Formation that can be chosen before the scrimmage in Madden NFL 25. Learn when to use the Singleback formation, what Sets are available, and what teams' playbooks use this formation.

When to Use Singleback Formation

Draw Defenders Away From Line of Scrimmage

The Singleback formation has a potential Pass receiver lined up beside the offensive linemen to draw defenders away from the line of scrimmage, creating open routes for the ballcarrier to run through.

Sets Under Singleback Formation

All Sets and Plays That Use Singleback Formation

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Play Set
HB Dive Tight Doubles
PA Boot Tight Doubles
Under Tight Doubles
Shallow Cross Tight Doubles
Bingo Cross Tight Doubles
HB Inside Zone Tight Doubles
HB Power O Doubles Y Off
HB Slip Screen Doubles Y Off
PA WR Out Doubles Y Off
Counter Y Doubles Y Off
Four Verticals Doubles Y Off
Ins Left Doubles Y Off
WR Deep Hook Doubles Y Off
HB Dive Doubles Y Off
WR Option Doubles Y Off
PA Power O Doubles Y Off
HB Ace Power Doubles Y Off
Swing Slant Doubles Y Off
Y Option Doubles Y Off
HB Draw Doubles Y Off
WR Option Doubles Y Off
Four Verticals Spread
Slants Middle Spread
Mtn HB Draw Spread
Bubble Screen Spread
949 Yara Spread
Inside Cross Spread
Slant Flats Spread
HB Draw Bubble Spread
01 Trap Spread
Flanker Dig Spread
Seam Option Spread
PA Slot Crosses Spread
Slot Options Spread
Curl Flats Spread
HB Dive Spread
Switch Smash Spread
WR Deep Outs Spread
Comebacks Spread
Slot Pivot Spread
HB Cutback Spread
HB Slip Screen Spread
Pivot Slants Spread
WR Short Posts Spread
PA HB Out Spread
61 X Choice Spread
Hitch Corners Spread
HB Slash Alert Bubble Spread
Smash Corners Spread
Smash Posts Spread
HB Draw Spread
60 Go Spread
Smash Texas Trio
PA Boot Trio
Shoot Trio
Slants Middle Trio
RPO Stretch Alert Bubble Trio
Slot Chase Trio
HB Delay Trio
Spot Trio
Bubble Screen Trio
HB Zone Trio
WK Trio
HB Dive Trio
Verticals Trio
HB Toss Trio
PA Boot Lt Trio
PA Solid Corner Trio
HB Smash Ace Double Wing
TE Corners Ace Double Wing
HB Dive Ace Double Wing
Weak Toss Ace Double Wing
PA Ctr Waggle Ace Double Wing
PA TE Cross Ace Double Wing
HB Stretch Ace Double Wing
HB Power O Ace Double Wing
TE Shake Ace Double Wing
HB Stretch Ace Double Wing
HB Counter WK Ace Double Wing
PA Y-Sail Doubles Z Close
PA HB Look Doubles Z Close
HB Dive Doubles Z Close
Z Post Y Out Doubles Z Close
Inside Zone Doubles Z Close
Whip Unders Doubles Z Close
PA Boot Slide Doubles Y Off Close
PA Deep Out Doubles Y Off Close
PA Boot Screen Doubles Y Off Close
Inside Zone Split Doubles Y Off Close
Switch X Comeback Doubles Y Off Close
Counter Y Doubles Y Off Close
PA Weak Flood Doubles Y Off Close
HB Stretch Doubles Y Off Close
Dragon Spacing Doubles Y Off Close
PA Boot Corner Post Doubles Y Off Close
PA Jet Sweep Doubles Y Off Close
Switch Doubles Y Off Close
HB Slam Doubles Y Off Close
HB Wham Doubles Y Off Close
HB Zone Wk Doubles Y Off Close
RPO Alert X Screen Doubles Y Off Close
HB Dive Doubles Y Off Close
Zone Fake Jet Doubles Y Off Close
Bench Corner Stop Doubles Y Off Close
Jet Sweep Doubles Y Off Close
Stick Doubles Y Off Close
Curl Post Drag Wing Stack
HB Belly Weak Wing Stack
HB Stretch Wing Stack
HB Dive Wing Stack
Steeler Drive Wing Stack
Fade Out Wing Stack
Double Corner Wing Stack
PA Jet Sweep Wing Stack
HB Slam Wing Stack
HB Zone Wk Wing Stack
PA Double In Shot Wing Stack
PA Dig Wing Stack
PA Power O Wing Stack
Levels Wing Stack
Y Stick Wing Stack
HB Power O Wing Stack
Jet Sweep Wing Stack
Flanker Spot Wing Stack
PA Fork Wing Stack
KC Smash Wing Stack
PA Steeler Sail Wing Stack
Zone Fake Jet Wing Stack
Under Z Curl Tight Y Off Flex
Inside Zone Split Tight Y Off Flex
Shallow Cross Tight Y Off Flex
Stick Spacing Tight Y Off Flex
Counter Y Tight Y Off Flex
Jet HB Power Tight Y Off Flex
HB Dive Tight Y Off Flex
PA Deep Out Tight Y Off Flex
PA Y Middle Screen Tight Y Off Flex
PA Boot Slide Tight Y Off Flex
Zone Fake Jet Tight Y Off Flex
Smash Hammer Tight Y Off Flex
Rams Pivot Dig Tight Y Off Flex
Jet Sweep Tight Y Off Flex
PA Jet Sweep Tight Y Off Flex
Jet HB Split Zone Tight Y Off Flex
Wide Zone Tight Y Off Flex
01 Trap Tight Y Off Flex
HB Zone Wk Tight Y Off Flex
Flanker Curl Ace
23 Zone Open Ace
HB Stretch Alert X Lookie Ace
Lions Comebacks Ace
Quick Slants Ace
PA Boot Ace
PA Roll Rt Ace
TE Seam Option Ace
Jet Sweep Ace
HB Dive Ace
Ace Overload Ace
PA Jet Sweep Ace
HB Stretch Alert X Smoke Ace
Z Spot Ace
PA Boot Left Ace
HB Counter Str Ace
FL Under Ace
HB Stretch Ace
Zone Fake Jet Ace
Inside Cross Ace
TE Option Ace
Inside Zone Ace
PA Boot Roll Ace
HB Misdirection Ace
PA All Go Ace
HB Counter Ace
Double Hitch Ace
Mtn Inside Zone Ace
PA Shot Post Ace
Corner Strike Ace
TE Under Ace
PA Ctr Waggle Ace
PA Stretch Ace
Dual TE Flat Ace
PA Deep In Ace
Double Sluggo Ace
HB Pitch Ace
Pin Pull Sweep Ace
HB Draw Ace
HB Slip Screen Ace
HB Slam Ace
HB Zone Wk Ace
WR Option Ace
Ace WR Stretch Ace
Curl Flats Ace
HB Zone Wk Alert Z Smoke Ace
Flanker Drive Ace
WR Screen Ace
X Follow Ace
PA Sprint HB Flat Ace
FL Corner Ace
HB Blunt Dive Ace
Skinny Posts Ace
PA Counter Ace
PA Stretch Ace
X Post Ace
Y Shallow Cross Ace
HB Off Tackle Ace
HB Pump Draw Ace
TE Cross Ace
Ace TE Drag Ace
PA Cheat Deep Corner Bunch X Nasty
HB Slash Bunch X Nasty
Cheat HB Slash Bunch X Nasty
Counter Y Bunch X Nasty
PA Boot Bunch X Nasty
PA Boot Slide Bunch X Nasty
PA Boot Cheat Slide Levels Bunch X Nasty
Spacing Bunch X Nasty
PA Deep Cross Go Bunch X Nasty
Verticals Bunch X Nasty
Inside Zone Split Bunch X Nasty
PA Post Curl Shot Bunch X Nasty
Flat Y Leak Bunch X Nasty
PA Boot Corner Post Bunch X Nasty
Cheat HB Zone Wk Bunch X Nasty
Zone Fake Jet Wk Bunch X Nasty
PA Jet Sweep Bunch X Nasty
PA Rams Counter Bunch X Nasty
Jet Sweep Wk Bunch X Nasty
PA WR Cheat Screen Bunch X Nasty
PA Cheat Wheel Post Bunch X Nasty
HB Zone Wk Bunch X Nasty
HB Dive Bunch X Nasty
Fk Flat Trail Bunch X Nasty
HB Slam Bunch X Nasty
PA X Out Cross Bunch X Nasty
PA Post Dig Bunch X Nasty
Flat Y Under Bunch X Nasty
PA Cross Bunch X Nasty
Crack Toss Bunch X Nasty
PA Drag Wheel Bunch X Nasty
PA Deep Out Bunch X Nasty
Wide Zone Wk Bunch X Nasty
PA Deep Cross U Off Close
HB Dive U Off Close
PA Deep Read U Off Close
Inside Zone Split U Off Close
Motion Zone Toss U Off Close
Curl Flats U Off Close
PA U-Drag Wheel Wing Tight Nasty
Duo Wing Tight Nasty
Counter Strong Wing Tight Nasty
Stick Spacing Wing Tight Nasty
Dig Y-Wheel Wing Tight Nasty
Mtn PA Y-CoPo Wing Tight Nasty
HB Inside Zone Wing Tight Nasty
Mtn PA Boot Lt Wing Tight Nasty
HB Smash Wing Tight Nasty
HB Stretch Wing Tight Nasty
Mtn HB Smash Wing Tight Nasty
Inside Zone Split U Off Trips
Slants U Off Trips
PA Boost Slide U Off Trips
HB Misdirection U Off Trips
HB Slam U Off Trips
PA Flood U Off Trips
PA Dagger U Cross U Off Trips
HB Counter Str U Off Trips
Inside Zone U Off Trips
Zone Fake Jet Tight Y Off
HB Stretch Tight Y Off
PA Boot Slide Tight Y Off
PA Pump Go Tight Y Off
PA Jet Y Leak Tight Y Off
PA Deep Out Tight Y Off
Fk Cheat HB Stretch Wk Tight Y Off
Omaha Tight Y Off
PA Deep Curls Tight Y Off
Stick Switch Tight Y Off
PA Post Dig Tight Y Off
PA Deep Cross Tight Y Off
Double Move Cross Tight Y Off
PA Rams Leak Tight Y Off
PA Cheat Post Cross Tight Y Off
PA Cheat Cross Tight Y Off
PA Fk Cheat Flood Crossers Tight Y Off
Bench Switch Tight Y Off
Inside Zone Split Tight Y Off
Drive Flood Tight Y Off
Cheat HB Dive Wk Tight Y Off
Jet Sweep Tight Y Off
Stick Tight Y Off
Fk Cheat HB Counter Tight Y Off
HB Dive Tight Y Off
HB Zone Wk Tight Y Off
Deep In Tight Y Off
PA Flood Tight Y Off
PA Jet Sweep Tight Y Off
HB Zone Alert Smoke U Off Stack
Inside Zone U Off Stack
HB Counter Str U Off Stack
Inside Zone Split U Off Stack
PA Dagger U Cross U Off Stack
PA Boot Slide U Off Stack
Close PA Cross Ace Close
Zone Fake Jet Ace Close
Stick Ace Close
Jet Sweep Ace Close
HB Zone Wk Ace Close
Close Y Seam Ace Close
HB Stretch Ace Close
HB Toss Ace Close
Bench Ace Close
PA Jet Sweep Ace Close
PA Boot Slide Bunch
Z Spot Goalline Bunch
PA Pin Deep Bunch
PA End Around Sift Bunch
PA Boot Bunch
Spacing Bunch
HB Draw Bunch
Stick Bunch
Inside Zone Split Bunch
Clearout SE Opt Bunch
PA Boot Slide Bunch
PA Cross Switch Bunch
Z Spot Bunch
Spacing Switch Bunch
End Around Bunch
HB Dive Bunch
HB Slam Bunch
Y Flat Goalline Bunch
Rams Z Option Bunch
PA Boot Over Bunch
End Around Lead Bunch
Spot Dig Bunch
Z Mesh Goalline Bunch
HB Counter Bunch
TE Angle Bunch
Pitch WR Reverse Bunch
Counter Y Bunch
TE Hook Bunch
HB Slash Bunch
Flanker Drive Bunch
Sluggo Seam Bunch
PA Draw Pass Bunch
HB Ace Power Bunch
Dig Return Bunch
HB Slash Fk End Ard Bunch
Seattle Bunch
HB Zone Wk Bunch
Y Trail Bunch
Crack Toss Bunch
SE In HB Out Y Off Trips
Slants Y Off Trips
China Under Y Off Trips
Counter Y Y Off Trips
PA Verticals Y Off Trips
HB Draw Y Off Trips
Curls Y Off Trips
Off Tackle Y Off Trips
SE Curl Y Off Trips
PA Boot Rt Y Off Trips
PA Power O Y Off Trips
HB Slip Screen Y Off Trips
HB Power O Y Off Trips
Stick Y Off Trips
HB Dive Y Off Trips
Zone Fake Jet Wing Flex Close
PA Boot Y Sail (M20) Wing Flex Close
Four Verticals Wing Flex Close
Smash Wing Flex Close
Stick Wing Flex Close
HB Stretch Wing Flex Close
Drive Y Corner Wing Flex Close
Jet Sweep Wing Flex Close
PA Jet Sweep Wing Flex Close
HB Dive Wing Flex Close
Inside Zone Split Wing Flex Close
HB Zone Wk Wing Flex Close
PA Cross Swtich (M20) Wing Flex Close
PA Cross Country Wing Flex Close
HB Draw Tight Flex
Bench Tight Flex
PA Draw Cross Tight Flex
Out N Ups Tight Flex
HB Slam Tight Flex
Slot Corner Tight Flex
HB Slip Screen Tight Flex
HB Dive Tight Flex
Shallow Cross Tight Flex
Off Tackle Tight Flex
Mesh Tight Flex
PA Waggle Tight Flex
PA Sprint HB Flat Wing Pair Heavy
Mtn HB Plunge Wing Pair Heavy
Mtn PA X Zig Flood Wing Pair Heavy
HB Counter Wk Wing Pair Heavy
26 Duo Wing Pair Heavy
RPO Stretch Alert Lookie Wing Pair Heavy
Mtn Spot Wing Pair Heavy
Mtn PA Deep Flood Wing Pair Heavy
PA Ctr Shot Wing Pair Heavy
Mtn Power O Wing Pair Heavy
Y Stick Wing Pair Heavy
Mtn Mesh Drive Wing Pair Heavy
PA Roll Lt Wing Tight
HB Counter Wk Wing Tight
26 Duo Wing Tight
HB Power Wing Tight
PA Y Throwback Wing Tight
PA Boot Wing Tight
HB Inside Zone Wing Tight
HB Plunge Wing Tight
PA Boot Flood Wing Tight
PA Saints Sail Wing Tight
Stick Nod Vertical Wing Tight
Jet Sweep Wing Tight
PA Dig Cross Wing Tight
Sluggo Seam Wing Tight
HB Stretch Wing Tight
TE Corners Wing Tight
PA Jet Sweep Wing Tight
WR Option Wing Tight
PA Y-Drag Wheel Wing Tight
PA Boot Slide Wing Tight
Zone Fake Jet Wing Tight
PA Wheel Slide Wing Tight
Y Stick Wing Tight
Power Alert X Lookie Wing Tight
HB Dive Wing Tight
HB Smash Wing Tight
HB Ace Power Wing Tight
HB Power O Wing Tight
HB Belly Weak Wing Tight
PA Ctr Waggle Wing Tight
Mesh Spot Wing Tight
HB Draw Wing Tight
PA Boot Left Wing Tight
HB Counter Wing Tight
Inside Cross Wing Tight
TE Shake Wing Tight
PA Power O Wing Tight
Quick Slant Wing Tight
PA Flood Wing Tight
PA FL Stretch Wing Tight
TE Option Wing Tight
PA TE Cross Wing Tight
Stick Y Trips TE Slot
Smash Y Trips TE Slot
HB Zone Wk Y Trips TE Slot
Sluggo Seam Y Trips TE Slot
Curl Combo Y Trips TE Slot
HB Draw Y Trips TE Slot
PA Slot Cross Y Trips TE Slot
WR Screen Y Trips TE Slot
Power O Y Trips TE Slot
Slot Drive Y Trips TE Slot
PA Slot Wheel Y Trips TE Slot
HB Stretch Y Trips TE Slot
HB Dive Y Trips TE Slot
HB Counter Y Trips TE Slot
Y-Trail Y Trips TE Slot
Slot 2 Buc Y Trips TE Slot
Levels Switch Y Trips TE Slot
Four Verticals Y Trips TE Slot
PA Power O Doubles
Flanker Dig Doubles
Four Verticals Doubles
Whip Unders Doubles
Flanker Drag Doubles
Goaline Fade Doubles
HB Cutback Doubles
Fork Doubles
Z Post Y Out Doubles
Slants Doubles
01 Trap Doubles
Corner Strike Doubles
PA Boot Doubles
Mtn Z Spot Doubles
Z Under Doubles
Deep Attack Doubles
X Dagger Doubles
Curl Flats Doubles
Sluggo Seam Doubles
HB Power O Alert Bubble Doubles
Z Spot Doubles
HB Stretch Doubles
PA Ctr Waggle Doubles
PA Y Glance Doubles
Inside Zone Doubles
Streaks Doubles
Bubble Screen Doubles
TE Post Doubles
Y Shallow Cross Doubles
HB Slam Doubles
Flanker Drive Doubles
Inside Cross Doubles
PA Y-Sail Doubles
PA Boot Comeback Doubles
PA SD Y-Corner Doubles
PA HB Look Doubles
Salem X Kitty Doubles
Z-Close Cross Doubles
PA Zone Shot Doubles
HB Wide Draw Doubles
Levels Divide Doubles
PA Stretch Doubles
Z-Close Corner Doubles
PA Corner Post Doubles
Dagger Doubles
PA Draw Shot Doubles
Tight Zone Wk Doubles
HB Slip Screen Doubles
HB Slash Doubles
HB Power O Doubles
PA Slot Stop Doubles
Double Slants Doubles
Z-Close Curl Doubles
HB Stretch Alert Bubble Doubles
HB Pump Draw Doubles
HB Draw Doubles
HB Dive Doubles
Slot Corner Doubles North
HB Ace Power Doubles North
WR Corner Doubles North
PA Rollout Doubles North
HB Toss Doubles North
Curl Drag Doubles North
Bench Switch Doubles North
Jet Sweep Doubles North
WR Option Doubles North
Zone Fake Jet Doubles North
PA Jet Sweep Doubles North
Stick Doubles North
PA Scissors Wing Tight Left
PA Sprint HB Flat Wing Tight Left
Wide Zone Wing Tight Left
HB Power Wing Tight Left
Inside Zone Wing Tight Left
Stick Wing Tight Left
Duo Wing Tight Left
HB Dive Wing Tight Left
Zone Fake Jet Wk Wing Tight Left
Jet Sweep Wk Wing Tight Left
PA Boot Slide Wing Tight Left
PA Jet Sweep Wing Tight Left
HB Blunt Dive Wing
Close PA Cross Wing
PA Misdirection Shot Wing
Z Spot Wing
Steeler Curls Wing
PA Power O Wing
PA TE Flood Wing
PA Verts Y Dig Wing
Close PA Sail Wing
Spacing Wing
H Zone Wk Wing
TE Stick Wing
HB Toss Crack Wing
PA Middle Wing
HB Counter Wk Wing
Close PA Post Wing
Zone Split Alert Lookie Wing
HB Dive Wing
Sluggo Seam Wing
Mtn H Zone Wk Wing
TE Attack Wing
HB Stretch Alert Lookie Wing
HB Misdirection Wing
HB Zone Toss Wing
Close Zone Strg Wing
Zone Split Alert Smoke Wing
PA Post Dig Shot Wing
Mtn PA PoCo Slide Wing
HB Smash Wing
26 Duo Wing
TE Stick Fade Wing
HB Stretch Alert Smoke Wing
Drive Wing
HB Slant 18 Wing
PA Y-Drag Wheel Wing
Mtn PA Fk Slide Wing
HB Power O Wing
Curl Combo Wing
PA Boot Lt Wing
26 Duo Alert X Smoke Wing
HB Power O Ace Slot
HB Counter Ace Slot
Slants Ace Slot
Verts Ace Slot
HB Misdirection Ace Slot
PA Boot Over Ace Slot
Slot Under Ace Slot
Smash Ace Slot
HB Dive Lt Ace Slot
PA Verts Ace Slot
Weak Flood Ace Slot
PA Heel Boot Ace Slot
PA Cross Ace Slot
Wide Zone Ace Slot
PA Scissors Flood Ace Slot
HB Zone Alert Bubble Ace Slot
PA Ctr Waggle Ace Slot
Flood Ace Slot
Curl Flat Corner Ace Slot
Stick Ace Slot
HB Dive Ace Slot
HB Stretch Alert Bubble Ace Slot
PA FL Stretch Ace Slot
HB Slip Screen Ace Slot
DBL Post Ace Slot
PA Boot Ace Slot
Slot Out Ace Slot
Roll Out Smash Ace Slot
HB Stretch Ace Slot
Curl Flat Ace Slot
Texan Y Drag Ace Slot
HB Blunt Dive Ace Slot
PA Y-Corner Ace Slot
HB Dive Wing Close
PA Fk Toss Wheel Wing Close
Wide Zone Wing Close
Duo Wing Close
HB Zone Toss Wing Close
DBL Outs Wing Close
PA TE Flood Wing Close
PA Cross Wing Close
PA Y-Drag Wheel Wing Close
HB Zone Wk Wing Close
Mtn Zone Alert Wing Close
Mtn PA Z Slide Wing Close
Pitch WR Reverse Wing Close
Mtn Out N Up Wing Close
HB Toss Fk Reverse Wing Close
TE In Trips
HB Power O Trips
RPO Stretch Alert Lookie Trips
HB Dive Trips
HB Draw Trips
Stick Trips
HB Zone Wk Trips
PA Solid Corner Trips
Corner Double In Trips
PA Boot Trips
PA Boot Lt Trips
PA Y Glance Trips
Inside Cross Trips
Curl Combo Trips
Slants Trips
93 Up Y Option Trips
HB Stretch Trips
Bubble Screen Trips
PA Flood Trips
X Corner Post Trips
WR Option Trips
Zone Fake Jet Bunch TE
Mtn HB Screen Bunch TE
Cross Drag Bunch TE
HB Pump Draw Bunch TE
Inside Zone Bunch TE
PA Jet Deep Out Bunch TE
HB Misdirection Lead Bunch TE
PA Draw Shot Bunch TE
Jet Sweep Bunch TE
Inside Zone Split Bunch TE
Power Alert Bubble Bunch TE
Mtn DBL Swing Bunch TE
Stick Bunch TE
PA Boot Bunch TE
PA Jeet Sweep Bunch TE
Stretch Alert Bubble Bunch TE
Spacing Bunch TE
Mtn Fk Swing Bunch TE
WR Power Fake Jet Bunch TE
01 Trap Wing Pair
PA Ctr Shot Wing Pair
Mtn HB Plunge Wing Pair
PA Sprint HB Flat Wing Pair
PA X Burst Cross Wing Pair
Dragon Spacing Wing Pair
PA X Burst Hvy Wing Pair
HB Counter Wk Wing Pair
Jet 6 Drive Wing Pair
TE Attack Wing Pair
Stretch WR Screen Wing Pair
Power O Wing Pair
Y Stick Wing Pair
PA TE Seam Wing Pair
HB Stretch Wing Pair
HB Dive Wing Pair
RPO Alert Dive Smoke Wing Pair
26 Duo Wing Pair
Mtn Spot Wing Pair
Raiders Vertical Wing Pair
Y Stick Hvy Wing Pair
Mtn Counter Str Wing Pair
Mtn Spot Hvy Wing Pair
24 Zone Open Wing Pair
HB Inside Zone Wing Pair
Spacing Wing Pair
PA Boot Lt Wing Pair
TE Drive Wing Pair
PA Boot Slide U Off Trio
PA Dagger U Cross U Off Trio
Inside Zone U Off Trio
PA Flood U Off Trio
Inside Zone Split U Off Trio
HB Counter Str U Off Trio
H Misdirection Str Bunch Base
PA Zone Wk Bunch Base
Spacing Bunch Base
End Around Lead Bunch Base
Z Option Bunch Base
H Zone Str Bunch Base
H Zone Wk Bunch Base
Z Spot Bunch Base
H Power Toss Bunch Base
PA Ctr Waggle Bunch Base
Seattle Bunch Base
PA Misdirection Bunch Base
HB Counter Bunch Base
PA End Around Bunch Base
PA Verticals Bunch Base
Counter Y Deuce
PA Power O Deuce
PA Dig Deuce
Power O Deuce
PA Boot Slide Deuce
Z Dig Deuce
HB Smash Deuce
Curl Flats Deuce
HB Toss Deuce
PA Pats Boot Deuce
Quick Slants Deuce
Pats HB Dive Deuce
PA STreak Trips Open
Middle Slant Trips Open
PA FL Stretch Trips Open
Curl Flat Corner Trips Open
HB Draw Trips Open
Levels Trips Open
HB Trap Trips Open
60 Go Trips Open
Four Verticals Trips Open
Bubble Screen Trips Open
61 X Choice Trips Open
Stick Trips Open
WR Post Corner Trips Open
60 Slide Trips Open
Curl Flat Wheel Trips Open
01 Trap Trips Open
Slot Middle Trips Open
HB Slip Screen Trips Open
HB Dive Trips Open
HB Slam Trips Open
Spacing Trips Open
Strong Flood Trips Open
Zone Split Wk Deuce Close
Spacing Switch Deuce Close
PA Deep Read Deuce Close
PA Slide Y Screen Deuce Close
PA Motion Flood Deuce Close
Motion Power Deuce Close
PA Deep Cross Deuce Close
Inside Zone Split Deuce Close
HB Zone Wk Deuce Close
Stick Deuce Close
Motion Zone Toss Deuce Close
PA Drag Wheel Deuce Close
Corner Stops Deuce Close
TE Angle Deuce Close
PA Post Cross Deuce Close
Zone Fake Jet Deuce Close
PA Boot Slide Deuce Close
HB Stretch Deuce Close
01 Trap Deuce Close
PA Misdirection Deuce Close
Counter Y Deuce Close
Jet Sweep Deuce Close
PA X Deep Out Deuce Close
Bench Deuce Close
PA Post Dig Deuce Close
Titans Bench Deuce Close
PA Boot Corner Post Deuce Close
Fk Slide HB Stretch Deuce Close
PA Jet Sweep Deuce Close
Flood Trail Deuce Close
HB Wham Deuce Close
PA X Post Cross Deuce Close
PA Boot Scissors Deuce Close
PA Stretch Shot Deuce Close
Motion Zone Split Deuce Close
PA RZ Crossers Deuce Close
TE Option East Tight
PA FL Stretch East Tight
TE Corners East Tight
HB Smash East Tight
PA Boot East Tight
HB Counter Wk East Tight
HB Pitch Strong East Tight
Trail East Tight
HB Plunge East Tight
Spacing Bunch Ace
Spacing Switch Bunch Ace
HB Slam Bunch Ace
Inside Zone Split Bunch Ace
PA Boot Bunch Ace
HB Wham Bunch Ace
PA Boot Rt Bunch Ace
PA Fork Shot Bunch Ace
Bunch Dig Bunch Ace
PA Ctr Waggle Bunch Ace
TE Angle Bunch Ace
Z Spot Bunch Ace
Seattle Bunch Ace
Divide Bunch Ace
Counter Y Bunch Ace
Stick Bunch Ace
Drive Y Trial Bunch Ace
HB Slash Fk End Ard Bunch Ace
PA End Around Bunch Ace
Crack Toss Bunch Ace
Duo Bunch Ace
HB Zone Wk Bunch Ace
Z Option Bunch Ace
Drive TE Corner Bunch Ace
HB Slash Bunch Ace
Dig Return Bunch Ace
PA Cross Switch Bunch Ace
End Around Lead Bunch Ace
PA Boot Slide Bunch Ace
HB Slip Screen East
^LTE1 Inside Hook East
Slants Slot Flat East
PA Boot Slide East
Smash Slot Post East
Play Action East
Inside Zone Split East
Counter U East
TE Out East
HB Wham East
TE Angle East
Dig Hi Lo East
Z Spot East
Stick East
HB Draw East
Verticals X Cross East
HB Dive East
HB Off Tackle East
PA Flood East
Quick Pitch East
HB Zone Wk Doubles Y-Slot Close
HB Draw Doubles Y-Slot Close
Bench Corner Stop Doubles Y-Slot Close
Four Verticals Doubles Y-Slot Close
01 Trap Doubles Y-Slot Close
Switch X Comeback Doubles Y-Slot Close
HB Belly Weak Ace Overload
HB Misdirection Ace Overload
HB Stretch Ace Overload
PA Misdirection Ace Overload
01 Trap Ace Overload
PA LT Sneak Ace Overload
HB Smash Ace Overload
PA Belly Shot Ace Overload
PA TE Seam Ace Overload
Split Zone Strong Wing Tight U
Inside Zone Split Wing Tight U
Mtn HB Stretch Wing Tight U
Dragon Spacing Wing Tight U
Mtn PA Power O Wing Tight U
PA Dive Wing Tight U
HB Counter Str Wing Tight U
Mtn HB Power O Wing Tight U
PA Boot Slide Wing Tight U
HB Power O Wing Tight U
HB Dive Wing Tight U
26 Duo Wing Tight U
TE Attack Wing Tight U
HB Stretch Wing Tight U
PA U-Drag Wheel Wing Tight U
Stick Nod Vertical Wing Tight U
Sluggo Spacing Wing Tight U
PA Sprint HB Flat Wing Tight U
PA FL Dive F Wing Slot
Bubble Screen F Wing Slot
TE Spot F Wing Slot
PA Power O F Wing Slot
HB Power O F Wing Slot
PA Counter Str F Wing Slot
X Curl F Wing Slot
HB Dive F Wing Slot
HB Slip Screen F Wing Slot
HB Stretch F Wing Slot
H Misdirection Str F Wing Slot
H Power Toss F Wing Slot
PA Boot Lt F Wing Slot
HB Draw F Wing Slot
Y Stick F Wing Slot
Slants Doubles Flex
HB Power O Doubles Flex
HB Draw Doubles Flex
PA Y Glance Doubles Flex
HB Slip Screen Doubles Flex
Z Spot Doubles Flex
Curl Flats Doubles Flex
TE Post Doubles Flex
HB Dive Z Motion Doubles Flex
HB Blunt Dive Doubles Flex
Slot Post Doubles Flex
Flanker Drive Doubles Flex
PA HB Curl Doubles Flex
Inside Cross Doubles Flex
Y Shallow Cross Doubles Flex
Double Slants Doubles Flex
HB Slam Doubles Flex
PA Dbl Posts Doubles Flex
PA Deep In Doubles Flex
HB Dive Doubles Flex
HB Stretch Doubles Flex
Four Verticals Doubles Flex
Flanker Dig Doubles Flex
Slot Cross Doubles Flex
Whip Ins Doubles Flex
Double Outs Doubles Flex
PA Sail Dig Wing Slot
H Misdirection Str Wing Slot
HB Slam Wing Slot
PA Rollout Wing Slot
Counter U Wing Slot
HB Zone Wk Wing Slot
HB Stretch Wing Slot
Inside Zone Split Wing Slot
Zone Fake Jet Wing Slot
PA TE Scissors Wing Slot
Four Verticals Wing Slot
PA Jet Sweep Wing Slot
Slot Deep Wing Slot
PA Double Dig (M20) Wing Slot
Quick Slant Wing Slot
PA Fork Wing Slot
HB Ace Power Wing Slot
PA Y Screen Wing Slot
HB Power O Wing Slot
PA Counter Str Wing Slot
PA Y Drag Wing Slot
Jet Sweep Wing Slot
Mesh Spot Wing Slot
HB Slip Screen Wing Slot
U Drive Wing Slot
Bubble Screen Wing Slot
PA FL Dive Wing Slot
HB Zone Alert Bubble Wing Slot
PA Boot Slide (M20) Wing Slot
PA Y Cross Flood Wing Slot
HB Blunt Dive Wing Slot
PA Y-Drag Wheel Wing Slot
PA Sail X Post Wing Slot
PA Boot Y Sail (M20) Wing Slot
PA Post Shot Wing Slot
X Curl Wing Slot
X Return Wing Slot
PA Slot N Go Wing Slot
X Out N Up Wing Slot
Y Stick Wing Slot
26 Duo Wing Slot
U Drive Check Wing Slot
PA Sprint HB Flat Wing Slot
Slot Post Wing Slot
H Zone Str Wing Slot
HB Power Wing Slot
PA Cross Dig Shot Wing Slot
HB Dive Wing Slot
PA Power O Wing Slot
Off Tackle Wing Slot
Stick Nod Vertical Wing Slot
HB Misdirection Wing Slot
Dragon Spacing Wing Slot
PA Fork Wing Slot
Dagger Wing Slot
PA Y Corner Wing Slot
Smash Wing Slot
PA Boot (M20) Wing Slot
PA Boot Slide Wing Slot
PA Dagger Wing Slot
Jet 6 Drive Wheel Wing Slot
Four Verticals Y Trips
HB Pump Draw Y Trips
Y-Seam Curl Y Trips
Slot 2 Buc Y Trips
Stick Y Trips
Inside Zone Y Trips
HB Stretch Y Trips
01 Trap Y Trips
PA WR In Y Trips
Levels Switch Y Trips
PA Stretch Y Trips
Curls Y Trips
Slot Out Y Trips
HB Plunge Y Trips
HB Stretch Alert X Lookie Y Trips
Pats Zig Y Trips
HB Slip Screen Y Trips
HB Draw Y Trips
Y Shallow Cross Y Trips
Y Trail Y Trips
PA Read Y Trips
Seams Z Fade Y Trips
Double China Y Trips
WR Screen Y Trips
PA Cross Up Y Trips
Sluggo Seam Y Trips
HB Counter Y Trips
HB Blunt Dive Y Trips
PA Slot Cross Y Trips
Slot Drive Y Trips
SE Cross Y Trips
Mesh Y Trips
PA Corner Post Y Trips
Curls Combo Y Trips
Deep Comebacks Y Trips
Smash Y Trips
PA Ctr Waggle Y Trips
HB Zone Wk Alert Bubble Y Trips
PA Power O Y Trips
HB Dive Y Trips
HB Dive Wing Tight Z
HB Counter U Wing Tight Z
H Zone Str Wing Tight Z
H Power Toss Wing Tight Z
PA Power O Wing Tight Z
26 Duo Wing Tight Z
PA Misdirection Wing Tight Z
HB Smash Wing Tight Z
Curl Flat Wing Tight Z
PA Y-Drag Wheel Wing Tight Z
Dagger Wing Tight Z
TE Attack Wing Tight Z
HB Counter Wk Wing Tight Z
Curl Flat Seam Wing Tight Z
HB Stretch Wing Tight Z
Drive Wing Tight Z
PA Y Corner Wing Tight Z
Wide Zone Wk Wing Tight Z
PA Rams Counter Wing Tight Z
HB Power O Wing Tight Z
H Misdirection Wk Wing Tight Z
HB Inside Zone Wing Tight Z
PA Boot Lt Wing Tight Z
Y Stick Wing Tight Z
PA Middle Wing Tight Z
Slants Doubles Y Open
Mtn Stick N Nod Doubles Y Open
Four Verticals Doubles Y Open
Bubble Screen Doubles Y Open
HB Dive Doubles Y Open
Y Cross Flood Doubles Y Open
Inside Cross Doubles Y Open
PA Slot Crosses Doubles Y Open
HB Draw Doubles Y Open
QB Draw Doubles Y Open
Mtn Y Stick Doubles Y Open
HB Slip Screen Doubles Y Open
PA Slide Y Off Trio
HB Power O Y Off Trio
HB Slant 18 Y Off Trio
Slants Y Off Trio
PA Cross Dig Y Off Trio
Curl Flat Y Off Trio
Four Verticals Y Off Trio
Mtn Zone Wk Y Off Trio
Inside Cross Y Off Trio
Mesh Y Off Trio
PA Y Glance Y Off Trio
Y Shallow Cross Y Off Trio

Playbooks Using Singleback Formation

Teams with Playbooks That Use Singleback Formation

Arizona CardinalsArizona Cardinals Atlanta FalconsAtlanta Falcons Baltimore RavensBaltimore Ravens
Buffalo BillsBuffalo Bills Carolina PanthersCarolina Panthers Chicago BearsChicago Bears
Cincinnati BengalsCincinnati Bengals Cleveland BrownsCleveland Browns Dallas CowboysDallas Cowboys
Denver BroncosDenver Broncos Detroit LionsDetroit Lions Green Bay PackersGreen Bay Packers
Houston TexansHouston Texans Indianapolis ColtsIndianapolis Colts Jacksonville JaguarsJacksonville Jaguars
Kansas City ChiefsKansas City Chiefs Las Vegas RaidersLas Vegas Raiders Los Angeles ChargersLos Angeles Chargers
Los Angeles RamsLos Angeles Rams Miami DolphinsMiami Dolphins Minnesota VikingsMinnesota Vikings
New England PatriotsNew England Patriots New Orleans SaintsNew Orleans Saints New York GiantsNew York Giants
New York JetsNew York Jets Philadelphia EaglesPhiladelphia Eagles Pittsburgh SteelersPittsburgh Steelers
San Francisco 49ersSan Francisco 49ers Seattle SeahawksSeattle Seahawks Tampa Bay BuccaneersTampa Bay Buccaneers
Tennessee TitansTennessee Titans Washington CommandersWashington Commanders

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Madden 25 NFL - Playbooks Partial

Playbooks and Formations

All Team Playbooks

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Jacksonville JaguarsJacksonville Jaguars Offensive Playbook
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Los Angeles ChargersLos Angeles Chargers Offensive Playbook
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NY JetsNY Jets Offensive Playbook
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Philadelphia EaglesPhiladelphia Eagles Offensive Playbook
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San Francisco 49ersSan Francisco 49ers Offensive Playbook
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Tennessee TitansTennessee Titans Offensive Playbook
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Washington CommandersWashington Commanders Offensive Playbook
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Offensive Formations

Far Full House Goal Line (Offense)
Shotgun Near I Form
Singleback Pistol Power I
Strong I Weak I Wildcat

Defensive Formations

46 3-4 3-3-5
4-3 4-4 5-2
Big Nickel Dime Goal Line (Defense)
Dollar Nickel Prevent
Quarter - -


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