Madden NFL 25

Best Franchise Mode Role: Coach or Owner?

Madden NFL 25 - Best Franchise Role

Coach and Owner are two roles that you can choose from in Franchise mode of Madden NFL 25. Read on to learn what is the best role in Franchise mode, as well the differences between Coach and Owner.

Best Franchise Mode Role

Choose Owner to Get the Most Content

Madden NFL 25 - Owner Role

The best role to get the full experience of Franchise Mode is Owner. As an Owner, you will have full control of managing the finances of your team, such as setting prices on merchandise and upgrading facilities of the team's stadium.

Owners are also responsible for maintaining Fan Happiness, which affects the number of people attending your games.

Also Acts as Head Coach

Madden NFL 25 - Franchise Player Lineup

With Owner, you get the most out of both Franchise roles since you will also be acting as the Head Coach of the team, including its responsibilities like choosing Playbooks and adjusting lineups and Formations.

Storylines and Season Goals are Absent

Madden NFL 25 - Set Season Goal.png

The only downside to being an Owner is that you will miss out on Dynamic Storylines which are choice-driven story arcs that affect your team's morale and growth, as well as Season Goals which allow you to earn extra Staff Points.

Coach and Owner Differences

Owner Coach
・Manage Team Finances
・Set Merchandise Prices
・Upgrade, Relocate, and Rebuild Stadium
・Maintain Fan Happiness
・Also acts as Head Coach
・Sign, Trade, Draft Players
・View Marketing Sales and Popularity
・Dynamic Storylines
・Season Goals
・Upgrade one's own Talents
・Sign, Trade, Draft Players
・Relocate and Rebuild Stadium (Can't upgrade facilities)

Owners Can Set Prices and Upgrade Stadiums

Madden NFL 25 - Set Prices on Merchandise

Owners can manage prices for all merchandise that the team sells. They also have the power to upgrade the facilities of the Stadium, such as its parking lots, bathrooms, and concessions. This makes the fans of your team happy and to keep them buying tickets and watching games.

Get Feedback from Advisors

Madden NFL 25 - Advisor Feedback

Owners also have advisors that provide them with feedback on how they handle sales. These include points for improvement and if fans are overall content with the franchise's decisions.

Coaches Have Storylines and Season Goals

Madden NFL 25 - Franchise Mode Storyline Choices

The only things unique to Coaches are that they can participate in Dynamic Storylines and set Season Goals.

Storylines allow you to interact with players, the media, and staff to boost morale and provide attribute bonuses for a few games. Season Goals on the other hand lets you achieve in-game objectives to earn bonus Staff Points that you can use to upgrade Staff Talents.

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