Madden NFL 25

Scouting Combine Guide: All Drills

Madden NFL 25 - Scouting Combine
This is a guide for all the possible drills during the Scouting Combine in Madden NFL 25. Read on to learn how to ace all the basic and position-specific drills, as well as additional information on what the Scouting Combine is!

Combine Position-Specific Drills

Position-Specific Drills are exercises meant to showcase your proficiency, execution, and knowledge of your position's responsibilities. Performing well in these drills highly influences your draft placement!

Jump to a Position!

Quarterback (QB) Drills

Under Construction!

Halfback (HB) Drills

Controls PC Xbox PlayStation
Mouse Left Button/Shift(Left and Hold)
XBOX - Right Trigger PS4 - R2 Button
Juke Left/Dead Leg/Juke Right
A ButtonS ButtonD Button
XBOX - Right Stick(Left/Right)
PS4 - Right Stick(Left/Right)
Spin F Button XBOX - B Button PS4 - Circle Button

Cut Reaction Drill 1

For the first HB drill, you will test your cut reactions by going through each hotspot and then juking the dummy at the last second possible after they tilt to the side to reach the hotspot.

Cut Reaction Drill 3

After getting handed the ball, you must run to the hotspot by juking or spinning groups of randomized dummies. As the time is much more strict here, it is recommended to stop your sprint before juking to have a quicker juke animation!

How to Juke

RB Route Tree

The easiest of the three, you will run a route towards the hot spot and catch a pass. For the last drill, always remember to hold your left stick back after catching the ball to stop yourself from stepping out of the hotspot.

Wide Receiver (WR) Drills

Controls PC Xbox PlayStation
Call for Ball Space Button XBOX - A Button PS4 - X Button
RAC Catch (Offense) Q Button XBOX - X Button PS4 - Square Button
Possession Catch (Offense) E Button XBOX - A Button PS4 - X Button
Aggressive Catch (Offense) R Button XBOX - Y Button PS4 - Triangle Button

WR Route Tree

For the first four drills, you will run through WR routes to reach the hotspot before catching the ball. Do RACs for the first three drills, then do an Aggressive catch on the last one!

Call for Ball

The last four drills are challenging to complete, as you will have to run through different points, and then call for a pass before receiving the ball on the hotspot.

It is recommended to do a Possession Catch for the first three drills, then do an Aggressive Catch on the last one! The call timing depends on the distance you traveled, but the general rule is to call for the ball as you reach the third point of the route.

Linebacker (LB) Drills

Under Construction!

Cornerback (CB) Drills

Under Construction!

Combine Basic Drills

Basic Drills are fundamental exercises and are performed regardless of the position you are choosing. These drills boost the fundamental stats for your character depending on your performance!

All Basic Drills

40-Yard Dash

The 40-Yard Dash assesses how quickly your Superstar sprints through the field, dictating the additional Speed and Acceleration you start with.

Tips for 40-Yard Dash

  • Instead of waiting for Release, let go of the stick buttons as soon as 1 disappears.
  • Prioritize alternating the Run buttons rather than quickly pressing them.
  • Only press the Dig Deep button when the game slows down while still pressing the Run buttons.

Bench Press

The Bench Press tests your Superstar's physical capabilities by having you bench 225 lbs as much as possible. Performing well in this drill awards you with additional starting Strength and Stamina.

Tips for Bench Press

  • Optimally, try stopping at the edge of the green bars to sneak in more reps by avoiding stamina penalties.
  • It is recommended to use a controller for the bench press as you can easily access the bumpers while not letting go of the stick buttons.
  • Press the bumpers simultaneously, not alternatively to recover stamina.

Broad Jump

The Broad Jump shows your Superstar's jumping capabilities and reaction time by measuring your jump distance after a prompt. Performing well in this drill awards you with additional starting Jump prowess.

Tips for Broad Jump

  • The mini-game is significantly easier executed with keyboard controls as you have more accuracy with the radial.
  • It is okay to not max out the power bar, however, consistently keep it at the red zone.
  • Do not immediately risk an input when the radial reveals the green area. Accuracy gains you more distance than speed.

20 Yard Shuttle

The 20 Yard Shuttle evaluates how agile your Superstar is by having you quickly shift your sense of balance after reaching each end. Performing well in this drill awards you with additional starting Change of Direction

Tips for Yard Shuffle

  • Like with the Broad Jump, the mini-game is significantly made easier with keyboard controls.
  • The drill starts with a radial input, so be ready to react quickly.
  • While speed is your priority here, try to be as accurate as possible.

What is the Scouting Combine?

Physical Evaluations for Draft Placement

Madden NFL 25 - Physical Evaluation for Draft Placement
The Scouting Combine is the NFL's method in determining a rising talent's draft placement for team recruitment by assessing their physical aptitude and proficiency at their position. For all of the new blood, the Scouting Combine is where their career starts!

List of All Divisions and Teams

Increase in Skills

Madden NFL 25 - Increase in Skills
When your Superstar exceeds their expected results during the basic drills, they will receive a permanent additional rating skill rating correlated with the exercise. Make sure to always get an A rating for all of the drills to get a permanent +5 boost to corresponding skills!

All Stats and Attributes Explained

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