Madden NFL 25

How to Pass

Passes in MADDEN NFL 25 have different variations for all scenarios to ensure your playmaking in mind. Read on to learn how to pass, including the different passing types, as well as the associated abilities and stats for passing!

How to Pass

Types of Passes

Action Input
Lob Pass Quickly Tap the Pass Key
Touch Pass Hold the Pass Key and Let Go
Bullet Pass Fully Hold the Pass Key

Lob Pass

To throw a Lob Pass, tap the pass key. Doing so will throw the ball in a large arc, often reaching high altitudes. Using a Lob Pass is usually applied to deep pass situations, and you are pushing for an aggressive push.

The downside of a Lob Pass is that it is easily interceptable by a player who knows it is coming. The opposing player will send a defender to the receiver running towards the goal and cancel any attempts of a lob pass push.

Touch Pass

Perform a Touch Pass by pressing and holding the pass key, then let go quickly. Doing so will throw the ball in a slightly arched but controlled manner. The Touch Pass is the most stable to catch out of the three and is best used when there is moderate distance between the QB and Receiver.

Its easy-to-catch nature, however, is also applicable to opponents if thrown haphazardly. Make sure to pass if your receiver has a clear route.

How to Throw a Touch Pass

Bullet Pass

To do a Bullet Pass, press and fully hold the pass key until the meter fills up. Doing so will throw the ball directly to the receiver. The Bullet Pass is the fastest way to get the ball to another player and is applied when you need to secure a fast pass up close.

However, a bullet pass should not be performed if your receiver is being checked by a defender as it is easy to knock away and deflect.

Altitude of Passes

Action Input
High Pass
Alt Button + Pass Key
PS4 - L2 Button + Pass Key
XBOX - Left Trigger + Pass Key
Low Pass
Ctrl Button + Pass Key
PS4 - L1 Button + Pass Key
XBOX - Left Bumper + Pass Key

Note: PC (Left), PS (Middle), XBOX (Right)

High Pass

You can perform a High Pass by holding the Alt, L2, or the Left Trigger button in conjunction with the different types of passes. While a risky tactic, it is recommended to perform a High Pass if your receiver is swarmed and you need them to try and contest the catch.

Low Pass

You can let loose a Low Pass by holding the Left Ctrl, L1, or the Left Bumper button when paired with the different types of passes. At the risk of a low-accuracy pass, the best time to use a Low Pass is if you want to avoid interceptions.

In scenarios where the defender is directly behind your target, throwing a low pass is recommended since they will not be able to intercept it.

Pass Abilities

Madden NFL 25- Run & Gun.pngRun & Gun Madden NFL 25 - X-Factor.png Type: X-Factor
Many passers use a combination mobility and aggressiveness to make big plays. When they enter the zone; they have perfect accuracy while throwing on the run.
Madden NFL 25- Anchored Extender.pngAnchored Extender Madden NFL 25 - Superstar.png Type: Superstar
While in the pocket; passers with this ability are almost guaranteed to break the first sack attempt by a blitzing defensive back.
Madden NFL 25- Dashing Deadeye.pngDashing Deadeye Madden NFL 25 - Superstar.png Type: Superstar
Passers with this ability have perfect accuracy on all throws under 40 yards while running outside the pocket (except on high/low throws).
Madden NFL 25- Fastbreak.pngFastbreak Madden NFL 25 - Superstar.png Type: Superstar
Passers with this ability receive better blocking support on designed quarterback run plays.
Madden NFL 25- Fearless.pngFearless Madden NFL 25 - Superstar.png Type: Superstar
Passers with this ability are immune to throw penalties caused by defensive pressure while their feet are set in the pocket.
Madden NFL 25- Gutsy Scrambler.pngGutsy Scrambler Madden NFL 25 - Superstar.png Type: Superstar
Passers with this ability are immune to throw penalties caused by defensive pressure while on the run.
Madden NFL 25- High Point Deadeye.pngHigh Point Deadeye Madden NFL 25 - Superstar.png Type: Superstar
Passers with this ability have perfect accuracy on any high point throws under 20 yards.
Madden NFL 25- Hot Route Master.pngHot Route Master Madden NFL 25 - Superstar.png Type: Superstar
Passers with this ability have access to four extra hot routes during pre-play adjustments.
Madden NFL 25- Inside Deadeye.pngInside Deadeye Madden NFL 25 - Superstar.png Type: Superstar
Passers with this ability have perfect accuracy on all throws inside the numbers (except on high/low throws).
Madden NFL 25- Lofting Deadeye.pngLofting Deadeye Madden NFL 25 - Superstar.png Type: Superstar
Passers with this ability have perfect accuracy on all lob or touch passes (except high/low and cross-body throws).
Madden NFL 25- No-Look Deadeye.pngNo-Look Deadeye Madden NFL 25 - Superstar.png Type: Superstar
Passers with this ability have perfect accuracy on all cross-body throws up to 20 yards (except on high/low throws).
Madden NFL 25- Pass Lead Elite.pngPass Lead Elite Madden NFL 25 - Superstar.png Type: Superstar
Passers with this ability have increased throw power on bullet precision passes (except on high/low throws).
Madden NFL 25- Red Zone Deadeye.pngRed Zone Deadeye Madden NFL 25 - Superstar.png Type: Superstar
Passers with this ability have perfect accuracy on all unpressured throws inside the red zone (except on high/low throws).
Madden NFL 25- Roaming Deadeye.pngRoaming Deadeye Madden NFL 25 - Superstar.png Type: Superstar
Passers with this ability have perfect accuracy on all unpressured throws while their feet are set outside the pocket (except on high/low throws).
Madden NFL 25- Set Feet Lead.pngSet Feet Lead Madden NFL 25 - Superstar.png Type: Superstar
Passers with this ability have increased throw power on bullet precision passes made while their feet are set (except on high/low throws).
Madden NFL 25- Sideline Deadeye.pngSideline Deadeye Madden NFL 25 - Superstar.png Type: Superstar
Passers with this ability have perfect accuracy on all throws outside the numbers (except on high/low throws).
Madden NFL 25- Tight Out.pngTight Out Madden NFL 25 - Superstar.png Type: Superstar
Passers with this ability improve the catching prowess of all tight ends who are open on pass plays.
Arm Talent Madden NFL 25 - Superstar.png Type: Superstar
Passers with this ability have increased velocity on bullet passes
Short Deadeye Madden NFL 25 - Superstar.png Type: Superstar
Passers with this ability have increased accuracy on all short passes while their feet are set and not under pressure (except on high/low throws)
Mid Deadeye Madden NFL 25 - Superstar.png Type: Superstar
Passers with this ability have increased accuracy on all medium passes while their feet are set and not under pressure (except on high/low throws)
Deep Deadeye Madden NFL 25 - Superstar.png Type: Superstar
Passers with this ability have increased accuracy on all deep passes while their feet are set and not under pressure (except on high/low throws)
Mobile Deadeye Madden NFL 25 - Superstar.png Type: Superstar
Passers with this ability have perfect accuracy on all unpressured throws while standing outside the pocket (except on high/low/crossbody throws)
Pressure Cooker Madden NFL 25 - Superstar.png Type: Superstar
Passers with this ability have benefits for throwing under pressure (faster animations/immunity to throw penalties)
Immovable Object Madden NFL 25 - Superstar.png Type: Superstar
Passers with this ability can break through the first sack attempt by a blitzing defensive back

List of All Abilities

Pass Stats

Stat Description
Throw Power (THP) Determines how far a player will be able to throw the ball.
Throw Under Pressure (TUP) Determines passing accuracy when throwing under pressure
Throw Accuracy Short (SAC) Determines the accuracy of throws under 20 yards.
Throw Accuracy Mid (MAC) Determines the accuracy of throws between 20-40 yards.
Throw Accuracy Deep (DAC) Determines the accuracy of throws of more than 40 yards.
Play Action (PAC) Determines the player's effectiveness in faking out plays against defenders.
Passing Finesse Moves (FMV) Determines how effective a player uses his speed and agility to get through defensive linemen.

All Stats and Attributes Explained

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