Madden NFL 25

Franchise Scouting Guide

Madden NFL 25 - Franchise Scouting Guide

Scouting is a good way to find players to fill Positions on your team in Franchise mode of Madden NFL 25. Read on to learn how to scout players, as well as tips in scouting.

How to Scout Players in Franchise Mode

How to Scout Players in Franchise Mode

Hire Scouts with Appropriate Expertise

In Week 1 of the Regular Season, start hiring scouts with expertise in Positions that your roster needs. You can find which positions your team is lacking under Team Needs on the right side of the Hire Scouts menu.

Assign Scouts in the Correct Region

Each Region will show you what Positions they mostly have in their area. You can assign a Scout who is an expert in those Positions to look for potential players. Correctly assigning a scout to a region will reveal more details about a prospect much faster.

Check Prospect Board Weekly

Each week, Scouts will turn in their reports on a prospect's information, and you can check them in the Prospect board under the Scout College Players menu. Here, you'll find each Prospect's Attributes and Archetypes.

Most information will be blank at first, but as the weeks go by, details of a Prospect will slowly be revealed as the Scouts get more info on them, so be sure to check back often!

Scout Percent Reveals Type of Info Shown

Madden NFL 25 - Scout Percentage

The Scout percentage column determines how well your Scouts have researched a prospect. Here's a detailed breakdown on what kind of information they reveal:

Percent Information Unlocked
20% Player Archetype
45% Letter Grade ranges are revealed for all Skills.
70% Letter Grade ranges are refined to a 2-letter range
90% True Draft Talent is revealed
100% Single Letter Grades are revealed for all Skills

Franchise Scouting Tips

Franchise Scouting Tips

Fire Scouts You Do Not Need

If a Scout's Position Expertise do not match with what your team is looking for, you can fire them and hire new ones from the Free Agent scouts who's expertise aligns with what your team needs.

Assign 3-Star Scouts in National Region

The National Region covers the whole country. Assigning your 3-Star Scout will research all details of the players across the nation and ensure you get information on them as complete as possible.

Focus on One Position in National Scouting Focus

During the National Scouting Focus in Week 8, you can start focusing on one Position in the National Region. Make sure the Scout assigned there is focusing on a Player Position that you really need to get for an additional 20% research bonus.

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