Infinity Nikki

Raging Sack Location and Drops

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Raging Sack is a type of Esseling in Infinity Nikki. Read on to know where to find Raging Sack, its item drops, and learn how to beat Raging Sack.

All Raging Sack Locations

Where to Find Raging Sack

Enemy Locations
Firework Isles

As of writing, the Raging Sack is exclusive to the Firework Isles, and can be found around the map and in its caverns.

Firework Isles Map and Exploration Guide

Raging Sack Map Locations

Location Map Location Overworld Location
Firework Isles

The Raging Sack can be found sparsely around the Firework Isles area, but also in any of the four caves on the island.

Interactive Map and Exploration Guides

Raging Sack Item Drops

Raging Sack

All Items
Furious RibbonFurious Ribbon

Upon succesfully purifying a Raging Sack you will immediately obtain a Furious Ribbon as a reward.

Furious Ribbon is a crafting material used to craft clothes and items.

List of Crafting Materials

Other Item Drops

Item Drops Amount

Defeating any Esselings, including Raging Sack, grants a fixed amount of Bling and Thread of Purity.

List of All Items

Raging Sack Basic Information

Raging Sack Overview

Raging Sack Enemy Information
Raging Sack Image Raging Sack
Esseling Type Enemy
Unique Drop Furious Ribbon

How to Beat Raging Sack

Use the Purification Outfit Ability

Infinity Nikki Purify the Esselings

All Esselings, including Raging Sack, can be defeated using the Wind of Purity's outfit ability.

This ability launches purifying orbs that serve as Nikki's attack, effectively eliminating these enemies.

Combat Guide: How to Fight

Infinity Nikki Related Guides

Infinity Nikki - Esselings

Esselings Guide: All Enemy Locations

All Esselings

All Esselings
Sad SackSad Sack Tough OctopackTough Octopack SankiousSankious
Spear SackSpear Sack Greedy PouchGreedy Pouch Bitey BagBitey Bag
Hard SackHard Sack Jelly PouchJelly Pouch Lonely SackLonely Sack
Radical OctopackRadical Octopack SssackSssack Trick-o-BagTrick-o-Bag
Harsh SssackHarsh Sssack Trap SharkTrap Shark Grudge BagGrudge Bag
Raging SackRaging Sack

All Bosses

All Esselings
BouldyBouldy Caged Greed Wish Master: ChigdaWish Master: Chigda
Dark BouquetDark Bouquet


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